What kind of public opinion can make the military-industrial complex "rise" again?

On March 1st, Uncle Sam suddenly held a press conference and warned Mao Xiong not to do "extraordinary actions".

According to senior personnel from Uncle Sam's Guo Fang Department, Mao Xiong is preparing to deploy hundreds of combat battalions, hundreds of thousands of regular troops, equipped with tanks, artillery and other equipment, and is gathering at border locations.

The "New York Times" and other media also made a "detailed summary" of Mao Xiong's itinerary this year.

"In 1023, Emperor Mao Xiong lobbied companies in industries such as manufacturing, Internet, and data services in Daxia. He had negotiated wartime armament supplies for Mao Xiong, and he was inviting these companies to build factories in Mao Xiong. This is extremely dangerous. Signal!"

"A dangerous empire with a large territory and a large population is trying to return to the former..."

at the same time.

The Indian ↑↓ media issued an article saying that Daxia held a terrible military trade exhibition. According to clues, we learned that Daxia is actively seeking its cross-continental strike capability.

From the military trade products that appeared at the Daxia Army Exhibition, we have learned that Daxia has developed a series of stealth bombers and large intercontinental drones. These advanced equipment can allow Daxia to easily launch collective strategic attacks.

In the article, the reporter of this newspaper also said by name: "In addition to the H-20 stealth bomber project, Daxia Junfang also has a second stealth bomber, named JH-20, which has extremely powerful combat and air combat capabilities !

The design of the beveled tail, twin engines, and built-in large magazine is full of provocations and dangers. "

This time, the reports of the Indian ↑↓ media are not as detailed as those written by Indians. They include not only text, but also data guesses and scale model pictures.

Bloomberg, a global professional media with great authority, also reprinted this report from the Indian ↑↓ media in the article.

There are even well-known American military experts who have studied the Great Xia Air Force for many years, and wrote in their personal column: "I don't know whether the Great Xia Junfang really has the JH-20 project, because we have never even known that they have military trade. Mecha!

Great Xia's intelligence and secrecy capabilities are beyond all of us's imagination, and their military projects are even more mysterious than events such as the Alpine Snowman, the Egyptian Pharaoh's Curse, and so on.

The world-renowned "Aviation Knowledge" magazine also used the JH-20 model picture released by the Indian ↑↓ media as the cover in a recent magazine. This is also considered by global military fans to be a real JH-20. Important information.

At the meeting at the Pentagon, senior intelligence agencies also made very serious speeches.

"According to the investigation and research of the bacteria engineers and experts from relevant departments, they all agreed that this supersonic bomber with stealth capability can carry a large active phased array radar and carry ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles for beyond-the-horizon air combat. The invisible magazine on its belly can carry various types of precision-guided munitions, and the combat radius is between 1600-3200 kilometers.

This aircraft will enable the Bactria Air Force to conduct offensive and defensive air operations farther from the Bactria border, and may even attack our friendly base in Neon, as well as military targets in India ↑↓ and the South China Sea.

There is also a Kunpeng transport plane that can transport the Daxia military mechs. Once the air force's military goals are achieved, the military mechas developed by Kyushu Technology can be airborne in a very short time to complete ground tasks.

Daxia has already won over a group of forces in Africa through military school enrollment, resource mining and profit sharing.

Through the integration of semiconductor technology, Kyushu Technology has been able to provide Daxia Junfang with a large number of chips that are not under our control, and according to the testing of semiconductor experts, Kyushu Technology's carbon-based chips are better than the silicon-based chips we have in the military field. stability and computing power.

To sum up, we have been unable to truly suppress the military deployment of Daxia in the short term. "

The report of the high-level intelligence agency made the faces of all the high-level officials in the United States turn green.

Coupled with the PPT, the intelligence of the Kyushu Science and Technology Military Trade Mecha, the special shape of the mysterious aircraft at the Anxi Provincial Army Exhibition, and the weird video that can drive silently without the engine running are constantly playing.

As long as the mind is still clear, the scalp will feel numb.

Only some people who are dreaming of the coming of war wealth are still secretly happy with the "sensible" intelligence agency.

How can they "persuade" Congress to increase military spending without making what Da Xia and Mao Xiong say scary?

Onsa merged with capital and was planning to shift its position from the technological battle to a more familiar position.

But Gu, who had just finished the exhibition and rejected a lot of entertainment and invitations, didn't care about the cloud of war that seemed to be coming.

Because in his opinion, if the sky falls, there will be tall people to support it, and the stronger the military power of the Great Xia, the less certain people will dare to mess around.

And now the United States is still thinking about resuming cooperation with companies like Daxia, and let the technology and products of Daxia companies help them alleviate inflation and deflation, so in the face of the current embarrassing pressure, they can only bully those seemingly powerful opponents. .

And he also decided to be careful in the field of military industry recently. Although the military trade mecha was indicated by the one who could get it, but it was really sold through special channels, which still offended some people.

Although these people also understand that the overall situation is the most important thing, the use of military trade mechs to detect the body data of other races gave Gu Qing ten courages, and he does not want to move out now.

Coincidentally, the Xishu Rongcheng Municipal Bureau seems to have figured it out recently and is willing to really implement the cooperative smart city project, so what the young Gu wants to do most now is to return to his hometown as soon as possible and manage Rongcheng well.

In the future, even if there is such an extremely low probability of war, having a stable and reliable site is much better than a huge amount of money.

Taking the military column again, Gu Qing withdrew his gaze from a distance, and looked at the news report marked by Xuanwu.

[This 1O24 Science and Technology Strengthening Product Exhibition and Exchange Conference has attracted global attention since it opened in Anxi Province on February 24. There were 900,000 visitors and tens of thousands of exhibits from more than 1,040 companies from 50 countries. Through on-site and virtual video exhibitions, in terms of transaction volume that everyone is more concerned about, if the amount of this year's Science and Technology Powerful Product Exhibition and Exchange Conference is priced in Xia Yuan, the contracted amount is as high as more than 640 billion Xia Yuan.

The signing amount of the first Science and Technology Strong Army Product Exhibition and Exchange Conference has already surpassed every Zhuhai Air Show. 】

"More than 640 billion yuan. If the Zhuhai Air Show makes another push this year, wouldn't it be possible that the contracted value of military trade in Daxia this year can easily break through one trillion yuan by relying on these two projects?"

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