But why?

Isn't it rash to cut to the chase so quickly? It's only been a day since you came here, so it's not like meeting each other directly with a sword drawn.

Gu Qing was a little puzzled.

"As a senior sister of Chuci, I am very grateful that you can participate in our experiment, but you are so eager to provide experimenters, there must be some stories in it?"

Hearing this question, Hu Tao closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, sorted out the complicated thoughts in his mind, and said: "The unit I used to work for was a certain department of the army. There was a natural disaster last month, which caused Several fighters had their limbs amputated, but two of them suffered from phantom pain, which was so painful every day, so..."

"So, how did you know about our company's research project? Chu Ci told you?" Gu Qing's voice was a little cold, and the feeling of being investigated was almost overflowing.

Although I know that I will be investigated, and that Professor Zhuang Youwei from Harbin Institute of Technology is also a bad person, but this dish has not been served, so you start to want to intervene?

"Mr. Gu, did you know that a UFO crossed the national border some time ago?" Hu Ting said something abruptly, but Gu Qing was startled.

I painted the drone with light-absorbing paint, and used satellite encrypted signals to operate it. How could I be caught?

But how can such a thing be verbally admitted?

"What UFO? Outlaws?"

"Mr. Gu, the products that your Jiuzhou Technology Company sent to Korea for review were burned to ashes in a fire that night. You must know that."

Mentioning this, Gu Qing has the right to speak: "Oh, I don't know if it's bad luck or what, none of the things we sent over were dangerous items that could burn and explode, but other things in that warehouse burned and exploded."

I thought Hu Ting would continue to talk about this topic, Gu Qing was ready to turn his face.

But maybe the other party's psychological skills are strong enough, and he didn't go deep into this topic, but said it.

"Mr. Gu, I have already signed the entry agreement, so I need to confess to you.

The Titan Star series advertising video released by our company has been analyzed frame by frame by experts, and the analysis has been reported.

However, the organization did not infringe on your interests. On the contrary, we also partially modified the source of the advertising video to protect you and the company's technology. "

Following Hu Ting's narration, Gu Qing realized that he was still too young. From the first day [Boundary Monument] was released, he actually entered the field of vision of a certain organization.

However, at that time, he was still being investigated as a genius seed, but when he showed his mechanical intelligence and successfully created the Guardian No. 1, his information was raised to another level, and he also entered the army. square vision.

Then Professor Zhuang led a team to investigate, and then reached an agreement with Kyushu Technology Company, one of the purposes of which was to protect the research results of the Chinese people from being stolen by hostile forces.

Maybe it's because the woman's voice is very nice, or maybe it's because the handling of the relevant departments didn't make Gu Qing feel disgusted, at least the conversation didn't last too long.

The two sides exchanged their ideas, and after the conversation, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

After that, Zhuang Youwei received a "kindly greeting" call from Gu Qing.

Afterwards, maybe Lao Zhuang felt sorry, so he threw out someone.

"This is my former friend. He is also a determined veteran. If you encounter any situation, you can contact him."

The management of the army in Daxia is actually very interesting. There are more people from the northeast who work in the southwest.

Of course, veterans like Fu Dalong, the current security captain, don't count...

However, Gu Qing actually wanted to get some benefits. After all, his family and contacts really didn't have any good relationship with the upper-level "nobles".

An honest and professional pig farmer...

As a benefit, Gu Qing actually didn't think it would be such a big help, but there is a small demand that can be met.

I really hope that the boss can leave a few veterans of the special forces or reconnaissance forces.

Perhaps it was because Gu Qing had already gotten in touch, or maybe Hu Ting’s report had already been typed up, and Gu Qing’s demand was not too much, and he could still achieve some goals. This old brother of Zhuang Youwei swiped his pen, Several elite veterans who were about to retire were immediately offered job transfers.

"I didn't expect you to be such a thug. According to the arrangement of changing jobs, they are all above the sub-department level when they go to the place, with a guaranteed monthly salary of 6,000. I don't need to remind you about this."

"Am I the kind of person who doesn't care? People treat me as a national scholar, so I will repay him as a national scholar." Gu Qing said with a righteous tone.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of temper you have, I don't know, but the arrangement will be sent to you later, take it easy, kid." Zhuang Youwei urged.

"I'm really not the kind of person who doesn't know the key. I've always been very stable when it comes to right and wrong." Gu Qing said helplessly.

As for reporting this kind of complaint before?

It's not really implemented, it can only be considered a trick.

"Okay, you boy, I can still trust it, and don't worry about it, I will tell you the truth, old boy, there are several geniuses in our country who were harmed by some forces after going abroad, so the relevant departments treat you Some of the practices are actually really to protect you.

Although this sounds like an invasion of your privacy, I can only say that this is a last resort, and even our old bones are protected by people in this regard. "

Professor Zhuang muttered a few more words, he still cared about this junior, and didn't want the other party to lose his temper because of some problems that shouldn't exist, which would be bad for everyone.

After all, geniuses always have some special features, and to take good care of them, one has to be considerate.

Gu Qing hung up the phone and asked Xuanwu to check some information, still feeling a little embarrassed.

In my previous life, I heard that some geniuses committed suicide by wrestling, being shot, or drowning while swimming after going abroad.

However, because the country needs to develop peacefully, it cannot tear the face so quickly, so it can only be handled secretly.

Thinking about it, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

After communicating with Dong Qi, there will be a group of high-quality and high-salary security personnel in the future, so he fell asleep.

The moon crows.

Old Professor Zhuang Youwei rubbed his eyes sadly, looking at the city outside the window, with neon lights flashing.

Recalling those classmates and comrades back then, tears welled up in my eyes again.

Who really wants to swallow his anger? When he was studying abroad, he worried about his own safety while pretending to be ignorant, and even pretended to be ignorant of those people.

But this scene of peace and prosperity is worth it after all.

The motherland should not suffer like that again.

PS1: It is to explain some strange things about Professor Zhuang, why he treats Gu Qing so differently.

PS2: One of my friends joined a certain illegal organization as a summer job, and even became a manager. I was brainstorming how to deal with it tonight, so it took a long time, sorry.

PS3: Thanks for the votes, good night everyone.

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