When the elite team of the medical department of Titan star came to the satellite operation room next to the launch command center with instruments and equipment, they saw a group of scientists and engineers who seemed to be poisoned, either lying on the keyboard, snoring crazily; or It was sitting slumped on the seat, with saliva at the corner of the mouth; while those who were still awake turned a blind eye to these "seriously ill" people, as if they didn't see them.

"A group quickly take this data in and calculate it!

Fall asleep now? Is it okay to be so young? "

A certain professor with a slightly old voice complained a few words, then turned his eyes back to the screen, stopped chanting, and started to do the calculation test by himself.

Satellites run on orbits in outer space, so some modification instructions cannot be uploaded at will. Repeated tests must be carried out in the virtual laboratory to obtain enough data before uploading to the actual flying satellite intelligence core.

Zhao Sun, the leader of the medical team, is also "well-informed" in the company.

He said with a serious expression but not at all anxious: "Keep good air circulation, move them to the lounge, scan their identities, pay attention to those with underlying diseases, link them to the AI ​​program, and upload their identities to the department headquarters if there is someone who can be cured , notify the corresponding doctor."

After seeing the medical team entering, Gu Qing left here with peace of mind.

He had always expected problems with the satellite program.

No matter how many tests are done on the ground, the precise instruments and equipment inside the satellite cannot be changed after being transported by rockets, various cosmic rays in outer space, and bumps during transportation. These conditions will affect the satellite more or less.

But this is not a big problem. After all, when a problem is found, it is good to solve it. It is better to be able to bring temper to the team now than to go smoothly all the time, and then suddenly encounter a big problem, leaving everyone at a loss.

However, he did once again admire the old scientists and soldiers who came through the difficult years of the last century.

The young doctors couldn't handle such a high-intensity work, so they chose to eat and drink peaches. And these people are already old enough to have grandchildren next year, but they can still carry their fatigue, their eyeballs are bloodshot, and devote themselves to their work.

"Also, without this perseverance, Daxia Aerospace would not be able to grow so fast."

With this feeling, Gu Qing saw the "latest document" sent by the public relations department and the president's office together.

Western public opinion’s smearing of its own company, Elon Musk’s ridicule of himself, and the hypocritical “good intentions” of those expert organizations, such as frequent experiments will waste resources, rockets breaking through the atmosphere will cause ozone holes, rocket burning exhaust gas, garbage will Pollution to the environment, not environmentally friendly enough...

Seeing these remarks, Gu Qing laughed back angrily.

"Drafting? London was turned into a foggy city by the exhaust gas. You people don't say it? Uncle Sam conducted nuclear tests overseas on an island and dumped nuclear waste at will, causing regional pollution. Why don't you say it?

Labor and management spend their own money to build rockets and satellites, just like killing your own? Such a slander of labor and capital?

Grass, shit. "

It was the first time that Gu Qing was so angry that he burst out with swear words when he saw Elon Musk's sympathetic look about himself saying that he was not environmentally friendly.

My family knows my own affairs, industry people know industry affairs, does Elon Musk have technology?

Not at all!

It is purely a speculator, the Starlink technology belongs to Uncle Sam, and the electric car uses university resources, and it is still a very rough integration of resources, there is not much optimization and experimentation at all, and the system has as many bugs as win8.

Being "teached" by this kind of person, the young Boss Gu was quite upset.

People, once they are upset, they must find a way to vent.

After all, the more you think about it for a while, the more angry you get, and the more you think about it when you take a step back, the more you lose.

The reporter from Xiahua News Agency saw Gu Qing enter the interview room with a calm face, and said with emotion in his heart: "You are worthy of being a dragon and a phoenix among people. After being so slandered by the mainstream Western public opinion, you can still participate in the interview without changing your face."

However, amidst the emotions, when Gu Qing approached the reporter and sat down, the reporter felt a depressing atmosphere.

The young man who was attracting worldwide attention beside him seemed to be full of danger despite his calm demeanor and dignified appearance, which made the reporter feel a little hairy on his back.

However, every time Xiahua News Agency sent reporters to Kyushu Science and Technology, they were definitely old reporters with "rich practical experience", so after introducing each other and introducing topics, Gu Qing met the first heavyweight question.

"I would like to ask Mr. Gu, recently Elon Musk, CEO and CTO of space exploration technology company SpaceX, and CEO of Tesla, has already excessively occupied space in response to the satellites and equipment launched by your company into outer space.

He compared your company’s satellites and equipment to terrifying vehicles driving on the road, and commented: ‘This is simply a disaster. '

At the same time, he also directly shouted at you, as long as his company can review your company's equipment, and as long as it is confirmed that these equipment are not a threat to Blue Star and human beings, they can use their company's cheap rocket launch plan.

What do you think of this series of statements and actions by Elon Musk? "

It can only be said that after the reporter finished reading this question, he felt that the atmosphere in the interview room seemed to have cooled down a bit.

Afterwards, he heard words that he found unbelievable.

The camera faithfully recorded the "outrageous speech" of the founder of the world's top technology company.

"Fuck his Nainai! What do I think? That's all I think!"

When the reporter's hand heard these words, he unconsciously clenched into a fist.

He was nervous, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to continue this topic and resolve the embarrassment.

But unexpectedly, after throwing out such a "tempered argument", Gu immediately told the reporter calmly, like a Sichuan opera changing face: "Comparing the cars driving on the blue star to the satellites operating in space?

Did he, Elon Musk, get hit on the head by a wall, or by a car he produced?

What is the speed of the Blue Star car on the road? What is the distance between vehicles?

What is the speed per hour of satellite operation in space? What is the distance between satellites in the same orbit?

It is ordinary people and various programs that operate the car, but who is not a senior engineer, sophisticated programs, and advanced technology to operate the satellite?

Can the consequences of a collision be compared to the consequences of a car collision? As the controller of the global "knowledge of the famous car company", making this statement is really ridiculous.

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