Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 955 Musk: You are not environmentally friendly!

"Gu Qing, the founder of Kyushu Technology, is the Einstein of the East?"

"Kyushu Technology is the evil tentacle of Daxia, and they are deploying space-based weapons in our free sky."

"If Kyushu Technology's mechs are sent to space satellites, and then sent to the global apex, Kyushu Technology will become the most terrifying war enterprise in the world!"

"Who knows what weapons Jiuzhou Technology sent to outer space? We have the right to know!"

"This war enterprise named Kyushu Technology sold a lot of weapons to the terrorists and the third world Guo Jia a month ago! Even the military trade mechs that are more advanced than the developed Guo Jia's armaments are sold, earning a lot of money. Over tens of billions of dollars!"

"Where's our Starlink!? Is it possible to monitor the illegal experiments of Kyushu Technology?"

"Elon Musk?"

Foreign media people are also keenly aware of the huge impact of Kyushu Technology's small move, and they also began to write various articles to guide traffic.

The products and equipment exhibited by Kyushu Science and Technology at the air show a few years ago, the mecha helmet that was just exposed some time ago, the close communication with the big team and Maoxiong’s representative team at the military exhibition, and the "Omnic Crisis" global All kinds of damage caused by the mechas in the martial arts tournament were edited one by one.

They are working hard to transform the "technology" of Kyushu Technology Company into "military" or "war", rendering Gu Qing, the founder of Kyushu Technology, as an out-and-out military war madman.

"The World's Most Secure System? The Gonggong system that is best at stealing user information! "

"Boundary monument is the temptation of the devil, in the name of safety, do evil things"

"Backdoor and Hardware Vulnerabilities Found in Daxia Semiconductor Chip, May Be an Attack Breakthrough"

Take back the dirty water that was once poured out, process it again, and then pour it out again!

Bloomberg, a professional media, has learned a lot this time.

Instead of posting directly, they forwarded these similar articles, and then gave a question-like ending.

"Should the special experiments of multinational technology giants be controlled within the scope of legal security? Is the relationship between the company and Guo Jia really so clean?"

On March 7, local time, Elon Musk, the actual controller of the Starlink project, said in an interview: "In the past, Kyushu Technology released a similar satellite plan. At that time, I thought that Gu Qing, the founder of Kyushu Technology, was a The same scientists and adventurers have dreams of the stars and the sea.

But in the past few years, Kyushu Technology has launched much more rockets every year than companies listed on Nasdaq that ring the bell. The satellites and equipment they launch have already excessively occupied space.

If our Starlink satellites are like thousands of vehicles driving on the blue star, there is no waste of resources in low-Earth orbit. Then the junk equipment and useless satellites that Kyushu Science and Technology sent to the sky, together with the spy satellites and weapon satellites they deliberately placed, became terrorist vehicles driving on the road. This is simply a disaster.

Here, I would like to say a word to Gu Qing, the founder of Kyushu Technology.

Hey bro please stop your unrealistic horror plans, use our falcon rockets if you want, just need you to send those devices to the sky, let us review, just make sure these devices are blue There is no threat to the star and us humans living on the blue star. Our company can help you realize the dream of flying at a very cheap price.

If one day, the number of satellites of your Kyushu Science and Technology Company is the same as that of our company, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster. Animals, plants, and human beings on the ground will often see meteors across the sky. Those satellites Even if the wreckage passes through the flames of the friction of the atmosphere, there will still be a considerable amount of remnants falling to the ground, causing terrible disasters.

Thousands of meteorites fell on the blue star, and Hollywood directors were inspired to make a movie. I think it must be a wonderful and ironic sci-fi disaster movie, because it will very likely happen. matter.

May God bless America, may God bless Blue Star, and may God bless all peace-loving creatures. "

After some "affectionate" thinking about the future, the celebrity added an extra sentence.

"Instead of wasting resources and destroying the atmosphere to test so many rocket launches, it is really better to choose our company's launch business, which is more environmentally friendly and more scientific.

I hope that more people will travel to Mars with me in the future, let us work together! "

Now that Elon Musk is in charge of Facebook, his interviews have been broadcast in various ways, so that those people who still "persist" in communicating with "friends from developed countries abroad" on Facebook can also see relevant news.

Coupled with the deliberate oriented operation of public opinion, it is obviously a good thing for technological progress, but it suddenly becomes a kind of "complaint" against Kyushu's technology and Daxia's aerospace vision.

The longing for the sky, rocket launches that cost a lot of money have turned into damage to the environment, and some media and users even say that this is one of the reasons for the hole in the ozone layer!

The satellite launched by Kyushu Technology into the sky has also become a variety of dangerous devices. It obviously has no aerospace genes, but forcibly promotes aerospace projects, which leads to the slow development of other scientific research projects of Kyushu Technology and the "indifference" of Kyushu Technology users.

Coupled with the previous military trade and distrust of system security engineering.

At this time, Gu, who was still working in the satellite studio, didn't know that the outside world had turned upside down.

Daxia's official reporter wanted to interview his big boss, but since the person involved couldn't be contacted, he could only invite experts in related fields to conduct a survey on Elon Musk, netizens, and Western media while he was in a hurry. Explanation of a professional nature.

This is just this kind of non-participant explanation, which in many people's eyes is often a cover-up, and even the more the explanation is made, some people think that Kyushu Science and Technology is a special organization of the Daxia official, and Gu Qing is an official figure of the Daxia.

The dirty water is splashing more and more fiercely, but the truth is not getting clearer and clearer.

In just one day, the painting style of public opinion makes people feel confused.

"The main satellite Qiming-1 has accurately entered the blue star synchronous transfer orbit."

"The main satellite Qiming-2 data analysis satellite has accurately entered the blue star synchronous transfer orbit."

"The main satellite Qiming-3 data relay satellite has accurately entered the blue star synchronous transfer orbit."

"The satellite system is deployed, and the inspection is normal!"

"The first generation of Bluestar low-orbit data relay satellites has been successfully networked and operated, which can meet the coverage of low-orbit spacecraft in the locked area and provide 24-hour uninterrupted communication."

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