Technology Communication System

Chapter 222: explosion

Luo Xiu was stunned for a long time in the same place. He is still a little bit inexplicable until now. Anyone who sees such an inexplicable thing will be puzzled in his heart. ?? Bayi? Chinese W? W ㈠ W. 81ZW. COM, not to mention the white-robed man who appeared rashly just now. Luo Xiu heard him claiming to be'this king' at first, but he was shocked, because in this secret realm, there is a man who can claim to be the king. exist.

Just now Luo Xiu thought that the guy who claimed to be the "king" would be detrimental to him, but he didn't expect that the person just said a lot of inexplicable things to him, regardless of whether he could understand it or not, and then disappeared and harmed him. Deloitte thought what the white-clothed man would do to him, and he worried about it for a while, but in the end nothing happened.

What made him even more puzzled was the place where Hu Sanquan and others were located over time. Suddenly there were more and more milky white light clusters. No matter what everyone did, they couldn’t drive them away or smash them. Luo Xiu was stunned and noticed the scene there. He was familiar with the scene before him. For a while, Luo Xiu couldn't remember where he had seen a similar scene, but the uneasy feeling in Luo Xiu's heart really became clearer and clearer, and then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and then his face turned pale and forbeared Can't help being shocked.

After he finally watched it carefully for a while, he suddenly remembered what these light clusters were. Others didn’t know what they were. As a monk with such a perverted existence, Luo Xiu knew very well what these were before him. What kind of existence, he would never have thought how this thing would appear here.

There was a detailed introduction to the Zerg system, but because Luo Xiu hadn't seen it before, he didn't take it too seriously, but he just remembered what these light groups were. This is a kind of bomb that has a great impact on mental power, which is artificially made entirely by energy according to a special method and combined with the spirit of some animals.

Luo Xiu also suddenly remembered this kind of thing because the system had mentioned it. After it exploded, the damage to the human body was mainly spiritual. It can be said that this thing is the greatest light of the 27th century of the Earth Federation. The most powerful scientific methods of mankind before can not directly affect the human spirit, let alone spiritual energy weapons.

This spiritual weapon was originally a powerful scientist of the Earth Federation. He also discovered the secrets of the Zerg when humans were at war with the Zerg, and combined with some research, finally realized the perfect fusion of spiritual power and technology. , But when this weapon appeared on the battlefield, there was an accident. As a weapon maker, this scientist made a sneak attack by the Zerg on the battlefield. Although the Zerg who had come to be wiped out at that time, the scientist was also secretly controlled by the Zerg. Then this very abnormal technology leaked out.

"Everyone quickly get out of there, the danger is coming soon." Seeing that everyone is still wondering what these white light **** are, one by one is playing there like playing, all playing with the floating white light balls, Luo Regardless of other people’s horrified eyes, Xiu yelled directly at the other side, and then a teleport appeared in front of his master, pulled him directly and teleported away from here, and turned back to the elders of Qiantian Temple to signal, let They followed him together.

"What's the matter, Luo Xiu? What happened, is it possible that there is something wrong with those light clusters? The old man just felt a little change in his spirit, but he didn't feel any threat." The expression on his apprentice was so anxious. As well as the scene of flying back under him, Guo Yangming was very surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"Soul? Yes, why did I forget this thing!" Luo Xiu was in a daze when he heard Guo Yangming's words, and then Luo Xiu seemed to think of something. A box appeared in his hand. It was the previous system. The things handed to him are now just when they can be used. Luo Xiu, who wants to understand, gestured to the people around him what he was holding. Then the six people, including Guo Yangming, stopped. Some inexplicable things Guo Yangming gave them before took out, and they all looked at Luo Xiu.

"Yeah, if it weren't for the master's reminder, I would have forgotten it. The system was given to me just now. It is very likely to deal with the situation in my life." Thinking of this, Luo Xiu also felt amused at his previous fuss, and then He looked at his master.

