There was no hesitation, he knew very well that if he wanted to save his life, he could only choose to leave this place, otherwise he would really throw his life here.

Moreover, it was very difficult for Luo Xiu to open the entrance of the Qinglian space before, and his aura was unstable now, and he couldn't use power at all, so Luo Xiu didn't know what to do for a while.

However, just as his heart was burning, the violent and loud gasps that were approaching quickly suddenly stopped, as if something had happened to him, which made Luo Xiu breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, a violent explosion sounded through the cave, and then some powerful power fluctuations came from the depths of the cave. It seemed that the previous roar attracted other powerful people. Therefore, the powerful monk and the evil dragon Puyi At the moment of contact, a big battle broke out between the two sides.

If Luo Xiu still felt a little delighted before, then at this moment, there is only shock left in his heart. The one who can face the dragon so hard, or in such a small space, face to face, shows that this person's cultivation level should be. How powerful.

And Luo Xiu clearly realized that none of the guys he seduce at the periphery of the cave had a cultivation level as strong as he felt now.

Such a sudden situation also made Luo Xiu realize that he was not the only one who knew the situation here. Obviously, there are other strong men who are also studying. Can the secrets of this place be cracked and be able to Take away the treasure of Emperor Wu.

For Luo Xiu, the current situation is not the problem of these treasures, but he is not sure whether he has an advantage here. At this important moment, Luo Xiu is deeply aware that even if he has Wuzong level cultivation now For, but facing these horrible things, it is still a weak existence.

Luo Xiu didn’t know exactly what the fighting scenes were between the two sides, but the violent banging of the flesh, the strong power fluctuations, and the huge roar of the beast that came out from time to time kept coming, all of which made Luo Xiu felt that the current situation of the two sides must be stalemate.

The most important thing is that Luo Xiu also barely mentioned the strength of his body. Although he is still weak now, he is not as weak as before.

At this moment, he was leaning on the wall towards the deepest part of the cave, but he quickly recovered. Luo Xiu turned around hard, and he suddenly realized that if he went on like this, he would definitely run into both sides. By that time , The two sides of the match will definitely deal with him as an outsider without hesitation.

Therefore, the current Luo Xiu can only choose the opposite direction, temporarily avoiding the edge of these people. He knew very well that, in his current state, rushing up was just to die.

And the most important thing is based on his understanding of these people, these people can still fight the monster beast under this circumstance, and definitely be able to kill the monster beast.

In this way, Luo Xiu felt a kind of panic. He knew very well that his previous plan had failed, and because of his lack of combat power, he could not stop these people from mopping up.

If all the monsters in this maze are killed by these people, then the tomb of the great emperor will be opened. Luo Xiu can hardly imagine what kind of horrible things will happen at that time, but he is profound from those records. He understands that the owner of this underground palace is not a good man.

And for all this, Luo Xiu can only secretly cheer for himself. He is ready. He is ready to find a chance to leave here. He can recover his injuries and improve his cultivation level as soon as possible. Only in this way can he be better. To deal with everything that may happen.

Then Luo Xiu started his own activities, because he could clearly feel it. Now the shredded corpses that can be seen everywhere in this hot space, this terrifying sight made Luo Xiu shudder, showing the previous one. How terrifying is the destructive power brought by the roar of the beast.

If it wasn't for him to act quickly, and the system promptly propped up the defensive cover for him, then he would become a corpse just like these dead guys.

But even so, the situation here still makes him feel bad. All the plans that were originally planned were overturned by him. Now he can only choose to withdraw first. Otherwise, what chaotic thing really happened would be impossible to solve in his state.

Walking and stopping along the way, Luo Xiu reappeared outside the entrance of the cave. At this moment, he breathed a long sigh of relief, changed directions, and headed straight to the area where Qingfengtai was located.

After such a long time, Luo Xiu believed that the current Qingfengtai had already been empty. His past should not cause other changes. And the most fundamental reason why he wants to pass is to get that energy source.

After all, let’s not talk about anything else. Although he has no use for this thing, the system has a great demand for that thing. In this world, because the system is very helpful to him, but for the future system to be better To serve him, Luo Xiu can only choose the help system. Besides, he doesn't know how to act.

Looking at the scene behind him, Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little upset. Now he felt an uncomfortable feeling of lifting a rock and smashing himself in the foot. He knew very well that these guys following him might have a great deal this time. The harvest, but Luo Xiu has already planned. If there is a harvest in Qingfengtai, he will come back to see if he can have a chance to fish in troubled waters.

It took a long time for Luo Xiu to return to Qingfengtai. At this moment, Qingfengtai was in a mess within a hundred miles, and everything was broken. If it weren't for Qingfengtai to have special restrictions and protection, Luo Xiu believed At this moment, it is estimated that it will be flattened.

Even so, Luo Xiu can feel that there are still some monks' aura in the Qingfeng Terrace at this moment, but Luo Xiu is relieved that there are no traces of the aura of other people in the gods here. It can be seen from the previous battle. All the living creatures here have been shaken to death.

"System, please scan it carefully to see if that thing is still there. If that thing is not there, can you find out who took it? Hurry up, after doing the things here, we have to go back there. In the cave, see if there is a chance to fish in troubled waters. If we can take out the contents of the imperial mausoleum, we can directly return to Luocheng this time, and practice a period of retreat there, and then find a way to leave the world. "Restraining the excitement in his heart, Luo Xiu scanned the surrounding kilometer range with his soul power, and found that there was no abnormality, he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked aloud the system in his mind with some excitement.

