Technology Communication System

Chapter 1670: Ancient Secret

At this moment, he behaved like a little fan. He really treated the Devil Emperor as a senior. When he spoke, his expression and tone were full of reverence, and that feeling could not be faked. At this moment, Luo Xiu was really curious. Why was the Emperor of the Devouring Sky only sealed and not killed? There were still many things in this situation, which made Luo Xiu feel curious and wanted to dig deep into these inside stories.

"Hehe, who the **** is your master? I still don’t know if your kid is fooling me, forget it, no matter whether you have anything to do with me, in short, you rescued me. Just know it. There are some questions about me that you don’t need to know. As for why those people just sealed me instead of killing me, that’s because they couldn’t do it, they could only ask me to seal it! I may be a little arrogant to say this, but the real situation is indeed the case. On the eve of that year’s war, if it weren’t for my sneak attack, I wouldn’t have fallen to where I am today, but now it seems that everything is still perfect. The world of Hongmeng doesn’t seem to have changed much, at least the few guys I’m looking for are still alive, and it doesn’t matter much to find them and settle their accounts!” It seems that Luo Xiu is so straightforward. Asking such words, the expression of the Devil Emperor at this moment became a little weird, and then he explained indifferently.

"Old ancestor, my master is named Tianshuan, and he is a casual cultivator named Qingshanyu in the Hongmeng world. When he fought with people for a treasure of heaven and earth, he was killed by someone before he died. I left this information, so it took so many years before I was able to rescue you from my ancestor. As for whether I have anything to do with you, I’m not sure about this, but one thing is certain, that’s For a long time before, I actually didn’t have a choice at all! Whether you believe it or not, seniors, my words are here. Once seniors, if you really have any opinion on me, please state clearly, after all, it happened to me. Some things on my body are really irritating!"

Because it is too strong, the Devil Emperor is really strong and a little bit frightening. This guy's aura has become stronger from the beginning. As he continues to swallow the chaotic power, his aura has become stronger, even Luo Xiu estimates that these years , The eight-door lock immortal formation was able to form that special world plane, it is not without the credit of the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor, even Luo Xiu suspected that the eight-door lock immortal formation was also extracting while suppressing the Tian-Swallowing Devil Emperor. The power in him.

Luo Xiu looked at the Demon Emperor beside him in shock and inexplicably, his expression was full of shock. Before that, he never expected that he would really have the opportunity to act with the Demon Emperor again. However, at this moment, in this moment, Luo Xiu truly realized the power of the strong, which was really much stronger than he thought.

At the same time, as the tyrannical aura of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor released, this chaotic universe became quiet, which made Luo Xiu a little shocked. He seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Luo Xiu curiously. At a glance, he asked: "Your cultivation base is not very good? How did you get this Heaven Swallowing Devil Jar? I remember that this thing was exiled to a different world at the beginning. Where did you get it? This thing?"

"Return to the ancestors, this thing was passed on to me by my master. As for where the master got him from, I don’t know. The only thing I know is that the master once told me to come here every thousand years. Taking a chance, I didn't expect that this millennium would have a chance to rescue you successfully. It is thanks to the fellow Taoists of Wangshan Sect. Without their help, I really might not be able to open the seal! Thinking that I was able to succeed this time, it was really luck. I had spread a lot of rumors outside before, but only these fellow Taoists of the Wangshan Sect believed my statement. Haha, although it is a bit despicable, but It doesn't matter if you can rescue the ancestors!" Luo Xiu said with a serious face at this moment, looking at the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor with a different look.

"You guys are good. It's worthwhile that the old man kept so many back-ups back then. If there is really no one who can contribute, then I will be very sad. During the years when the old man was sealed, what major changes have been made in the outside world? No, is there any special existence in the whole world? It was a bit miserable for the old man to be trapped by those two. Is there any news about the Tianji Pavilion and the Treasure Pavilion? The two are not dead. Don’t let the old man seize the opportunity, otherwise If you don’t, they’ll be completely wiped out!” At the beginning, the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor was still complimenting Luo Xiu and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction. The guy was like saying something else that seemed very angry to him, and the whole person's aura became different.

When Luo Xiu heard this guy’s words, he couldn’t help but stunned. He was familiar with the treasure pavilion, but he really didn’t understand the Tianji pavilion, so he asked in a bewildered voice: "Old ancestor, I’m the treasure pavilion. Clearly, I have bought things there. This time I unblocked some of the things you used. I bought it from there. As for the Tianji Pavilion you mentioned, I only heard that, but now there is a Tianji Pavilion in Hongmeng Realm. The big power of is the one that sells intelligence. As for whether it has anything to do with the Tianji Pavilion you mentioned, I don’t know about this! But you shouldn’t worry too much, ancestors. Although the Tianji Pavilion is very powerful now, From the perspective of the whole world, the Hongmeng Realm today still depends on the faces of those strong people left by Sanqing. Whether it is the Wanmo Hall or the Shenjian Pavilion, including the now famous Tianyuan Holy Land, it is now The most powerful force in the entire Hongmeng world, before that, I didn’t want to rescue people so directly. Of course, the main reason was that the strength was severely damaged, because the master was killed by others when he acted with people. That's why I have no choice but to rescue my ancestors!"

"Really!? Tianji Pavilion, Tianji Tower, this should be the same power. You kid don’t know how powerful those people are. You won’t believe what I say. In this case, you and I will go back and find a place. Heal, when the old man regains his strength, I will go to trouble them again, but now it’s not safe here, do you act with me or go back to Hongmeng Realm by yourself. With my current strength, it is impossible for me to return to Hongmeng Realm. Yes, if those old guys are aware of my aura, then you really have to wait for death!" Hearing Luo Xiu’s explanation, the Devil Emperor showed a thoughtful expression, a little helpless. Said.

