With the development of people's wisdom, the convenience of the Internet, and the difficulty of manipulating public opinion, the era when the will can be easily instilled by newspapers and television has gradually faded away.

Of course, the local aborigines can't appreciate the current prosperity. After all, they are lucky descendants who can touch their heads.

And when the remarks made by the senior officials of the West Point Military Academy spread to Daxia, it was even more exciting.

The speech of the first place in the comments and praises in the Kyushu community is very straightforward: "The international order in Meilikou is to use their developed financial enterprises to search for all industries in the third world, and use their proud military power to subvert it. Do not 'obey' their country, use their powerful and shameless power of public opinion to turn black and white, and use their bloody dollars to snatch truckloads of grain and oil. Even if they have whitewashed decades of American universal values The fig leaf was completely torn, but they still openly confronted the people of the world without any scruples

And these military talents just don't tell their people that the real enemy is Wall Street. "

"Brother, there is one you said wrong, that is their master, the Pentagon is the bodyguard, and Uncle Sam is the housekeeper."

"Actually, the real enemy of these graduates is their own faction that is utterly corrupt. The military is always a continuation of politics, and their politics are chaotic. Who to fight? How to fight? There is no answer at all, and no one dares to really answer."

"West point?! I still prefer Le Cordon Bleu, at least there are more varieties."

"New Oriental Cooking School's western pastries are not bad..."

Netizens discussed it, but they didn't know that this time it was not just a game plan or a public opinion war.

What carbon-based chips can solve is not only the simple improvement of chip performance in business, but the most important part is the improvement of chip reliability.

And what is the single most important element of a weapon?


The guardian team got off to a good start, and with the mass production of carbon-based chips, various types of experimental mechs had the opportunity to come out of the laboratory and gradually begin to be installed.

Of course, the product of mechs is not the best choice for military operations such as large-scale cluster operations or beheading tactics.

But what it represents is that the neural connection system, polymer materials, special metals, power energy and the most basic mechanical components have all reached the level of human dreams.

It is like a flag, highlighting its unique existence, tempting countless institutions and companies to throw money crazily on this project. Especially in the case that there are already real objects, West Point Military Academy regards it as a thorn in the side.

According to rumors, the research and development costs paid by the American military for the mecha project have been forcibly raised to a budget of billions of dollars, and the data of enterprises such as Boston Dynamics Robotics has been forcibly protected to restrict the sale of some patented technologies.

"It seems that Zhang Tianhao and the others are doing a good job in the military, and Wang Teng can get this kind of information from them for publicity." Zhou Yi closed the comment area of ​​the tablet in his hand and said with a smile.

Gu Qing shook his head, "After all, he has been working on the mecha project for several years, and the technology is basically produced by our people and resources. Although the relevant departments want to keep up with the pace, there are many key technologies that require a strategic response. To conquer, and their people obviously don't have this chance.

Although Wang Teng's plan was suggested by me, I didn't expect him to work with the relevant departments to actually post the exercise video. It can be said that the success of this step has laid the true foundation of our spiritual environment ecology. "

What Gu Qing didn't know was that Hu Ting contributed a lot to the project planning to be implemented.

Due to the close cooperation between Kyushu Science and Technology and the military for so many years, Hu Ting's identity is to some extent, the military is like her mother's family. There are some words that Xiaozhi uses emotion to reason, and the big bosses don't know how to use their brains, so naturally they can make sense.

In his office, Wang Teng said to the phone microphone with humility and enthusiasm: "Thank you very much for your help, the relevant departments can understand our difficulties, and can cooperate with other departments to help and support...

Well, we will not let you down. Yes, the relevant work is already in progress, and the follow-up data will be encrypted, uploaded and shared.

The branch has gone through three rounds of internal inspections, and has never stopped self-inspection.

Well, you are busy. Goodbye. "

Seeing the vice president hang up the phone, the assistant on the side whispered: "President Wang, we shouldn't need to upload and share all the follow-up data, after all, some data of Lingjing Ecology are given to another department."

Wang Teng glanced at the newcomer he brought, and said with emotion: "Xiao Luo, the first priority of playing games and doing tasks is to cultivate the favorability of NPC forces. We are only doing platform maintenance. The real technology research and development team and decision-makers are not what we can do." meddling."

Luo Jian nodded and was taught.

Those who can be brought by Wang Teng's side will not be the kind of young masters and princesses who don't touch the spring water with their fingers. They must clearly distinguish between favors, rights and responsibilities, and the most important thing is to know their proportions.

Moreover, Wang Teng still had a small speculation in his heart. His big boss is still unmarried and has no scandals, and that executive Hu, who can secure such a key position without being well-known, is an ordinary person?

It's just that he only dared to think about this doubt in his stomach, and never dared to tell others. After all, the company's security measures may have collected this information...


On the morning of Thursday, January 19th, a special plane arrived in Rongcheng.

Zhang Yuanfeng, the director of human resources in his forties, landed safely under the protection of the security team.

The special passage for special planes to land is separated from other commercial runways, and there is also an exclusive fast passage with security personnel and ground crew on standby at any time.

"Wanderers, welcome home, new friends, welcome to your new home.

Later we will arrive at the Kyushu community through the expressway, and everyone's luggage will be escorted by a special person. Of course, friends who need it now can ask for it now. "

Facing the warm winter sun, Zhang Yuanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly with joy on his face.

If nothing else happened, this most dangerous poaching and escort mission should be a complete success, and then he can enjoy the leisure life of his wife and children, and no longer have to worry about hunting people abroad every day.

There is a crowd of talents behind him, some with black hair and yellow skin, and some of other races with blond hair and blue eyes.

Although the hunting of elite talents is something that every country and multinational group is investing heavily and has been doing. But the talent information provided by the president's office every time, as well as the company's growing influence, made Zhang Yuanfeng like a fisherman who would never be in the air force, and he succeeded every time.

PS: I will continue to update tomorrow. I am following the doctor's advice and will not stay up late.

I hope that students, and ordinary adults like us walking on the road, can live up to the hard work every day.

Good night.

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