Technology Communication System

Chapter 204: Hidden secrets

In the following time, Luo Xiu became busy, because of time, Luo Xiu paid great attention to this matter and spent a lot of effort. ㈧㈠Chinese website Ww┡W. 8⒈Zw. COM

At the same time, Guo Yangming, who received the letter from Luo Xiu, found the old demon Ren and the palace owner of the Misty Immortal Palace who had a good relationship with him with an inexplicable look. He didn't say anything first, just Directly handed the jade slip that Luo Xiu passed back to the two of them, and motioned them to check.

"After reading this, I don’t know what the two of you think? Do you want to believe me as an apprentice? The old man was in danger many times before, and it was because of my precious apprentice that I was able to escape. What the old man said, the old devil can do The old man testifies. Now the old man believes in my apprentice very much, because his tone of voice is very different this time. Even when facing those who came up from Qingyun University, my little apprentice was only slightly surprised. , To know that when I knew the origins of those people, I was shocked. After all, there are other places where humans like us live, and their cultivation methods are very different from ours, old man These are just to make the two of you take this matter more seriously. After all, we are in different positions now. If the Yuanchen Secret Realm causes disasters on the entire planet, you and I will all be sinners of mankind! "When the other two had read the information in the jade slip, Guo Yangming's tone was very serious, and his expression at this time was also unprecedentedly solemn, and he said with great anxiety.

"Whether this matter is true or not, the three of us will go to the Yuanchen Secret Realm together to take a look and we will know. After confirming the truth of the matter, you and I are discussing with others how the matter should be resolved. . But the isolation formation that your disciple said, we can arrange it in advance, anyway, this is what it should mean, even if outsiders find that we are setting up the formation, it is just to prevent others from entering the Yuanchen secret realm. It’s just that if the three of us act collectively, it’s a bit inconvenient. Fortunately, your apprentice said it in time. If the facts are like what he said, the environment in Yuanchen’s secret territory is so terrifying. Things must be reproduced by offspring, and we can capture them at that time as a strong proof to convince others. In this way, it will have a better role in promoting our stubborn alliance. After all, Qingyun 6 The situation over there is already very critical now, the young owner of Tianjian Villa is still waiting for you and me to reply." Taking a look at Guo Yangming and the palace owner of the Misty Immortal Palace, Old Demon Ren also has a face. The language is relaxed, and he wants to make a decision directly with a wave of his hand. For him, even if Luo Xiu said that it was a mess, he would not easily believe it without seeing it with his own eyes. And how do you look at the matter Luo Xiu said? How can it make people feel like listening to the story? After all, there are many doubts about this matter. It is impossible to gather everyone together so hastily and discuss what to do. response.

The name of the lord of the Misty Immortal Palace is Yang Hao, who is extremely low-key, but he has a vigorous and vigorous character, and naturally has great courage to deal with any possible things. The original Misty Immortal Palace is almost in a place where it is precarious. It is this person who has expanded the Misty Immortal Palace into the first-class sect in the cultivation world in just a few thousand years. Not to mention, from the perspective of this world-wide alliance of sect forces, It can be seen that the misty fairy palace belongs to the very high ranking among all the forces that come here. At this time, he was also entangled in the matter before him, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

"Your apprentice didn't say exactly what kind of formation to arrange, but I think there should be requirements for the formation." Guo Yangming knocked on the table with a pensive expression, he did not say anything aloud Then, it’s just thinking carefully there. Instead, Yang Hao, the lord of the Misty Immortal Palace on one side, took the lead to speak, breaking the calm, but the questions he asked were more practical, because after all, this is his territory, and many things are I would rather believe it if there is something or not.

