After all, the comparison found that Luo Xiu still felt the huge gap between the two worlds, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while, even if he had already realized the power of this world's body training exercises, Luo Xiu still felt a little at a loss. .

"System, what do you think I should do? Should I start practicing again right away, or just wait, take the opportunity to search for all the exercises that can be found, and then combine them together, and then formulate a new exercise, you see Which one do I want to choose?" Luo Xiu was a little hesitant in his heart. He didn't know how to deal with the current situation. It was really difficult for him to make a choice. At this moment, Luo Xiu focused on the system in his mind.

After all, judging from what happened during this time, Luo Xiu found that the system in his mind was still very reliable. At least, the system had always agreed to let him rebuild.

"For the time being, with your current physical strength, the practice of this exercise in your hands is completely sufficient. You must know that with your current physical foundation, even if you practice a more powerful exercise, you can Better development, but for you, there is absolutely no need for you to do this! As your cultivation level improves, your foundation will become more stable. After all, you are different from people in this world. They are just right Some experience in body training is really weak in other aspects, but the host, don’t forget that the power of the soul in your body is far beyond that of other people. Once you have practiced the body training techniques of this world, it will assist you in your cultivation. The exercises exercise the power of the soul. In this case, when you break through to the realm of Wuzong in your cultivation, it will become much easier, and the most important thing is that your path of cultivation will be smooth sailing after this." The system gave affirmation. Suggestions, and Luo Xiu thought about it carefully, and found that he didn't have to worry about the good and bad of the practice.

After all, for him, he is not the main body training method, even if people in this world can directly achieve what the legendary characters in his world myth can do, but for Luo Xiulai Said that with his previous experience, he didn't have to worry that he could not reach the level of those people.

"Then I will give up my exercises now, but you are sure that there is no problem with this exercise? You know, I am not a native of this world. If it is really because of inappropriate exercises, what happens again? Then it will be really troublesome." Luo Xiu looked suspicious at this time.

He was very clear that the system said this, and the main purpose was to let him waste his work and rebuild as soon as possible. Although he was not too sure, why the system in his mind was so eager to make him do it, but Luo Xiu was only at the very beginning. Confused for a moment, he soon reacted, what he needs to experience now is not as simple as the system in his mind said.

"Of course, the sooner the better. After all, if your cheap father really returns, he will definitely find something abnormal in your body. Instead of being frightened and frightened then, it is better to show your cultivation level openly. For a while, you don’t go anywhere, and you can cultivate here with peace of mind. As long as you get started with this reckless power, you will surely not be suspicious of you even if you show something abnormal. The most important thing is that in this world, the kind of power in your body, plus the ability to transform into another person's appearance, unless you expose yourself, otherwise, other people will not think of this. In other words, you can stay in and out as the Young City Lord of the Luo Family City Lord for a long time. By that time, you will definitely understand how much influence I have said today for you.” See Luo Xiu still A little nervous, the system in his mind also explained to him in time. What followed was that Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He was not as cautious as before. At this moment, Luo Xiu felt a moment of relaxation.

Since there is no good solution, Luo Xiu has already made up his mind to waste the work and rebuild first. As for other reasons, they are not within his scope of consideration.

The most important thing now is the question of what he will do next. It is closed to nothing in a short period of time. If it takes a long time, his performance is too different from his previous performance and will it attract the attention of others.

Later, Luo Xiu summoned the woman to give a few words. After that, Luo Xiu ate lunch hastily, and then got into the secret room that Luo Kai usually used for retreat. Then, he first re-studied this technique. After a while, combined with his real physical condition, he worked out a healthy and safe practice method.

Soon, Luo Xiu started his first practice. At this moment, Luo Xiu also discovered the difference between the quality of the Qigong method and the Qigong method he was practicing?

This exercise relies on his practice of boxing over and over again to exercise everything on the body. While practicing boxing, the cells inside the human body exercise the flesh and body through boxing strength and the rich heaven and earth vitality in this world. The body has undergone qualitative changes to some extent.

After Luo Xiu only practiced twice under the guidance of the system, he noticed the anomaly, even if the Nine Ranks Profound Art is so mysterious, but for Luo Xiu, the basic reason for the physical body he promoted is still The energy is densely distributed among the cells in the body, enhancing the cell's anti-strike ability, which is completely different from the secret technique of body refining he is currently practicing.

This not only made Luo Xiu feel a little confused, but from the huge qi and blood of those people before, it could be seen that people in this world have similar internal body structures to him, but why there are two different exercise effects? ?

Despite the doubts in his heart, Luo Xiu still used the so-called Mang Niuquan over and over again. This method seems simple, with only 28 tricks. However, what is strange is that after these 28 tricks are practiced, it turns out that All the bones in his body can be cultivated.

This kind of unthinkable situation made him feel a little astonished. You know, even with his knowledge of this continent and the memory of Luo Kai in his mind, Luo Xiu was a little surprised.

You know, he has also practiced the body exercise before, but there has never been a body exercise that can simultaneously exercise the human musculoskeletal cells.

This kind of cultivation seems to be very comprehensive, and because the continent where Luo Xiu is located is rich in heaven and earth vitality, when he is thoroughly immersed in the cultivation, he does feel that all the cells in his current body are like that. The cheerful and comfortable feeling really made him feel the kind of stupid ~ stupid ~ desire ~ movement from the bottom of my heart.

