The scenes of this shocking and tragic scene made him suffocate, and even Luo Xiu at this moment was a little lamented, the conspiracy of the Devil Emperor! Regardless of other things, just its control over his subordinates is extremely harsh, because Luo Xiu is easy to distinguish from the identities of the many dead on the battlefield here, and the residual aura on the dead bodies of both sides can clearly distinguish the power attributes. , And because of this, Luo Xiu really saw a lot of places he hadn't noticed before.

Not to mention the strength of the group of practitioners in the Tianji Pavilion. The Treasure Pavilion is really taking money to kill the enemy. Most of the puppets and various weapons of war on this battlefield are estimated to be all It was the treasure pavilion who stayed, because Luo Xiu had seen these war weapons sold in the treasure pavilion before. Therefore, the war was fierce. It is conceivable that the two sides are not a small fight, and even each other almost In the first moment of the battle, the tragic degree of the war was promoted to the most intense state! This kind of behavior, which seemed extremely crazy to him, made Luo Xiu truly aware of the fierceness of the war that broke out at that time. It exceeded everyone's imagination. It can be seen that the group of evil practitioners brought the two major forces to the coalition. What a terrible pressure, it can be seen from this situation that the reason why Treasure Treasure Pavilion can be ranked as the two major powers alongside Tianji Pavilion is indeed unique.

Luo Xiu knew that the two powers were constantly deploying troops and generals during this period, but he did not expect that the power of the Devouring Devil Emperor would be so strong. This is almost a situation of crushing, although he does not know it. , Did the Devil Emperor enter and fight in person, but even so, it still feels incredible. One party has been sealed for more than 60 million years, and the other party has developed peacefully and stably for more than 60 million years. The difference can be seen from the number of practitioners who died in the field. Among them, it must be a well-matched situation, and even the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor seems to have a certain advantage!

This had to make Luo Xiu horrified. He did not expect that in a short period of time, the Devil Emperor could possess such a powerful force, which made Luo Xiu a little bit inferior, even the system in his mind. With all-out help, Luo Xiu believed that he could quickly create a group of dead men, but he couldn't even talk about a horrible method like the Devil Emperor.

Although Luo Xiu thought that the Devil Emperor would leave himself to go to other worlds, he must have a different purpose, but he did not expect that this old guy still hid such a hand, although he did not know how many of them were before him. Just stayed. But in the same way, one thing that Luo Xiu understands more clearly is that the guy who can follow the Devil Emperor with all his heart after a lapse of more than 60 million years is really convinced of the Emperor of the Devil, no matter if these people are just In the beginning, for what purpose followed the Devil Emperor, the attitude that they dared to follow the Devil Emperor to the death was enough to show that the Devil Emperor now truly amazed Luo Xiu.

If Luo Xiu was afraid of the Devil Emperor before, then he is really guarding it to the extreme. The ghost knows whether the old guy’s tracking mark on his body has any hidden hands, so He is really hiding in the independent space created by the demarcation compass, lest his whereabouts be discovered by the Emperor of Devouring Sky, causing unnecessary trouble.

And the same thing, as time goes by, he can obviously detect the huge changes in the situation of the entire Hongmeng world, just like the situation in this Hongmeng universe, it has begun to make him unable to understand, the simplest For example, as he continued to penetrate the battlefield, the number of corpses along the way increased, as if the two sides were chasing and fleeing. It was a little bit confusing, but as he continued to deepen this piece In the depths of the battlefield area, Luo Xiu could clearly see that the two major forces, Tianji Pavilion and Treasure Pavilion, had the largest number of people who died.

This discovery made Luo Xiu extremely vigilant. It seemed that they were defeating, and it was a defeat that was cut off by the Emperor of the Devouring Sky. In Luo Xiu's opinion, the reason why this happened must be two major reasons. The forces' coalition forces were caught off guard by a sneak attack. It can be seen that as early as when the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor came out, it was estimated that it was already settled, and the two major forces would send people to siege themselves.

