Although the output is indeed a problem, there is output at any rate, not 0, which cannot be produced.

Gu Qing had an idea early on. The money he earned for stud factory construction, purchase of equipment, and construction of research laboratories, 90 million can only be said to be high-quality, small-scale troubles, and some parts still need to be manufactured. The expansion of the scale depends on the sales of the products this time.

Collecting deposits and finding bank loans are all ways to get money.

However, everything is going well. There are no major problems with the four products of the two series, but the precision of the mold needs to be adjusted, and the functions are stable.

Then there is a new round of testing and equipment debugging.

Just produce, experiment, find out the problem, solve the debugging, produce...

Until August 1st, the Daxia Intelligent Robot Industry Expo was held.

When Gu Qing was eating fried buns in front of his company's booth, he still felt a little dazed.

He obviously went through the rehearsal process before, but he didn't realize it until now.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, it is finally about to be pulled out.

Because this is the first exposition, and it is an official event finalized by Daxia, the scale of the exposition is very large, and the opening ceremony is even more lively and grand.

Many familiar characters from TV came, whether in politics or business, among them Jack Ma and Liu Qiangdong were surrounded by the crowd.

Of course, these two industries also have robots, such as sorting robots in large smart warehouses, smart cars for food delivery, various cloud smart programs based on large databases and the law of throwing money and robbing people, and so on.

They have too much capital, and they operate countless industries. Today's high-tech expo, tomorrow's agricultural exhibition, the day after tomorrow environmental protection conference, and the day after tomorrow food safety conference...

This is very dangerous, at least in Gu Qing's view, it is too tasteless.

Capital is profit-seeking, so it will occupy all profitable industries as much as possible to extract profits, and then expand, make money, expand...

That's why it is said that capital has no borders, and it even has no race. As long as there is greed and profit, it will be there.

Thoughts were rolling in my mind, and after thinking about it, these two crocodiles disappeared after talking a few words surrounded by the cameras.

Only then did the leaders and the media shift their attention and began to pay attention to other technology industries and scientific research institutions.

Of course, we should pay attention to the products of leading companies and institutions at the front of the expo and with the largest booths.

Of course, according to the usual practice, after the leaders and the media have finished shopping around, they will take a few more steps to the sites of these small and medium-sized enterprises, shake hands, look at the products, express some emotions, and then take pictures. Everyone is happy End the first round of steps.

Saying this is a bit blunt, but it is true.

But today's expo is the first intelligent robot industry expo in Daxia after all, and Daxia's central media will interview and shoot the whole process, and some scenes will be on the program with the highest ratings every night without accident.

So a lot of people have a dream of, well, a dream of becoming famous overnight.

"You have come to work in our Jiuzhou company since you graduated from university. Are you nervous today? There may be a reporter from the central media later."

Gu Qing asked with a smile.

Zhang Tianhao was the closest, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said loudly: "I was nervous at first, but after setting up the exhibition, I was covered in sweat, and suddenly I didn't feel nervous."

"Don't be nervous, why are you trembling? Just now, when Jack Ma and other big shots were crowded in front of you, you stood on the seat and watched." Luo Yunjia laughed and exposed Zhang Tianhao's lies.

"Here we come, the leaders and the media are about to arrive at our home appliance area." A project team member ran over panting.

When the weather is officially hot in August, although the expo has air-conditioning indoors, people's hearts are still a little hot.

Gu Qing nodded, handed the young man a bottle of mineral water, turned his head and said to the crowd: "After polishing the matter, check whether the temporary water-proof glass under our exhibition is firmly attached. Have you changed the rain boots on your feet, so as not to pollute other places later."

"It's working, it's working."

Zhang Tianhao is the most active one. After all, the water-proof glass on the ground of his exhibition is made for his products.

Gu Qing, on the other hand, turned on his mobile phone and hacked into the security monitoring system of the expo by means of 【Xuanwu】. The screens on the mobile phone kept switching, and finally found the movements of the leaders and the media.

After all, according to his plan, the most critical step should not be early or late, and the leaders must be present in person to be effective.

As for what plan?

You can see it right away. Anyway, the other employees who know about this are a little flustered. After all, it is easy to go in and pick up soap for a few days when making troubles at an expo of this scale these days.

Gu Qing seemed calm. Looking at the screen, the leaders walked in step by step until he looked up. In his field of vision, a leader whom he had seen on TV was about to walk to the booth, and some of the cameras had already pointed to his own booth. .

Only then did Gu Qing softly say: "Okay, let's pour."


The originally clean and smooth floor of the booth was instantly stained, with dirty colored liquid flowing slowly, and a not-so-pleasant stench rising into the sky.

"Grass, why is it so smelly all of a sudden?"

"Wow, this smell, did the toilet explode?"

People who were close could not help but glance around, and soon located the booth of Kyushu Technology.

The leaders and reporters who were smiling or serious were naturally the fish in the pond. Looking around, a few steps away, there was a booth full of sewage, and on this sewage, there was a group of Young man, moving equipment.

Yang Dongguo has been up and down in the officialdom for decades, and he has never seen any scene. When encountering such a thing, he did not show disgust at the first time.

He walked forward quickly, with a friendly attitude and a concerned tone: "Are you okay? Don't worry, the staff will come to clean up the pollution for you right away."

Outside the relatively small booth, Yang Gaoguan's concern was naturally captured by countless cameras, of course, the signboard of Kyushu Technology and the frowning Gu Qing were also captured.

"The scene information is loaded, please pay attention to the sensor status."

Three large sweeping robots with white bodies and a new look made a mechanical sound, and the sensor on the booth wall flashed a green light.

The functions of cleaning, sweeping, disinfection, and fresh air have already been preset, so...

"The intelligent strong cleaning mode is starting, please pay attention to protecting precious items, animals, and infants." The mechanical sound sounded.

Then I saw the water flow and the breeze blowing around the three barrel-shaped robots, and as the three robots moved slowly, the sewage on the booth floor was quickly sucked clean.

PS: Thank you for your dreams come true, kuxiao everyone for your votes, hey, good night

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