Being able to be the lord of the ethereal Immortal Palace proves that this person is by no means a simple character. Since Guo Yangming’s apprentice has heard news from all over the world, he must have his own basis. Although he has not met Luo Xiu, he believes Luo Xiu can never talk nonsense, this kind of thing is not to be joking. After all, it is related to the life and death of all the creatures on this planet. Moreover, he is very familiar with Guo Yangming. Since he can be accepted as a disciple, it can prove that the monk named Luo Xiu is definitely not an ordinary person. And even more so that he felt a little nervous, it was indeed the ugly-looking things lying in their sect treasure house at this time. It was a very ugly-looking bug, but their shell was very hard. This thing was brought out by the younger generation of the Zongmen who entered the Yuanchen Secret Realm. At the beginning, the sect also studied the shells of those weird creatures. , It's just that the harvest is very few.

"He didn't mention this specifically, but only asked to isolate any information transmission. In your ethereal palace, isn't there a very clever formation, the empty formation? This formation is not very laborious. As long as we arrange things first, we can discuss things later when we go in and check." Guo Yangming agrees with the words of the Misty Immortal Palace Master Yang Hao, because he also knows that this place is the site of the Misty Immortal Palace, and there are many things. He can think or not. Just seeing the master of the Misty Immortal Palace so decisive, he couldn’t help feeling a little faintly admired. After all, this matter was just an outsider’s suggestion, so Yang Hao could come up with such a courageous force, unconditionally Believe in my apprentice, and at the same time, I can prove that this person is someone who can listen to suggestions, and there will be more extensive cooperation in the various sects. This way, I can further deepen my relationship with the 缥缈仙宫 in the future. Some aspects of cooperation.

"In this case, it should not be too late. Then we will arrange the formation first. The palace will arrange to arrange the formation first. Let us go in and check if it is really what your apprentice said. After all, this Yuanchen secret realm, we have It's been turned on many times, and only this time someone proposed the existence of the thing." Hearing Guo Yangming's words, the Misty Palace Master Yang Hao stood up and said very eagerly.

After all, this kind of thing makes him feel very uneasy. Once things are like what Luo Xiu said, then this matter is not only the matter of his mysterious fairy palace, but also those things that the previous alliance could not achieve. Conditions can be done very easily at this time.

In this case, it is also a morale boost for those who are far away on Qingyun Da-6. After all, the main purpose of this alliance is to deal with possible foreign invasion. Although the Horned Demon Race and the Skywing Race have disappeared, the masters of the Human Race can not easily crush the other two races, so they can only figure it out slowly. Now they need time most.

Although the seal of millions of years has now been lifted, mankind needs time to regain vitality. Therefore, this alliance has far-reaching significance for mankind, because only all the sect forces of mankind are united to deal with the conflict. The combination of the Demon Race and the Skywing Race! In this way, if the things Luo Xiu said were true, they would be the biggest boost to this alliance. The reason for the delay in reaching an agreement before is because the various sect forces hope to have a greater right to speak, and they ignore the fundamental purpose of the alliance. Now that there is such a terrible existence as Luo Xiu said, this time the alliance of forces will have a good turnaround. From this, human beings can easily obtain an alliance agreement if they want to reach an alliance agreement.

"Well, if this is the case, then we will go right away. If this kind of thing is delayed for a while, it may cause a bigger crisis. Now this thing should not be spread easily. It is good that we have the knowledge in our own minds. Otherwise, it will cause trouble. Necessary panic. I don’t know if the two of you feel it, but the old man has discovered a very strange thing during this period of time. Since the collapse of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Sealing Array, our planet has been in an undefended state. State, it can be seen that Venerable Samsara and others set up an array to close our world, which would do more harm than good to us.” Soon after Yang Hao’s words fell, Old Demon Ren on one side also said aloud.

After that, the three of them stopped delaying time, and hurried to check out the crisis that might burst. Yang Hao took the first step and found a deputy palace lord of the Zongmen to explain the matter. He just said that in order to prevent accidents, he must be in the Yuanchen Secret Realm. There is a protection formation at the entrance and exit, but the formation must be an empty formation.

"You immediately order to go down, do it immediately, and then bring out the corpses of the weird creatures that the disciple in the gate obtained from the Yuanchen Secret Realm hundreds of years ago in the treasure house in the palace. I have other uses, and the old man will go in personally. Check out what's going on inside, the affairs in this palace will be handled by you and the big brother." When the deputy palace master was about to leave, Yang Hao hurriedly reminded him again, his tone more serious than ever.

