Xiawei invests 100 billion yuan in research and development every year, and has a lot of technical reserves. For this year's Mate 50, although the curved screen provided by Kyushu Technology has undoubtedly been selected, Xiawei has not given up on the long-standing research and development of the curved screen camera. .

This is actually a kind of happy trouble, because apart from Xiawei and Xiaxing, mobile phone manufacturers such as rice and opo do not have the curling screen share of Kyushu Technology this year.

What is a comprehensive partnership? \u003c(`^')\u003e

These non-comprehensive mobile phone manufacturers are still worrying about how to deal with Suiren's mess.

If it is like Jiaolong X/E1, which is limited to a small share every month, then everyone can accept it. After all, the share of mobile phones left after Han Xing quit is enough for everyone to have a full meal.

But what if not?

Mr. Lei almost scratched his head bald.

And the people in Daxia made more enthusiastic announcements about Suiren Company than about other mobile phone companies' announcements about new products.

Because they have more special affection for Suiren Company and Kyushu Technology and Xiawei Company behind Suiren Company than other domestic private companies.

That is, after this announcement was released, Internet public opinion was completely blown up.

"From domestic systems, domestically designed chips, and now domestically produced OEM-designed chips, Suiren has really brought a flame to dispel the darkness."

"If this goes on, will Han Xing come back? Woohoo, my Han Xing, you died so badly (hao)~"

"I hope the price is more affordable. The Suiren X1 costs tens of thousands of dollars to get it in the channel."

"I originally planned to give a phone watch to the children at home on Children's Day. Since Suiren is going to issue a new phone, I'll buy two packs of snacks for that bastard to deal with it."

"I beg Mr. Gu to put more goods... I have been drawing the quota for Jiaolong's mobile phone for several months."

"Upstairs, don't grab the quota these few days, let me buy Jiaolong X1 first."

These public opinions flooded the major social platforms, and in just a few hours, it was cut off the scarf hot search list, the Kyushu community keyword list, and later also won the top three hot words in the Twitter section.

According to the traditional marketing strategy, a new product launch must be announced at a large price. Spokespersons are invited, business orders are given to Internet celebrity bloggers, and red envelope rankings are sent to major rating agencies.

This is true whether it is rice or Xia Wei.

After all, giving the product enough exposure can get more sales.

But the products of Kyushu Technology have been doing the opposite.

Whether it is the mobile phone of Suiren Company or a large number of products of Kyushu Technology, so far, no spokesperson has been invited. Even product advertisements are basically product introductions and product function demonstrations by researchers.

But it is so "not understanding marketing", the products of Kyushu Technology have been selling hot.

Seeing the fiery public opinion, Gu Qing felt a little happy in his heart.

The children do well in their studies and get good grades, and the parents and fellow villagers appreciate it and give them face. This is a virtuous circle.

After a short period of happiness, Boss Gu called Vice President Dong, Li You and others, as well as Luo Songtang who had just returned to the headquarters.

"How about the newly built and cooperated supply chain factories?"

Luo Songtang opened the document in his hand and handed it to Gu Qing, and said concisely: "The outer packaging, filling, and shell are all factories that have been cooperating with our company for many years. The newly built factory is almost a factory that expands production capacity. A production plant for wireless charging related equipment, as well as a chip foundry in cooperation with Xiaxin, the first phase of which has been put into production, and the factory for small-batch chip foundry production will take two months before it can be officially put into production.

The approval department is still going through the military channel, but for better production development, our investment in industrial line factories has exhausted the budget. "

Gu Qing flipped through the documents while listening to the report.

"The budget for the first stage has fulfilled its mission. The silicon-based chip production line does not need too much, just enough for small-batch production. When the technology is accumulated enough, Li You will cooperate with you to build a carbon-based chip factory later."

Luo Songtang is not a layman, but this is the first time he has heard about the carbon-based chip factory, so his expression is a little moved.

Li You took the initiative to say hello: "In the future, we will go hand in hand."

Luo Songtang suppressed his doubts and nodded in agreement.

After flipping through the documents in his hands, Gu Qing rubbed his brows.

Looking at the few people who followed him along the way, he sighed: "Recently, as long as you go out of the park, you must be protected by the security team, and your relatives should be informed not to travel abroad."

"Travel abroad?" Zhang Tianhao asked with some doubts.

Gu Qing nodded and snapped his fingers.

"Xuanwu, call out the information found in those channels and put it on the desktop."

"Okay, sir."

The sound of Xuanwu Machinery came out, and the transparent glass of Gu Qing's office turned into a gray-black crystal-like color, and the desktop of the desks where everyone sat around began to display images.

There are many texts and mosaic photos, as well as some bloody pictures.

"Teacher, this is!?" The simple-minded Zhang Tianhao stood up with a look of surprise on his face, and leaned down to carefully look at the information on the desktop display.

The more he looked, the worse his complexion became. He even gritted his teeth at the back: "Is this true?!"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, the tone was extremely certain.

Gu Qing nodded: "Indeed, there are some people's deeds, you can check them yourself."


The crowd was silent for a while,

Gu Qing waited for a few minutes before saying: "So safety comes first. Huang Chaoren, who works in our company abroad, never has less than one security team by his side, even when he is sleeping. in this way."

"Then our relatives in China?" Luo Songtang was still relatively calm.

"In China, as long as you appear in public places, it's fine if you don't hang out in bars and nightclubs, and they also know that it takes core figures to be useful, so I'm reminding everyone today. Of course, if someone thinks this career is too dangerous, you can now. Apply for early retirement, we will get together and leave, and we will also disclose your resignation information to minimize your threat."

Dong Qi was not silent this time.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Who is the core of our company? Administrative executives are more important than technical executives? You are more important than Mr. Gu?"

When Luo Songtang heard this, he nodded secretly.

Seeing this, Gu Qing smiled and said: "So you don't need to be too sensitive, I have dealt with it accordingly, but I just think we should let everyone know something, don't take it lightly.

No matter how chaotic foreign countries are, it is their business. In Daxia, our safety is still guaranteed. Of course, if anyone’s family members want to travel abroad or have to go abroad for something, they can apply for the guards of our company’s security department, but the attendance fee of the security team still has to be paid. "

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