"Master, if this is the case, do you want to recruit them all first? Based on the current situation, we should try our best to be more careful, because I have a premonition that I don't want, there must be something to happen later, Otherwise, how could there be so many weird things happening all of a sudden." Seeing his master also looking thoughtfully at the weird phenomenon there, Luo Xiu couldn't help but prompt.

The field at this time was very exciting. Many people did not notice that the crisis was coming. Although everyone was still a little excited at the beginning, as the light clusters in the field became more and more dense, it was almost full before the end. Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little nervous in the area that suppressed the consciousness of the gods. Then he looked at his master and opened his mouth to speak, but then he closed his mouth a little bit depressed.

"Is your kid hiding something from being a teacher? Otherwise, why did you have such an expression just now? Your reaction is too weird!" Seeing Luo Xiu like this, Guo Yangming looked suspicious at first. Looking directly at Luo Xiu, he asked without blinking his eyes.

He had no doubts. Luo Xiu’s behavior was really puzzling. Now in the secret realm, there are hundreds of high-ranking immortal powerhouses, but it is such a huge power. It seemed that he couldn't even reach the so-called female worm in the cave. Even at this time, he felt a little bit unable to understand his apprentice.

Guo Yangming had this suspicion, and Luo Xiu was not surprised at all, but he was not going to tell the truth afterwards. Although it was not easy to explain to Guo Yangming and others, when Luo Xiu thought of the bad consequences that this incident might have caused, he couldn't take care of this much.

He also chose to keep concealing it. He had to hesitate to say to his master: "Whether you believe the master or not, in the inheritance of some alien civilizations that I have received, there have been introductions of these light clusters. , And these powerful light clusters will explode. According to the news the disciple got, this so-called female worm should never be underestimated. At the same time, the disciple only learned about it just now, unlike the master, you, I didn't have the protection of this gadget just now, but my whole body seemed to be locked by someone until I took out these things. If the thing that was given to your master just now existed on my disciple, I wouldn't think of it. Master, your feelings must be different at this time. Didn't you notice any weird things in this?"

After hearing what Luo Xiu said, Guo Yangming couldn't help but feel a little stunned. No matter how clear he thought before, no matter how confident he was with these people, he would not be able to deal with it so comprehensively in a short time. Now he has this in his hand. Something, although he didn't know what Luo Xiu wanted to do, he casually scanned the scene around his eyes, and he was a little clear.

As the strongest person in Qiantiangong's ten thousand years of cultivation, Guo Yangming is not very strong in his usual work. But he still has the majesty that belongs to the superior in his bones. Guo Yangming didn't pay much attention to this so-called Zerg female worm that appeared inexplicably. The reason why he was so attached this time was also because of Luo Xiu's affairs. Since learning about the existence of the Zerg, Guo Yangming has always prepared these things according to Luo Xiu's ideas. Although he had been paying great attention to this matter before, it was because Luo Xiu had always been a person who spoke and acted in his heart. However, since Luo Xiu entered this secret realm, he has always behaved very abnormally, which made Guo Yangming always have some doubts in his heart. Now that he sees his hesitating and evasive speech, Guo Yangming somewhat understands that things are absolutely extraordinary. The apprentice must be hiding something from him.

"If there is anything inconvenient to say, you don't need to say it. Today, this matter is indeed as you said, and it is a bit weird everywhere. The old man was a little worried before. If it is really so easy to do, it is also It won’t be as you said before. This kind of zerg creature can destroy a civilization, so we can’t be too careful.” Guo Yangming sighed, patted Luo Xiu’s shoulder, and then Turning around, he spoke again in a calm tone.

"Boom!" Just as the two wanted to continue talking, a thunder was so abruptly exploding in the air, and the sudden blast made everyone in the secret realm feel trembling. And with the explosion of this thunder, the milky white light **** that had been scattered, just like explosives that were ignited by someone, began to explode one by one.

And what made Luo Xiu's scalp numb even more was that as the milky white energy light clusters exploded, the whole sky was overwhelmed by the spirit energy shock waves flying all over the sky. And it is this shock wave that makes everyone feel scalp numb, and few monks can resist it.

