At 3:00 p.m. on February 26th, the military high-end technology development forum was officially held.

After arresting several suspicious elements, there was already harmony outside the venue.

After everyone was seated, the lucky ordinary tourists and self-media people who got tickets realized that the forum's specifications were beyond imagination.

Experts in international military theories and some high-level officials from Guo Jia all stared at the rostrum of the forum with piercing eyes in the crowd.

Gu Qing was sitting on the sofa on the rostrum. Although the people around him were all seniors and he was the only young man, he was in such a state in recent meetings, so he was used to it.

It's just that he himself is used to it, but it is impossible for others to get used to it.

Just imagine, among a group of middle-aged and elderly celebrities, there is a young man with good looks, and this young man is still sitting on the sofa in the middle C position, treated like the main character, which makes people feel a little awkward.

But no one at the scene objected to the organizer's arrangement, because the reason why many of them value this forum so much is because this young man will attend...

Considering that apart from Gu Qing, the big names in this forum are not young and their physical condition is not as good as when they were young, so the organizer still arranged to host.

After a brief introduction of the host, Zhang Juzuo began his speech.

"It's also been a long time since I chatted with so many friends, so I must be a little rusty in this area, so if I make a speech mistake, please forgive me. After all, I'm old and have more energy. Not as good as it used to be..."

A bit of self-effacement caused many people in the audience to laugh knowingly.

"The name of this forum is the Military High-End Technology Development Forum, but in fact, I myself can't understand today's high-end military technology.

For example, the J-20 in Daxia looks different from year to year, and those designers don’t know how to grow their heads. You say that the current J-20 is the same thing as the one ten years ago? There is also Uncle Sam's F fighter jet, which was like that more than 20 years ago, and it is still like that now, which makes me very puzzled, what design is still hidden by Uncle Sam that has not been made public?

Even now that the international situation is so treacherous, apart from throwing out a bunch of model planes and special effects videos, they insist on not conducting actual flight drills, which makes people feel very strange.

Of course, I'm not saying that Uncle Sam's military strength is not good. I said at the beginning that even if his development has been stagnant for 30 years, we have been chasing him for decades. That's why I have these doubts. "

The old man's serious thinking and sighing made the atmosphere of the forum instantly enter a kind of funny relaxation and liveliness.

Then, the old man Zhang pointed to someone Gu who was sitting on the small sofa.

"And when people ask me about high-end military technology, I think Kyushu Technology's progress in this area is also incomprehensible. Even though I have been in the army for so many years, I am still amazed."

The army has been mixed up for so many years. Someone from Zhang.

As soon as this passage came out, there was a lot of laughter on the forum site.

Even a big guy like Junfang has such a surprising view of Kyushu Technology, which really makes many people feel "deeply sympathetic\

,"Zhang Zuo waited for the audience to laugh for a few seconds before continuing to speak.

"Everyone may not be clear. In addition to military trade orders and commercial orders, our exhibition also has a special experience and testing field area. Only units or individuals who have purchased the corresponding equipment can enter the corresponding area, and I I was invited to watch one yesterday. In my opinion, it is definitely a drill of high-end military technology products.

Although I can't tell you the details, when I saw some extremely advanced drones and some main battle tanks officially served by Guo Jia, no matter how they dodged, they were all captured by Kyushu Technology's military trade within one kilometer. Mechs are easily destroyed.

At that time, I saw very clearly through the binoculars that the main battle tanks of those models were all equipped with armor and speeding with full power, and the drones were also operated by a group of experts, basically through various perspectives Fly in blind spots and areas where radar waves are weak.

But none of them escaped the missile attack.

May I ask Mr. Gu, how did your company achieve such accurate tracking of the enemy? And easily destroy these main battle tanks? "

As soon as this came up, Zhang Zuo threw a big melon, which cheered up most people in the audience.

There is no military fan, military expert, or weapons expert in the world who is not curious about the technical and destructive power of the Kyushu Tech Mecha!

no one!

Because although the "Omnic Crisis" Global Martial Arts Conference showed that Kyushu Technology's research and development capabilities in mechs have surpassed other competitors by several ranks, it is still limited to confrontation with cold weapons and short-term flying.

Moreover, at this exhibition, the military trade mechs only had simulation videos and no actual combat drills at all.

Facing everyone's doubts and Old Zhang's invitation, Gu Qing supported the headset and confirmed that he had connected to the speakers at the forum site, then he stood up and bowed slightly to the elder and the tourists.

"Your question, the forum organizer just said that you don't need to answer it, what do you think?"

"No need to answer? If it involves confidentiality regulations, then let's not answer casually. Well, let's start the next link. May I ask Mr. Gu, how much role do you think mechs will play in future wars? Or, in other words, How do you see the future of mechs?"

At this time, the old man Zhang has already become the host without any hesitation, not only clearing the siege but also bringing up the next topic.

Although this is all the script flow mentioned in the script, Gu Qing shook his head.

"Actually, these two issues are not classified information, and I can disclose some to everyone."

When Gu Qing said these words, the ears of many people in the audience twitched, their eyes widened, and they even held their breath waiting for the answer to be revealed.

"About the technology of how mechas track down enemies, it's actually not as magical as everyone thinks.

Friends who have learned about the development history of our company should know. We Kyushu Technology used to enter the industrial manufacturing market with intelligent sweeping robots, and entered the high-end manufacturing industry based on this.

In the technical field of intelligent sweeping robots, garbage classification and garbage retrieval are a worldwide problem. Some companies use image scanning, that is, to identify garbage and the environment through the images captured by the camera, and then process them.

Some companies use radar waves to identify garbage and the environment. "

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