Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 404 The Competition of Large Enterprises

Planning looks fine, but Google this pie. Users who are now using the Gonggong system do not buy it at all.

Is the lightness of the file size comparable to the super compression of the Gonggong system?

As for modularization and preview, I am afraid that the loading time is faster than the installation and uninstallation of the Gonggong system.

In other words, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

As a more advanced system, the Gonggong system has better innate conditions than Android and Pingguo. In addition, the programmers of the software engineering department of Kyushu Science and Technology worked hard to add functional components to this system, as well as the software of the two major platforms of Android and Pingguo. The developer's "selfless contribution" beats other systems just in terms of enjoyment and convenience.

After all, it is impossible for Pingguo to be compatible with software on platforms such as Android and Hongmeng, and other platforms do not have the technical strength to achieve such a strong compatibility.

However, the reality of capital leadership will not depend on human will.

Sundar explained that after the cake was painted, he did not care about the public opinion of the people and the difficulties of software developers, and serious announcements were sent to major cooperative companies and institutions.

From August, the application package is not changed to AAB format and uploading is not allowed.

It is such a tough attitude that forces developers to make changes.

Of course, in addition to worrying about whether the Gonggong system will be affected, domestic users are also worried about Xiawei's Hongmeng system. After all, Daxia can handle these two.

Xiawei dp50 is about to go on sale, and now it is in the limelight, so it is natural to respond quickly.

In an interview with the media, Yu Chengdong said bluntly: "App stores such as Xia Wei have supported developers to upload applications in AAB format since the past two years. So users can relax. Xia Wei will always insist on The spirit of inclusiveness and positive exploration.”

Of course, Xia Wei also has the confidence to say this. After all, now Xia Wei is relying on the operation of upgrading the Hongmeng system for his mobile phone. Now the number of users of the Hongmeng system has exceeded 100 million, and the performance in terms of fluency, performance, and device interconnection is excellent. It is remarkable and has received a lot of praise.

At present, in terms of the implementation of the concept of Internet of Everything, Kyushu Technology is the most radical. Whether it is its own products or smart products of other brands, as long as there are remote operation functions and operations allowed by the agreement, they can be carried out through the Gonggong system. linkage.

At present, Xiawei is cooperating with its own products and cooperative manufacturers. Of course, other technology manufacturers are not idle, even Pingguo is working hard for this.

Since last year, some netizens have discovered that in the job descriptions for Apple Music software engineers in Pingguo, a never-announced "HomeOS" platform has been mentioned at least twice. Pingguo lists it as a mobile platform, alongside iOS, WatchOS, TvOS and other systems. Some people speculate that HomeOS is likely to be the reshaping of the Pingguo HomeKit platform.

And now Pingguo is already strengthening the interaction between products. For example, the Mac mouse can be moved to the iPad, and supports continuous dragging and switching between each other; the MacBook touchpad can even be used to control iMac and iPad.

For another example, in terms of smart home, HomePod mini has been further enhanced and can be used as a home hub. You can directly use its Siri to control the Apple TV at home to play movies, turn on light bulbs, etc.;

Of course, as a global giant, Google will naturally not be absent on this track.

Google has launched FuchsiaOS as the third system after Android and ChromeOS. Compared with the current Android, the system has greatly reduced hardware requirements such as storage and memory. It is specially launched for household appliances of the Internet of Things, and the intention is naturally obvious.

Google also wants to create new miracles on all platform devices such as smartphones, computers, and other smart devices, just like Android once did in the field of mobile phones.

This is the competition of really big companies.

They will ask the navy to slander their opponents, the executives will be eccentric, and even rely on their own powerful influence to influence some high-ranking officials and spend huge sums of money to intervene in opponents. When facing an opponent, the power of this action will be doubled.

The task that usually takes a month to complete by fishing, will be solved in a week under the temptation of capital.

Money is a great invention, especially in the capitalist world.

Because in the capitalist world, money represents everything, it can measure everything, and it can also arouse human desires to the greatest extent and stimulate a strong subjective initiative.

Manufacturers such as Kyushu Technology, Xiawei, Pingguo, Google, and Rice are all laying out the Internet of Everything, or the construction of an intelligent ecosystem. What they pursue is to make their own companies or tangible or intangible products an inseparable part of users.

Of course, in the face of the tricks of these competitors, Boss Gu walked in the cafeteria, walking in the courtyard, but it seemed like a lifetime away.

"I forgot when it started, these manufacturers are targeting me as a small boss, alas.

You are so urgent, when the technology leaps later, can you catch up? "

Anyway, Gu Qing himself was not in a hurry, not only that, he also rewarded himself with an extra portion of braised pig's trotters.

He has a steelyard in his heart. After all, basic materials and other projects are a bottomless pit. After the real gold is burned out, Kyushu Technology's take-off will be unstoppable. mass-produced.

Boss Gu is leisurely, but Xia Wei and Cheng Dong are so anxious that their gums get angry.

The entire P50 series will go on sale soon, whether the supply of goods can keep up, whether the after-sales problem is serious, what other manufacturers have said, whether the target consumers at each price will buy it, etc. A series of questions are pressing on his mind. with.

Mr. Ren was also on the side, so he persuaded with a smile: "Cheng Dong, be calm when things happen, don't get anxious."

Although he really wanted to complain to the old man, Yu Chengdong had already experienced Mr. Ren's methods, so he didn't dare to say more.

On the other hand, the same is true for the rice company headquarters,

Although it has the latest and strongest Snapdragon chip and the most advanced screen, the pricing of MIX 4por+ this time has broken the rules. This announcement is really a bit embarrassing, at least in Lei Jun's view, this is Gu Qing's little bastard putting eye drops on himself.

But now it’s ready to go, and rice has a time difference. Xiawei’s P50 series will go on sale at 18:08 on August 1, while rice’s MIX 4 will go on sale in the morning of August 1.

If this battle is fought well, the rice can really turn into a butterfly.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Consumers and scalpers also gathered at the entrances of rice and Xiawei's offline physical stores, and some refreshed the product pages of the online mall.

However, there is an interesting phenomenon in the scalper industry.

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