Luo Xiu saw that everyone in the field was caught off guard by this sudden crisis, but he didn't have a better way. The system provided only a few defensive items. Now seeing the situation crisis, he also There is no good way, so I have to look at my master Guo Yangming.

"The universe is boundless!" Seeing the sudden and violent mental impact, everyone present unanimously used their most powerful defense methods, one by one, like deserters, rushing out of the self-destructive circle, seeing most people running out, He threw out the formation that was refined by the only one-level defensive formation on his body, but the next moment, what happened made Luo Xiu thoroughly understand why the system was so afraid of the mother worm.

I saw the phantom of a huge monster suddenly appeared in the center of the explosion, and then countless light spots were absorbed by the phantom. This scene made the monks who were not slow at first appear as if they were beaten with chicken blood in an instant. It burst out, one by one running outside more desperately.

And it is this desperate spirit that makes Luo Xiu's eyes bright. Before, he was worried that after the milky white light group blew up, it would make people's spirits shocked, unable to move freely, and cause some unexpected damage. At this time, he saw When many people had already fled the scene, Luo Xiu let go of his worry. He stepped forward and whispered to his master quietly: "Master, let's go and take a look in that cave now. It is very likely that it is the best now. Good exploration opportunity."

"Wait a minute, I'll order, and then we two will go together." Guo Yangming couldn't help but his eyes lit up when Luo Xiu said so, he couldn't help but think carefully, and then whispered to him, then he turned around. He whispered a few words to the elders of Qiantian Temple beside him, and saw everyone nodding and heading towards the side of the secret.

"You stay here now, I'll get Old Demon Ren out. Let's wait for the three of us to go together. As for Yang Hao, we don't care about him. After all, he is the master here, and he will need to manage the rest of the matter." Guo Yangming With that said, a dodge teleport appeared on the sidelines, but because of the mental impact of the explosion, everyone’s spirits could not be approached within the scope of the explosion. Guo Yangming had to teleport around the explosion, and he opened his eyes towards the inside. Looking at it, although nothing can be seen in the vast expanse of whiteness, Old Demon Ren’s defenses are very recognizable, whether it was the square-shaped thing Luo Xiu gave him before, or the Soul Eater in his own hands. The flags are incredible defensive weapons. It's just that Guo Yangming didn't dare to approach the center of the explosion easily, so he had to shout from the side. After a while, six figures appeared in front of Guo Yangming. It was Old Demon Ren and Huangquan Demon Sect who came here this time. Elder.

"Don't talk nonsense, we will leave here immediately." Guo Yangming had to say something more, and Old Demon Ren directly interrupted what he wanted to say, and left here with everyone.

"Let these elders leave here first. The three of us have to go in and see what's inside. Now is a good opportunity to go in and listen to the news. Otherwise, wait a while, the attack here will stop and we will enter the valley. Inside, the price to be paid will definitely be even greater." At this time, the old demon Ren also had to say something. Guo Yangming didn't wait for him to speak in a hurry, waved his hand to stop what he wanted to say, and then said excitedly.

Soon there were only three people left on the spot. Seeing the back of the five people leaving here, the three of them just nodded slightly, and then Guo Yangming took the old demon Ren and Luo Xiu, quietly left here, and walked around. Circle, enter the cave in the distance!

Along the way, the three of them did not receive any kind of attack. Although Luo Xiu was very surprised by this, he did not think of anything, but was more careful.

"Master, do you feel something is wrong? With the performance of that thing before, we want to get in and get close to his lair so unscrupulously, logically speaking, he should be very annoyed. There must be means to stop us from moving forward. It’s just that we’ve been moving forward for so long and haven’t received any form of interruption. Don’t you feel that there is something wrong with this?” The more you move forward, the anxiety in Luo Xiu’s heart becomes more and more. small. He had a system that could help him before, and what could be discussed with the system. Now that the system does not appear for the time being, Luo Xiu can only think carefully about the reasons for these things.

As a wise man, Luo Xiu quickly understood that the reason for this might be that the white-robed man who appeared on the court before didn't care about the purpose of the three people at all, and the reason why it was so was that it had no fear!

(To be continued.)

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