For this reason, Luo Xiu had a thorough consideration in his mind. In this case, Luo Xiu also realized that it is very likely that the two powers were calculated by the Emperor of Devouring Sky, in order to deal with the storms from the two powers. , The general madness of revenge, the Emperor of the Devouring Sky is already fully prepared. Although I don’t know if it is caused by the inequality of information, there is one thing that Luo Xiu can be sure of. He had the upper hand, and completely suppressed the joint counterattack of the two forces. In this case, he combined with the experience of the Hongmeng Realm, which made Luo Xiu deeply realize that the Devil Emperor might have a chance to win, and he was completely in control. In view of the situation, Aro State can clearly feel the real reason why the Demon Emperor didn’t lag behind to directly attack the Hongmeng Realm. It must be that he has a very clear understanding of what is going on next to him. He has firmly grasped the victory in his hands. He is estimated to be fishing law enforcement, fighting around for help.

This discovery makes Luo Xiu dumbfounded. The old guy, the Devil Emperor, is so fierce that Luo Xiu is amazed. Throughout his entire life experience, Luo Xiu has never encountered a guy more ruthless than the Devil Emperor, even here. The old guy's previous confusing operations, now he has also reacted. These things were made clear by the Emperor of Devouring Sky deliberately!

As for the reason, it is very simple. It is to eliminate the enemies of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor and the active forces of the two major forces to achieve the ultimate goal, and Luo Xiu discovered that so far, the plan of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor is almost seamless. As long as the two forces of Tianji Pavilion and Zangbao Pavilion use more and more hole cards, they are going to completely develop things in the direction required by the Devil Emperor. Once the two sides use the tactics of refueling, it is really fighting for the background. At that time, the Devil Emperor of Heaven Swallowing absolutely had an absolute advantage. Although I don’t know if the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor is going to destroy the Hongmeng Realm by doing this, it is not difficult for Luo Xiu to see from the changes in the way of doing things before and after the Tian-Swallowing Devil Emperor is doing this. This idea came from the huge resources accumulated by the great forces over the past 60 million years.

Thinking of this, for today's Luo Xiu, the seemingly antelope hanging horns of the Devil Emperor of the Sky made him truly realize the huge gap-like gap between himself and these ancient powerhouses. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu certainly does not want to see the success of the Devouring Devil Emperor’s plan, so he is eager to find the main force of both sides, not to mention that it can affect the development of the battle, but also must save as many as possible. Only in this way can a master of the great power be able to make a long-term plan, and fight a protracted battle with the Devil Emperor, which is his best choice.

Luo Xiu believes that this idea of ​​the Devil Emperor must have been taken over by the two major forces, so they will fight and retreat in order to preserve the overall strength as much as possible, and then slowly figure it out. And the Devil Emperor's practice of slashing the mess with a sharp knife is not unrelenting. He completely beat the two forces and one was caught off guard. What made the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and the Treasure House uncomfortable is that they have been buried. In the pit.

Whether or not he can jump out of this pit next depends on the expression of the Emperor Swallowing Devil. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu has reason to believe that at this time he will come out to the rescue like a savior, and it is likely that the two major forces will be rescued. The people in's completely obeyed his opinions, but the greater possibility is that facing the Devil Emperor, he will be killed instantly, and in either case, Luo must be cautious, so the current situation As he moved forward cautiously, he began to work hard to distinguish the situation on the battlefield. As he continued to check the death time and the cause of these corpses, Luo Xiu gained a lot.

