But most people in the company still underestimate a certain group.

People with a lot of money have nowhere to spend it, and when they come across words like "exclusive, limited edition, first series collector's edition", the DNA in the body will move.

Especially because the population is too large and the base is large, the number of such small groups is also large.

Before the pre-sale time was over, the limited collector's edition sold a few units...

Originally, this was not a problem, and it was even a good thing. Is it not good to have rich customers?

But in Daxia, there are so many self-media people who like to look for things to find hot spots. Thanks to the powerful publicity of the company's navy, many netizens have heard of Kyushu Technology's manufacturing of home appliances.

Then a certain up host "Lengmianzhen" with hundreds of thousands of followers in Bizhan discovered "a gimmick and a hot spot."

After patiently checking the company's information and product advertisements, the corners of the up master's mouth couldn't stop rising.

An Internet software company that "tells stories" bought a factory that cheated on subsidies by rubbish, and then produced products that cheated on subsidies.

What's this?

It is the shame of Daxia Technology Company!

It is a cancer on the road of Daxia's high-tech development!

Why are there so many high-tech companies in major countries such as Neon, Korea, Europe and the United States?

Because they really have products and technology.

Even if it's expensive, it's because they have the technology!

This small company dared to write in the product promotion: "The world's top robotic arm technology, unparalleled intelligent cleaning program." Isn't that slapping the face of those foreign brand manufacturers?

As long as I expose this matter and cause a storm of public opinion on the Internet, how much traffic and users will pay attention to me?

At this moment, the owner of Up, Liang Nian, really seemed to see the countless banknotes pouring towards him, as well as the "encouragement" from foreign manufacturers shouting at him to protect everyone's rights and interests.

The document was opened, and afterimages were flying on the keyboard. At this moment, the cold face was full of true writing and thinking, and when he dubbed the night later, he was full of energy and flushed.

Because there are hundreds of thousands of followers, the video that was produced in a hurry, after being uploaded and approved the next day, has a lot of hits.

Then he asked Shuijun to bombard domestic brands on other platforms, high-priced and low-quality, buying Shuijun to make money, cheating subsidies, etc. A series of tweets were attracted to his video.

Then the number of views on the videos uploaded on several platforms naturally began to soar, and those who watched the excitement and ate melons, those with ulterior motives, and those who were used as guns all came.

The total number of videos played on several platforms went from hundreds of thousands to one million to five million, and it rose to ten million in just two days!

If only calculated from the number of broadcasts, 10,000 broadcasts will be about 30, and 10 million broadcasts will be 30,000 Xia Yuan, but the income is not only calculated in this way, but also traffic, attention, and contact orders from advertisers. All benefits.

Then the cold noodles that were too excited really went away, especially after some bosses sent him money, and after reading some "documents" of "big foreign institutions", he actually started bombarding policies!

They even posted a video saying that because people in Daxia use too many electrical appliances in their families, they increase carbon emissions and are a big killer of environmental pollution.

It is said that the root of all problems lies in the fact that policies have not been implemented locally, and there are a lot of miscellaneous foreign per capita carbon emissions and so on.

Speaking of this, in the camera, he also said with a righteous face: "Reforms in various countries are all formed by bloodshed. This summer has never heard of bloodshed victims. This is the reason why this country is not prosperous. If so, please feel free beginning."

Coupled with the passionate music in the video and the more provocative "news" before, countless people who eat melons are excited.


"Everyone gets the black sheep and punishes them!"

"Kyushu Electric? Dogs don't even buy it!"

Other up masters in the technology circle are so popular about the real cold noodles video, most of them feel a little sour in their hearts,

There are also some people who know some of the dark facts about this cold noodle, so they sneered at the "justice" behind his video, and even secretly, I don't know how many people scolded this guy, and stood up again.

But I have to admit that cold noodles are really popular. Even in the video, some netizens agree with the rubbish view that too many electrical appliances in summer increase too much carbon emissions. Of course, the most popular one is Kyushu Technology Company.

In addition, there have been too many mobile phone manufacturers buying OEM home appliances recently, so some mobile phone manufacturers have also been implicated.

Under the enthusiasm of this crowd, this cold noodle is really as productive as a sow, vigorously flogging Kyushu Technology and other technology companies that "buy OEM".

"Recently, the popularity of my video has become a little bit higher, and some companies have come to me, saying that you should not talk too much about being a human being, but I can't bear this tone, so I will give you a detailed science, what I didn't say before 'Industry Secrets'.

Some time ago, there was an additional company called Jiuzhou Technology in Sichuan and Sichuan. It was originally a mobile phone system optimization software. It can be regarded as a high-tech company, but the boss of this company felt that the money was too slow, so he spent one million. bought a factory.

Does it sound a bit fake to buy a factory for a million dollars? After all, it is impossible for the factory land, machines, workers, and technical patents to be worth so much money, but Boss Gu bought this factory because of his connections. Come down, by the way, the former boss of this factory passed away some time ago, isn't it a bit of a coincidence?

Then, Boss Gu recruited a few college students who had just graduated, and it took two months of 'long' time to make two smart home appliances.

Of course, he may be a genius, but according to my investigation, this factory that manufactures home appliances produced the lowest-end products in the industry last year, and even sold at a loss without much sales.

As soon as Boss Gu took office, he produced new products, and the selling price was as high as 20,000 yuan per unit.

This is actually an 'undisclosed secret' in the industry. Stronger than rice, Xiawei has reached an agreement with some home appliance manufacturers this year, allowing these manufacturers to produce their own products on OEM, and then sell them at a high price in the name of 'independence'. "

At the end of the video, Liang Mianzhen also concluded: "Technology companies' innovation is a good thing, and it is also a good thing to increase hardware manufacturers' investment in technology research and development, but these companies waste consumption like this for the sake of 'big summer subsidies', tax cuts, and money. Or, why didn't anyone come out to take care of them? This kind of thing has never happened in Europe and America!

Why are there so many century-old companies of Neon? Why are there so many top technology companies in Europe and America? Among them, everyone who understands understands.

I beg all the audience masters to charge and reward more, one-click three consecutive times, and the up master will bring you even greater industry secrets that are not known to everyone! "

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