With his own powerful spirit power, he couldn't easily distinguish the abnormal situation here. In order to protect his own safety to the maximum, Luo Xiu could only use the system in his mind. After all, only the system could This place is full of weird power and magnetic field to distinguish whether there are other people active here.

"Host, wait a minute, there are still a few guys who are still not giving up. Although no one has discovered that thing, their aura can be revealed. Such a powerful fluctuation of power will definitely attract other people's coveted psychology. . And for these people, without the intervention of this system, they would not be able to use this thing correctly. But the combat power of these people is not much weaker than that of the host. In order not to be troublesome, you should wait a little longer. , They are just a little unwilling to give up, and it is estimated that they will not waste more time here. After all, the previous battles here were so amazing, these people did not dare to stay here for a long time." The system in his mind warned at this moment. Luo Xiu, then Luo Xiu resisted his inner excitement, approached the Qingfeng Platform cautiously, and then got into one of the ruins.

Hiding in a quiet corner, taking the breath of the whole body, Luo Xiu looked at the three people who were still looking for him with the corner of his eyes. Luo Xiu noticed that these three people were from the Nine Heavens God Realm just like him. The battlefield of gods and demons.

The reason why he dare to be so sure of the origins of these people is because of the powerful spirit fluctuations in their bodies. You must know that in this Qianlong Continent, it is impossible for any strong person to have such powerful spirit fluctuations. Because of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but breathe in the air-conditioning, and the number of people who appeared here was too much.

"System, you said that if I lead them to the tomb of the great emperor, will something very interesting happen? If they can help me find the things in the tomb of the emperor, would we not waste it? It’s been a lot of time, how about it, system, is my method feasible?" Looking at the three people who were also blindly searching there, Luo Xiu's inspiration flashed, and suddenly he thought of a wonderful method.

At this moment, he accidentally felt that this was really a good opportunity, so he just hesitated a little, and didn't wait for the answer from the system in his mind. He didn't hesitate anymore, he breathed all over his body directly, and he became like the Demon Emperor of Heaven Swallowing, and then slowly walked out of the darkness of hiding.

"Three fellow Taoists, Xu Mingjie, you also came from God's Domain? It's a fate, what are you looking for? Where did the old guy here go? By the way, how did you come to this world." The first time the three discovered Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu took the initiative to greet them before they could speak, and every question was asked in their hearts, causing the three of them to stare at each other.

"This Dao Xuan Ming Hall Zhao Wusi, met fellow Daoists! Are you? Oh, you are also like us, living in this strange world? If this is the case, then we are our own people. You have to be careful, this world The people in is very unfriendly. They have had several wars with us. Some of our brothers have been killed by them because of this. However, we didn’t suffer any losses. After we killed them, we let my brother take the house. The flesh body of one of them, I didn’t expect that the flesh body of people in their world could actually help us improve our combat effectiveness!” This person seemed to be a familiar one, and he didn’t doubt Luo Xiu’s identity at all. Instead, he smiled. , The whole body's aura was especially kinder than before. It seemed that he didn't care about Luo Xiu's sudden appearance, and even more so for Luo Xiu's sudden appearance, there was no abnormality in his expression.

When Luo Xiu heard Zhao Wusi's heartless remarks, he secretly curled his lips. Zhao Wusi was obviously talking nonsense, because he could clearly sense this person's invisible breath. , This old guy is obviously holding back bad.

However, he didn't care too much, knowing that based on his current situation, he didn't need to talk nonsense with them at all. Luo Xiu stabilized his mind and directly stated his plan. Of course, when he communicated with these people, he said that he accidentally discovered a place where some treasures existed, and his strength alone is limited. It is somewhat difficult to take out this huge resource, plus this The indigenous people in the world are entangled at all times and want to cooperate with them.

"Daoyou Xu, are you kidding? The resources in this world have some effect on you and me. If this is the case, you are still willing to cooperate with us, are you afraid that we have hacked your share?" The other two people didn't have any. In response, only Zhao Wusi asked with surprise.

While speaking, Zhao Wusi's whole person looked a little weird. It seemed that he had never expected Luo Xiu in front of him to say such a thing, and he was not a fool, he was very clear about the meaning of Luo Xiu's words now.

"Of course, if I go alone, I can only send death, but if there are too many people, it will be horrified and attract the attention of the local indigenous people. If everyone goes together, the success rate will be much higher." Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling Hesitating, it seems that I underestimated these three people, and seemed a bit regretful.

Of course, Luo Xiu’s appearance now is just a disguise. In order to completely fool these people in front of him, Luo Xiu is now using all the energy to suckle, because the situation at this moment is not Too suitable for long talks, Luo Xiu didn't worry that his words would make them doubt himself.

"Brother Zhao, we have been here for more than a month. It doesn’t make any sense to continue wasting time. Instead of going on like this, why not go and take a look. At least you won’t suffer. After gaining a harvest, then our tomorrow will definitely have unlimited prospects!” It seems that Luo Xiu’s words have played a big role. One of the two who has not spoken seems to be the fellow of Junior Brother Zhao Wusi, somewhat forbearing. Can't help but say aloud.

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