Although he still feels a little uncomfortable at the moment, he is helpless, the terrifying field control ability displayed by the Emperor Swallowing Devil has completely made Luo Xiuxiu think of underestimating him. It’s no exaggeration to say that the real reason why the Devil Emperor is so terrifying now lies in this. The old guy obviously has completely controlled everything. The reason for this is also very simple. It is to attract more With so many rescuers, Luo Xiu couldn’t believe in this situation that the two forces would have no resistance at all, so he was not in a hurry at all for the time being, and things had not yet reached the worst point. The body will only allow things to develop in an unpredictable direction, and will not bring any benefit to his plan. This is the real reason why Luo Xiu is unwilling to take such risks.

Of course, he did not have no other gains during this period. Among them, he also saw some different places, many things that originally seemed to him extremely ordinary. Before and after the combination, Luo Xiu was a little surprised to find that the Emperor of the Devouring Devil really He had calculated everything to the extreme. Even people like Luo Xiu who were not in the game were also calculated by him. When he thought of this, Luo Xiu shuddered.

No matter what thoughts the Devil Emperor had before, he now knew in his heart that the old guy was definitely doing this with the idea of ​​killing all enemies, which was terrifying. Not to mention other things, it’s just that for a long period of time, the crises he himself needs to face are everywhere. For example, in the last two days, every time Luo Xiu travels for a period of time, he must Quietly think about it, and then use the power of the delimiting compass to sweep away everything around you, only in this way can you avoid falling into the trap of formation.

Even if he had predicted that the old guy would not be able to let people discover his intentions so easily, he didn't expect that this guy would have said all this, and Luo Xiu couldn't help being the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and the treasure. Lou stood in silence for two minutes. The two powers had clearly suppressed the Devil Emperor, but he didn't expect that the old guy had calculated them for 60 million years, which was simply frightening.

From this incident, one can also see the carelessness of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor. Not to mention other things, the corpses he saw during this period of time gave him a great shock, not to mention, just follow. With the passage of time, Luo Xiu couldn't help but envy the extremely terrifying means of killing the enemy possessed by the Devil Emperor.

Because of this, Luo Xiu just collected all the evidence he could use, trying to convince the two powers by this, but Luo Xiu knew that this was a very difficult thing. After all, the appearance of the Devil Emperor, and his The chaotic entry has disrupted everything. The ghost knows what will happen next, and no matter what kind of situation, it is not the scene that Luo Xiu wants to see. Under this situation, facing what is about to happen Luo Xiu also felt that things were extremely tricky. Even facing the future situation, he was unable to do anything. He did not expect that the two major forces, Tianji Pavilion and Treasure Pavilion, would be defeated at such a speed that people were a little overwhelmed. .

Even at this moment, Luo Xiu was wondering whether the two powers were really idiots. Knowing that the Devil Swallowing Emperor had gathered so many evil cultivators, he didn't have any precautions and jumped directly into the encirclement of the Devil Swallowing Emperor. It made Luo Xiu doubt the IQ of the leader. Even if he took the shot himself, it is estimated that he would not encounter such a situation, but the most tragic situation still occurred. It can be seen that the two major forces have been at ease for so many years, and sincerely gave up their respective men.

And when he realized this, Luo Xiu really felt the irony. For him, things that hardly had much evidence became extremely important, so he was cautiously looking for **** along the way. Dui, looking for anything useful, even those that can prove his previous speculation, thinking about Luo Xiu himself is quite emotional.

Apart from other things, the current situation alone is enough to make everything develop in an unknown direction. Even though he had considered all of this before, he could not help but feel a little speechless. The two powers are good to hold one hand. On the contrary, the practice of completely giving oneself to the disabled, and sincerely made Luo Xiu speechless. People with much brain disabled can do this kind of thing. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the leader of the soldiers is the Sky Devourer. The people on the side of the emperor, or the internal traitors that the Emperor Devouring Devil had planted among the two major forces, were high-level people, so that they could be easily given to them. Thinking about it, Luo Xiu himself felt a little unbelievable. He clearly occupies an absolute advantage, but he was defeated in such a short period of time. There were countless deaths and injuries. Hundreds of thousands of practitioners were buried in the Chaos Universe. It was a kind of irony.

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