At this moment, the Devouring Devil Emperor is no longer evil and awe-inspiring, and the whole person looks very calm, and is very different from the previous arrogance of self-reliance. This makes Luo Xiu at this moment suddenly have the illusion of seeing two people. Compared with the previous situation, Luo Xiu at the moment is almost certain that the current Devil Emperor is what he is.

Pay attention to his previous performance of such super powerful strength. However, in the words of the Devouring Devil Emperor at this moment, his current strength has only recovered a little bit, which makes Luo Xiu feel extremely shocked. The strength of the Heavenly Devil Emperor has touched the power of the rules of this world. Even if its original origin is damaged, it can still affect the environment of the entire Chaos World. This is still in his injured state, which is simply unimaginable. I feel a little weird.

Compared with the previous situation, Luo Xiu at the moment is almost certain that now he hardly has the qualifications to act alone with this old guy, because if his performance is too prominent, he will definitely attract the old guy's suspicion. , This is very different from his words, and the bigger reason is because he himself is a counterfeit, he is fundamentally the enemy of the Devil Emperor, so now Luo Xiu, of course, has to choose to act alone.

"Ancestor, I'll go back alone. You should understand that you are still acting alone. Your safety is important. Taking me with you will only become a burden to you. Besides, now the whole world The situation is not stable. At the moment, we can only be as careful as possible to completely prevent the crisis from coming. Once you recover a little bit, it will be of great benefit to our vein! Under such circumstances, of course, we are not willing to let you take risks. That's it!" Luo Xiu pretended to meditate for a while before speaking with some seriousness. After speaking, he looked at the Devil Swallowing Emperor in front of him expectantly. For today's Luo Xiu, he can only show his consideration for the Devil Swallowing Emperor. The ability to avoid the suspicion of everyone, the biggest reason is because his previous response was very correct, and he did not make the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor doubt.

Under this situation, Luo Xiu is almost certain that he will never be suspected by the Devil Emperor in a short period of time, and through this exchange with the Devil Emperor, Luo Xiu also knows that he was worried before. Sure enough, it is the most correct. Compared with the previous situation, he is almost certain that once the situation changes, he is likely to be thrown out to attract the enemy's bait. Luo Xiu is not willing to take this risk, otherwise, with Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor's cautious character, how could he run with him.

"Well, since you are unwilling, then you should go back to Hongmeng Realm first to find out about the Heavenly Secret Tower for me, and remember that your cultivation level is too weak, so don’t think about doing something that is not your current ability. What you are doing, don’t take risks like this again next time. If it’s not for the old man’s mental power to lock you in, when I get out of trouble, your kid is dead! Don’t worry about your future, since You rescued the old man, let alone other things, it is just a life-saving grace, the old man will repay you well, not to mention the relationship between you and me. In this case, you can rest assured , The old man will not treat you badly. By the way, for so many years, I see that the aura on your body is completely different from the exercises I left behind. Is there something wrong with the family? It’s up to you. The cultivation technique seems to have a taste of body cultivation technique!" Touching Mo Luoxiu's head, the Demon Emperor looked at him with relief and said.

"This, old ancestor! After your accident that year, we didn’t know at first, and then your enemy came to the door. Almost overnight, our entire clan was wiped out, if not for my father’s grandfather. Generations, they acted by chance and fled immediately. Now it is estimated that our line has been completely wiped out. It has already been wiped out. As for the practice method you mentioned, although I want to practice, it is in my grandfather. When the accident happened, I never had the opportunity to practice again. As for my current practice, I practiced Buddhism's body training tactics. Although the inheritance is not weak, because of my qualifications, I am just getting started. !" Looking at the Devil Emperor in front of him, Luo Xiu smiled and said half-truth.

The reason why Luo Xiu has so much confidence in being able to fool the Demon Emperor in front of him is that he had searched for a clone of the Demon Emperor before, and obtained a part of the memory of the Demon Emperor. The origin of the Tian Devil Emperor, the young patriarch of the ancient Celestial Clan, how arrogant and arrogant the Tian-Swallowing Devil Emperor was back then, Luo Xiu saw the despair of the Tian-Swallowing Devil Emperor truly.

Under these circumstances, Luo Xiu’s words were like five thunderstorms to the Devil Emperor at the moment, but immediately looking at Luo Xiu who was alone, the expression on his face was relieved, even just Even if the blood in Luo Xiu didn't resonate with him, the Demon Emperor of Heaven Swallowing would automatically make up for it. Luo Xiu still didn't know his true identity. Therefore, even if the blood in Luo Xiu's body did not resonate with him at this moment, it did not make the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor doubt Luo Xiu's identity. After all, the people who rescued him at that time, except for the three Wangshan Sect, took the initiative to speak with him. The identity of Luo Xiu he communicated is certainly more credible.

"Alas, the old man didn't expect that such a big change would happen during an ordinary outing. Back then, the old man was a gullible villain, and he was calculated together by others. Otherwise, there will be things now! But don't worry. Now that I have come back alive, there will be grievances, grievances and revenge! How much do you know about the things that happened back then, tell me carefully, you can rest assured, although the old man cannot feel the same in you as me Heaven and human blood, but I can definitely treat you as a younger brother. After all, you rescued me from the endless darkness, and I will not ignore anything you say. You kid first go back to Hongmeng world and wait for the old man to come back. !" Seeing that Luo Xiu was a little cautious and even a little unwilling to let go, the Devil Emperor Tian Swallowing couldn't help but smile, touched Luo Xiu's head, and comforted.

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