No matter how long the advertisement is, there will be an end. The leader's schedule is naturally tight, so soon, the crowd at Kyushu Technology's booth gradually thinned out.

But fortunately, some self-media and tourists stayed.

The self-media is naturally thoughtful, [Boundary Monument] this national optimization software, one does not advertise (referring to traditional advertisements such as TV and posters), and the other does not charge, it is simply a wonderful work among many software, but this strange work is still Very useful.

There are many people who have to change their mobile phones because of the freezing problem of their Android phones. It is because of this software that the replacement time is delayed.

Of course, there are still many people who like it, and the performance is accelerated.

Domestic mobile phones worth two to three thousand yuan are actually smoother to use than foreign phones worth five to six thousand yuan, and playing games is even more optimized.

However, few people know about the company of this software, and there is even very little information on the company's official website.

Today, the big boss of their company actually appeared, which is considered news, and the boss looks very young.

Watching a large group of people leave, Gu Qing's eyes also calmed down.

Looking at the other people who were still excited, he smiled and said, "I'm back to my senses, everyone is gone."

"Ah? Ah. Boss, is the leader of Pudong talking to us just now?" Zhang Tianhao was still a little excited. After all, this may be the top of the rich and powerful that ordinary people can get in touch with, especially the leaders of places like Pudong...

Gu Qing nodded and said: "Didn't you see the media with long guns and short guns? Only by this person can there be such a battle."

"This kind of top leader is not very old, and I'm afraid he will be able to..." Zhang Tianhao said excitedly.

"Stop, stop, there are still a lot of people here, don't let the media hear about it?" Gu Qing immediately interrupted the young man's fantasy, nipping the danger of 404 in the bud.

"Excuse me, is your Kyushu Technology the company that developed the Android mobile phone software [Boundary Monument]?" A girl with a camera on her neck came to the booth and asked.

It's just that she was just one step ahead, and other colleagues also trotted over, and some tourists who had just watched the excitement also squeezed over.

"I am bilibili's UP master fire skill..."

"Mr. Gu, we are..."

"Is the sweeping robot of your company really capable of cleaning so much?"


Facing the suddenly crowded booth, Gu Qing and his party were all young people. They had never seen so many people rushing to ask questions, and they were all at a loss.

"Please don't rush in, please line up, please line up in two lines, tourists who need to inquire about products line up on my left, media friends please line up on my right."

Gu Qing picked up the small loudspeaker and roared. After the crowd was diverted and lined up, everyone felt the pressure was greatly relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the team brought in are all young people involved in the development, they can basically solve the problems of consulting products, and sometimes even some professional terms, tourists will be a little confused.

When dealing with the media, Gu Qing could only show his old face. He originally thought it should be easy, but after chatting for a few times, he also got annoyed.

These media people, just like checking household registration, ask everything. Gu Qing can only ask this kind of question three times without answering, and then ask a lot about [Boundary Monument].

Some people even asked: "Your company's products do not support the Apple system. It can be said that the technology is not strong enough, but it does not support foreign mobile phones that also run the Android system. Is there any problem to consider?"

For this kind of question that is easy to break out big melons (news), Boss Gu smiled and shook his head to indicate the next one.

It's a pity that the next person still asked about [Boundary Monument].

Obviously it's a piece of physical hardware. At the booths of home smart machine manufacturers, all the questions were about software and mobile phones.

But I can't spray these whether I understand the rules or not.

Just when Gu Qing smiled and motioned the other party to talk about the booth products, someone finally rescued him.

It is a staff member of the exposition organizer.

Because it is an official event, these media people still dare not run on these staff.

The person who came showed his work ID, and then said: "Hello, Mr. Gu, I am the organizer of the expo. We have cooperation with the e-commerce platform. I don't know if your company's products need to be put on the e-commerce platform. If you need If so, I can help your company contact the representatives of these platforms and discuss cooperation matters with each other."

Come on, after dozing off for a long time, the pillow finally arrived.

This is what Gu Qing wants.

Without a little strength, ordinary small companies discussing cooperation with these platforms will simply be picked up to death by Zhou.

It is true that there is no commission for transactions on the shelves of products on the platform.

But you need to be exposed, otherwise relying on natural traffic, among hundreds of millions of products, how many people can see your product, unless you encounter all the hot words, but even so, the platform can block your hot words.

Therefore, advertising positions, recommended positions, top search positions, product related positions...

Regional promotion, targeted promotion of industry products, big data promotion...

These are all "clearly priced". Many small business owners open online stores, and the initial investment is not storage fees, but "advertising fees", which is so "strong".

And to avoid Zhou Papi's first pickpocketing, it must rely on "policy".

Only official cooperation projects such as helping agriculture, rural areas and college students to start a business can get good advertising space and promotion from the platform for free.

As the first Daxia Intelligent Robot Industry Expo, the official has always cooperated with e-commerce and media to provide cooperation for participating companies or research institutes.

The products that can participate in the exhibition, no matter how poor they are, are above the level of quality, and the platform can also obtain high-quality product suppliers, forming a good relationship and a win-win situation.

Of course, after careful calculation, N wins, the organization department has won word of mouth and influence, consumers can have more high-quality products, the company can develop better with funds, and Daxia's competitiveness in this industry has increased...

Cooperation is discussed in a conference room.

Representatives of relevant personnel from several major platforms were present, as well as bosses or managers of other companies.

After entering the door, someone came up and sent a few documents to Boss Gu, and then led him to a seat.

The atmosphere in the meeting room is relatively quiet, and from time to time someone whispers or communicates, and the voice is relatively low.

After all, the person sitting here is either the boss or the executive, and it would be a blood loss if he provoked some difficult existences because of his lack of quality.

Boss Gu sat in his seat, looked at the participants, and then focused on the documents.

The documents of Ali Platform, Jindong Platform, and Jing Xixi are naturally at the top.

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