Time passed slowly, unknowingly, one day, two days and three days in Luo Xiu’s practice slowly passed. During this time, Luo Xiu also deeply realized why the system in his mind would Speaking of cultivating here, it is impossible to provide much help.

Because when Luo Xiu started to rebuild his reckless energy after he completely lost his gong, he clearly felt that the first thing he squeezed out of his exercise was the power that had been left in his body by the nine-turn profound art. , When Luo Xiu was thoroughly immersed in cultivation and only ate two meals a day, Luo Xiu's body became stronger day by day, and the terrifying power permeated his body. Soon Luo Xiu's flesh ~ body strength became stronger. Has reached the peak of warrior, only one step away can become a warrior.

Then, when Luo Xiu accidentally swallowed a few of the herbs he picked, and accelerated the speed of his boxing practice, Luo Xiu was a little surprised to find that the strength in his body had improved in just half an hour. The increase.

So half a month passed. During this half month, Luo Xiu continued to swallow the pill, and then practiced. This cycle continued, allowing Luo Xiu's cultivation to increase rapidly. This kind of improvement speed is seen by Luo Xiu. It's a little slow to come, but if someone else knows his cultivation speed at the moment, he will definitely exclaim the evildoer.

However, even so, Luo Xiu still feels that the speed is still a little slower, but he has no good way. During this period of time, he has swallowed no more than a thousand herbs, and in his city lord mansion. He swallowed all the medicinal herbs that he saved. With such a great effort, his cultivation level was a bit unsatisfactory. Therefore, Luo Xiu reluctantly left the City Lord's Mansion after half a month.

If he can’t come out, he can’t do it, because his body is stuck in a bottleneck. No matter how hard he exercises, the improvement effect is still extremely slim, and Luo Xiu is a little impatient. The system in his mind has already worked out the next plan for him. In the days to come, he will find ways to step on it first, and then find the right time to start plundering the city's resources.

When he came to a dense forest, Luo Xiu shook off the dozen or so servants who followed him and restored his original appearance. Then Luo Xiu changed his face again and chose a direction carefully to avoid the encounter on the road. Pedestrians. At the same time, he was also observing everything around him, and when he came to the auction house again, the inside of the auction house was still crowded.

Feeling the aura of those strong people here, Luo Xiu at this moment can completely confidently reveal his cultivation level. Because of his crazy assault for more than half a month, Luo Xiu's current physical strength is comparable. Most of the martial arts monks in this world, coupled with his unique qigong method, allows Luo Xiu to fully display his original cultivation level easily. This makes him feel a little excited. If he and the system plan to do it, the rich resources of this world will bring him such a huge harvest, thinking about it, he is excited and difficult to maintain.

Next, Luo Xiu went to several places in a row. These places were all major auction houses and places with abundant resources. Therefore, when he waited until it was dark, Luo Xiu began to act.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid, he just did it right away, and he just thought he couldn't be so impulsive now. Therefore, he waited until all the shops were closed before Luo Xiu cautiously jumped up directly and came to this auction. He had already stepped on the third floor. All the acquired items were placed on the third floor, and Luo Xiu didn’t need to worry about these things being carried by them, because in this world, these monks did not There is nothing like a storage ring.

All the precious items are all escorted by some top powerhouses. With their great power, they can directly grab tens of thousands of catties and fly in the void. Therefore, when Luo Xiu came to the third floor, he first looked carefully. Look, and a relaxed smile appeared on the back, carefully avoiding those simple formations.

Then, he began to observe the people who watched the night around him. Instead of rushing to deal with them, he passed in front of these people at a very fast speed, and then waved his hand to arrange a more complicated formation to isolate it. His body, then Luo Xiu started a crazy sweeping behavior.

One after another was put into the storage space by him, no matter what was useful or useless, even the coins in this world, which seemed to him worthless, were all He put it in the storage space.

After doing all of this, Luo Xiu carefully searched the surrounding walls again, and used his spirit power to probe carefully. Sure enough, there is a mezzanine in the wall here, and there is a tenth in the mezzanine. In a small space, there are more than a dozen precious treasures hidden here, and Luo Xiu will not bother to take out a long sword, directly across the wall, take out those things, and finish it. After this, Luo Xiu observed again, cleared away the traces he had left, and quietly left here.

After that, Luo Xiu went to several places in a row. These were the families that Luo Xiu knew in Luo Kai’s memory that had great influence in the city. After a round of shopping, he was quietly visited almost everywhere. Taking away the good things silently, his actions didn't attract anyone's attention.

Then, he hid in an alley again, made a disguise of his body, changed his clothes, and then turned into the Luokai look again, swaggering out of an alley, detouring back Home.

Taking a shortcut and carefully returning to his room, Luo Xiu began to separate the things in his own space, distinguishing which things were useful to him and which were useless.

Then Luo Xiu began to continue his cultivation. Time passed slowly in Luo Xiu's practice. Three months passed quickly. When Luo Xiu's realm reached the peak of a martial artist, he felt himself He was about to be tired and paralyzed. Just as he was about to attack the realm of Wu Zong in one breath, the butler Fu Bo found him.

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