Hearing what Yang Hao said, the deputy palace lord did not show seriousness. He just turned and left and followed the instructions. Then the three of them fell silent. The three who stayed in place didn't mean to speak actively, everyone All became a little gloomy.

"Palace Master, things are here. If there is nothing to do, I have other things to do, so I will leave here first." The three waited for a while at the exit. The deputy palace lord just went back and returned. A storage ring was handed to Yang Hao's hand, then he turned and left after giving a salute.

"Let's go in too! I hope things don't get too bad, I have a very strong anxiety, this time I may become the sinner of the whole mankind." Yang Hao appeared very silent at this time, after a long time, He glanced at the formation that was about to be set up in front of him, then he glanced at the storage ring in his hand, and finally looked at the old demon Ren and Guo Yangming, and said lightly.

"Don't worry, you can't blame you for this kind of thing. After all, who could have thought that this secret realm has existed for millions of years, and I was told today that there are such terrible things in it. Don't say you can get it from this secret realm. It’s just this kind of secret realm. In the entire cultivation world, there are 800 without a thousand. This can only be said to be a coincidence, no wonder you. And now we have done what my apprentices meant, things should be It's not as bad as we thought, but it still has to arouse our high attention. After all, there are thousands of people from other forces in it today. If one is not careful, someone will get that thing out. The consequences, tsk." Seeing Yang Hao saying this, the two of them looked at each other, and then Guo Yangming slowly opened his mouth and comforted.

"Hehe, I hope so!" With a dry smile, the palace lord of the ethereal Immortal Palace, Yang Hao, took the lead in entering the secret territory of Yuanchen, and then the two of them did not hesitate to follow him and entered the secret territory together. Inside.

"What a rich heaven and earth aura! No wonder your ethereal fairy palace has been exhibiting so quickly for thousands of years. It's really a kind of courage for you to take out this mystery this time and let these people explore together. , I’m a bit curious, aren’t you afraid that all the good things in it will be taken away? And looking at the scene in front of you, something must have happened in the current secret realm. Tsk...what a strong blood, The old man is an ancestor-level figure of the Demon Dao. The scene in front of him can only cause such a great resentment when a lot of people have died. No, the death aura in it is extremely thick, but it is not like the recent one. Someone died here. Could there be other things here?" As soon as he entered the Yuanchen Secret Realm, Old Demon Ren exclaimed. It is true that the heavens and the earth here are too dense, although there is a faint air in the air. The death aura wandered, which greatly affected people's breathing, but for the monk, the aura of heaven and earth was so dense that it was a good place to practice, so he couldn't help but breathe in a deep breath of fresh air, and then opened his mouth in admiration.

"Here hundreds of thousands of years ago, that was the place where the nine-tailed monster fox lived. When we first appeared here, many nine-tailed monster foxes died in it. No one knows how they died. It is probably because they all died in it~light, that will make this secret realm appear, and we can get this thing in the ethereal palace. When we first came in, my uncle and the others were all scared. The same, there are tens of millions of nine-tailed demon foxes living in it. They seem to have been directly shattered to death by people with a powerful aura. All demon foxes are almost dead. You can’t imagine. , At that time, my uncle and the others saw this scene and they were so scared that they escaped the secret realm. It was a long time before they dared to enter it again. You should know that there is one in my ethereal fairy palace. The magic weapon is refined from the fur of a monster race. Almost all the fur of the monster race used is the fur of the nine-tailed monster fox, so the refined magic weapon has a very powerful illusion effect." Yang Hao didn't care about the old demon's praise. He just explained the place where such a strong life came from, and then distinguished the downward direction and took the lead towards the southeast. All the people they met along the way, almost everyone was carefully checked by the three of them using their spiritual knowledge. After all, according to their guess before, if it was such a big disaster, all the monks in it could not. Easily let them leave this secret realm first, otherwise, it will really cause great trouble.

(To be continued.)

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