Zhang Hui was on the side, watching Gu Qing chat happily with Professor Zhuang, feeling a little unreal at this moment.

He didn't seem to have mentioned the purpose of his trip, and Professor Zhuang didn't tear off the paper on the window, but the youngest billionaire in Daxia actually agreed to the errand.

There is no atmosphere of desperate and determined, just a few words to talk about the big project of the military system, this is simply a dreamlike feeling.

Gu Qing didn't care about Zhang Hui's expression. His pursuit was not to make a lot of money, nor was he thinking about foolishly bringing out black technologies to hit the world.

To this day, he even has an idea of ​​wanting to farm, to lift up the great summer of this world step by step.

Of course, the premise is that the big summer of this world is worthy of his help. If life here is uncomfortable, it is also an option to speed up the pace and go to outer space to enclose land.

The cooperation intention was reached, and a group of people from the military soon came to discuss with Gu Qing and the relevant executives of Kyushu Technology.

After a practical and friendly exchange between the two parties, it was finally decided that when Daxia Semiconductor and the industrial software project were officially on the right track, Gu Qing would directly lead a technology research and development department to develop a new system customized for the military, and the relevant military departments could Send a technical team to this project team to learn experience and be responsible for the maintenance of the system in the future. If the learning ability is strong enough, it can even go a step further and independently be responsible for the upgrade of the system at the application level.

Zhou Yi only found out about this in a later meeting, that is, after knowing about it, he even deleted all the friends he didn't know or didn't know the specific situation on all social platforms.

He used to take his laptop home to work sometimes, but now he never lets the laptop out of his sight. If he has to finish his work within the day, he will just sleep in the office and finish the work. .

The Huaxia clan is sensitive to this aspect and has too strong ability to maintain spontaneously.

Zhang Benyu, the person in charge of the software engineering department, also welcomed a new colleague, Yongyuan.

And this new colleague also set a new record for the recruitment of employees in the software engineering department.

It took only two weeks to pass the assessment, and at the end of December, I was able to use the Kyushu compiler proficiently to write industrial software.

And Zhang Benyu is rushing to finish the project in hand as soon as possible. The idol wants to take him to learn system logic and neural network algorithms in depth. This is not the treatment that the company's programmers can get.

The former is to learn physical chemistry and understand the principles to manufacture products, while the latter is simply to learn to use tools to move bricks.

Moreover, he has to select a very small number of people from the list of tens of thousands of people to follow up the project of the military system.

He screened the list once, the company screened the list once, and the military also screened the list once.

Passing the political examination and having no criminal record are just the most basic conditions.

Personality, style of doing things, words and deeds on the Internet are even more focused on scrutiny.

In a blink of an eye, December ended quietly, the Xiayin star calendar 1021 on the calendar was turned over, and the strange 1022 came.

From the perspective of the people of Daxia, life has entered the fast lane since the year 1015 of the Xiayin star calendar, and time flies by in the blink of an eye every year.

But every year the expectations of the Spring Festival become more and more.

Technology companies led by Kyushu Technology, Xiawei Company, Xiaxin Technology, etc. have won several brilliant victories in these years. From the most basic wafer manufacturing to today's chip manufacturing and packaging, new tricks come out every year .

Moreover, many companies have encountered setbacks for a period of time after going overseas, and companies that have successfully stabilized have also begun to earn large amounts of foreign exchange.

More and more funds are earned by Daxia companies, which means that more and more shares are occupied by Daxia companies. The more shares, the more orders, and the required human resources, materials and equipment. more.

The treatment of large companies has also increased. It used to be that the Internet was a high-tech enterprise, and the annual salary of hundreds of thousands was like picking up money. Today's high-tech manufacturing companies have also increased their salaries. If the R\u0026D personnel of ordinary projects don't get hundreds of thousands a year, the project will definitely be ruined.

There is no other reason, just because Kyushu Technology accepts these high-achieving students who graduated from the so-called Tiankeng major. If other companies don't improve their salaries, the talents will naturally defect to Kyushu Technology Company and Xia Wei. Xiaxin these companies.

Kyushu Science and Technology does not celebrate New Year's Day, but January 1st is Saturday, so many employees still go out for parties, and even the staff cafeteria has launched a discount on dishes.

Originally, the price is good and the price is cheap, but this discount has made many foodies feel their mouths full of oil.

Of course, these casual employees do not include employees in the software engineering department, the semiconductor department, and the titanium and tantalum star department.

In these three departments, there are not many clerical staff who sit in the office to handle copywriting. They are all high-achieving students engaged in research and development, or programmers. The projects on their shoulders are as few as one, and as many as three or four.

Tens of thousands of people see a lot, but once they are involved in the project, it is like the water of rivers and lakes flowing into the ocean. Everyone is a part of a big project.

Of course, the heavy salary and project dividends make them happy.

Moreover, the company's executives are constantly turning around, and they all see it.

Even Mr. Gu, who is praised by the outside world, eats and lives in the company every day.

Today's New Year's Day is still the case.

After waking up at seven in the morning and going to the cafeteria to settle food and clothing, Gu Qing went to the software engineering department to sit in the headquarters and work with everyone to solve the problems sent by the technical teams dispatched to major factories at any time.

Sometimes the problem is too uncommon, and when no one understands it, if it is a technical problem that Gu Qing does not have a solid understanding of, then this problem will be uploaded to the company's internal network, and Xuanwu will screen contacts to find out who may be able to solve this problem. People, and then communicate with multiple parties to deal with this problem.

It was at this time that everyone felt that their big boss was a normal human being, and that he needed to be taught what he didn't understand.

Just like doing a problem, once immersed in this work rhythm, time flies.

I started work in the morning, and when I came back to my senses, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the middle, I just took time to eat a box lunch, and I still worked while eating.

Interestingly, Kyushu Technology's boxed lunches are not packed in plastic or paper boxes, but in rather retro iron boxes.

When eating, the employees from the Northeast generally use iron boxes as big as small pots, while the employees in the South have a normal meal, and the employees in these places in Guangdong even order an extra serving of soup...

But after the news about the sky system became popular for a while, Kyushu Technology was like an animal that entered hibernation in advance, and its movements became smaller and smaller.

PS: I wrote a little bit about official things, but in order to pass the review, I can only write briefly.

Next chapter Back to old ways and start gan-

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