Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 88 Confidential Qualification Unit

"The initial success of the first phase, and then we will gradually lift the restrictions, please stay calm."

Chu Ci introduced at the side, fearing that the subjects might not hear clearly, so he repeated it twice.

As the ropes were untied one by one, Li Shan felt like a bug sealed in a cocoon, gradually regaining freedom.

And when the rope around the waist was finally untied, a few seconds later, someone said: "The restriction has been untied, and the two of you can get up."

As if the starting gun was fired for a 100-meter race, Li Shan and his comrades who were lying not far away suddenly sat up.

The others couldn't help holding their breath seeing this scene.

Both neurological feedback and brain waves made the two people who had been away from freedom for a long time suddenly feel the freedom of space.

Like a drowning person who suddenly returned to the shore, Li Shan took a big breath of fresh air unconsciously, and the lost limbs gave him many unreal feelings.

But when he saw other experimenters and Hu Ting in his vision, he was stunned.


Seeing her half-brother with her own eyes, Hu Ting stood up and walked towards her.

Seeing this, Gu Qing said: "They have a strong ability to accept, and they can get out of bed and walk around now."

At the beginning, it took him a long time to get used to it before he could force himself to manipulate Guardian No. 1 to stand up.

However, there are some differences. He still has his limbs, extending the control of nerve signals, while the two fighters have no limbs, and the nerve signal feedback is restored.

"A limb consists of at least twenty-nine sensors plus six microprocessors and muscle-shaping actuators combined with special materials. The microprocessor processes the signals converted from nerve signals and brain waves just like the brain, allowing infinite The brush motor works, so that this part can move and accelerate. With the help of this advanced bionic technology, as long as the important parts of the trunk and brain are still there, we can change his body.

Of course, if the materials and energy can go further, it is not impossible that we can give users the power of nine bulls and two tigers in the legend. "

What Gu Qing said was recorded by Hu Ting.

And the two soldiers who were excited were also led by Chu Ci to carry out the experiment.

After an hour passed, they came to the most important test site.


Opposite the toy gun are twenty balloons, and each person shoots ten rounds.


With an order, Li Shan touched the toy rifle in his hand. Although the color was much brighter than the ones he used to touch every day, it was still a gun, a gun with a kinetic energy greater than 1.8 joules per square centimeter.

There are ten balloons five meters away, but I don't know who made the prank, and there are funny smiling faces painted on the balloons.

Are you going to hit them?

He subconsciously knelt on his right knee, his left calf was perpendicular to the ground, the gun butt rested on his shoulder, and he leaned forward to aim.

If it is an ordinary body, although this action can allow the shooter to quickly enter the shooting state, the stability of the gun in the kneeling position is not high, but when Li Shan, who is wearing the future fighter mech, does this action, it seems to be frozen In general, the bottom plate is as stable as a rock.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

With bursts of gunfire, one balloon after another was broken.

Moments later, ten balloons had burst.

Gu Qing, who was watching outside, took a peek at Hu Ting and the others. Seeing the surprise on their faces, he couldn't help but sighed slightly.

This is where it goes. After all, no matter how bionic the guardian mecha is, it is still a machine. Compared with the human body, the most important advantage of a machine is stability.

But unfortunately, there is no real gun to shoot.

"Ten hits!"

Chu Ci was slightly excited.

Li Shan was stunned for a while, when he handed over the toy rifle to another soldier, his expression was still a little dull.

My body seems to be different, and the coherence and accuracy of my movements have been greatly improved.

And after a few hours,

Inside an office in the Anxi Military Region.

"Good! Good! Good!" Zheng Yongsheng looked at the performance of the two fighters in the video with joy, and couldn't stop praising them.

The rest of the senior military officers also showed their eyes, and their joy was beyond words.

How many soldiers in the army were disabled and retired due to various tasks.

Although they have quite a lot of subsidies and bonuses, their life after being disabled is so unsatisfactory that not everyone can accept it with pleasure.

If this technology is stable, those disabled soldiers may not even be discharged from the army, or they may live a normal life after being discharged.

Not to mention, the development prospects of this technology, as long as the materials and energy are upgraded, the power of nine bulls and two tigers, and even flight, can make a soldier a strategic weapon in many cases.

Until the end of the video, Zheng Yongsheng also returned to his usual serious demeanor.

"The core developer of this technology has a good relationship with us. I also arranged for someone to protect him before, but looking at it now, maybe this level of protection is not enough."

A group of senior military officers nodded approvingly. The future war will be a high-tech war, and there will be less and less physical confrontation between people.

Missile scrubbing, interception system defense, electronic information warfare, and trinity coordinated sea, land and air operations are increasingly testing national defense technology and military operational capabilities.

This technology of Kyushu Science and Technology Company is actually being developed abroad, but there are almost no such systems, quick responses, and stable and reliable actions as it is now.

This requires breakthroughs in hardware and intelligent coordination of software control systems and transmissions.

So, after a brief meeting, Boss Gu's Kyushu Technology Company became a member of the pre-secret qualification unit. Of course, it has not yet been graded. After all, this matter still needs to be reported, and then it will be decided by the central government.

There are three levels of secrecy qualification units, level one, level two and level three.

Units with first-level confidentiality qualifications are qualified to undertake scientific research and production tasks for top-secret projects; units with second-level confidentiality qualifications are qualified to undertake scientific research and production tasks for confidential-level projects; third-level confidentiality qualification units are qualified to undertake scientific research and production tasks for secret-level projects.

Among them, Professor Zhuang Youwei's Harbin Institute of Technology is one of ten universities in the world that have the ability to design, build and launch satellites. It is also a confidential unit.

Of course, in Gu Qing's eyes, he is a special class, and he can enjoy super treatment with just an Ark reactor.

It's a pity that this thing can't be revealed at this time. Even if some forces get the news, he feels that he may have to live in an underground safe house tens of meters deep for the rest of his life.

Moreover, even if the foreign forces do not mention it, it may even be difficult for the country, because the energy issue is too deeply involved.

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