These dragons did not speak now. They all looked at Luo Xiu with strange eyes, as if waiting for Luo Xiu’s sentence. Obviously, Luo Xiu’s proposal tempted them. If they could release part of their souls first For them, this has already got rid of most of the control, and the rest is just a matter of water milling.

After all, as long as the soul is completed, those imprisonment formations on the body are equivalent to losing most of their effects. At that time, even if the kid in front of you does not help, they can easily resolve themselves by giving them a few days. Those formations in the body are forbidden.

"Boy, as long as you can release our soul, let’s not say anything else, we swear by the Dragon God, we will protect you forever, until the day when you are born, old, sick, and die, and our eight brothers can guarantee that as long as you don’t Let us do the things of massacre and annihilation of the country. We can help you fulfill any request of your kid." Luo Xiu's words made these dragons obviously moved. After looking at each other, the oldest one spoke. Said, although the tone seemed flat, Luo Xiu could still hear the excitement in his flat tone.

Luo Xiu looked around again, and then the whole person jumped gently, and came directly to the side of the suspended sarcophagus, quietly watching the strange situation on the sarcophagus.

I saw the blood-red lines on these sarcophagi clearly visible, one by one like human blood vessels. If you don’t look carefully, you will only think that it was formed after the blood dries up, but Luo Xiu can clearly see these. Within the veins, it seemed as if there was liquid flowing in it at this moment, so strange that Luo Xiu felt his scalp numb.

Then, he carefully observed the surroundings and gradually turned his gaze to the seemingly ordinary space, where the system was pointing in his mind. As long as Luo Xiu flew over and put his hand on it, Let the system in your mind draw out the energy there, and these dragons will completely complement their souls.

Luo Xiu didn't know if he was doing it right, but he could clearly feel from the sincere gaze of this dragon that they had no grievances with themselves, and saved them by himself, so they shouldn't avenge them.

"That's it, seniors, you are ready, I will start to get those souls back for you first, as for what you promised, then it's up to you, kid, I won't force you, after all, She Yaoshu Way, if I rely too much on your power, it’s not good for my practice. Hehe, meeting is predestined. It can be said that everyone has forged a life and death enmity with the Wutian Great Emperor here. The emperor survived, and I took so many things from him, so I definitely don’t want him to be resurrected again, so we all take what we need, let’s say, even after the emperor lives, you will be the first The target to be killed, as for me, as long as I be careful and hide honestly, no one will believe that my junior at the level of Wuzong will sweep away everything here, so only a few seniors Don’t say, I’m safe, how about it? Other boys don’t ask for it. I just hope that a few seniors can keep secrets for me. These things are all needed for human cultivation, and they are of little use to your monster race. Presumably you don't do things that harm others and disadvantage yourself, right?" Luo Xiu's tone was unprecedentedly solemn when his eyes were extremely serious at the moment.

He knows exactly what he is doing, and for him, if the siege of these dragon races can be solved, it would be fine. If he really can’t do it, he has nothing to lose. On the contrary, as he said, it is If these dragons survived, even if this great emperor recovered from his injuries, his combat effectiveness would definitely be affected.

Luo Xiu couldn’t help feeling a little nervous in his heart. He didn’t think that Emperor Wu Tian would give up. After all, after spending such a large price for so many years, he was about to succeed, but he was destroyed by himself at the most critical moment. If the identity information was leaked out, the Wutian Great Emperor who was lying in the coffin would definitely not let him go.

At this moment, the most important thing for me at the moment is to save my life first. As for the rest, Luo Xiu has no hope. As for the last few dragons, will they reveal their own information? Luo Xiu believed that even if they said it, no one believed it.

Even if the Wutian Great Emperor heard this news, he would not believe it. After all, he was able to do this calmly and completely disrupted the meticulous arrangement of a Great Emperor, or even directly destroyed it. With his advance arrangement, the person who shot his skills will definitely not be just a little cultivator in the Wuzong realm. In this way, as long as he is a normal person, he would never think that he is just a little guy in the Wuzong realm. Things done.

After that, Luo Xiu stopped talking nonsense. In the eyes of these dragons, he smiled slightly, and walked across all the surrounding imprisoned areas directly, and the whole person easily came to the area without any effort. Area specially marked by the system.

Here, if Luo Xiu looks at it with the naked eye, he can't notice anything at all. Even if he uses the spirit power in his body to scan, the area in front of him is still empty as night. If it weren't for the system in his mind to remind him, Luo Xiu would never Perceived that there is terrifying energy here.

Slowly carried his right hand into the area of ​​nothingness. When his palm just touched, a huge rebound force directly poured into his body along his arm, and Luo Xiu didn't have any surprises or panic about this, and he calmly pressed his hand down.

If you change to an ordinary monk, you will definitely be blown away by this terrifying force, but Luo Xiu is not. There is a system in his body. Because of the system’s character that can only go out, any power , As long as it walks in Luo Xiu's body, as long as Luo Xiu thinks in his mind, the system can easily pull this part of the power directly into the system's energy reserve in the shortest time.

Luo Xiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, the use of the formation here is extremely rough, even if the Wutian Great Emperor's arrangement is extremely delicate, but because of his superficial understanding of the formation, he Innately had a huge moat with Luo Xiu.

Besides, even the formations in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary made Luo Xiu disdain. For Luo Xiu, who had system help, he didn't believe that there were any formations in this world that he could not crack.

Luo Xiu is confident that as long as he can hold on to it, no matter how long the formation here is, it will not be difficult for Luo Xiu, and the most important thing is that the system of Pai Yao is to face the world. For Luo Xiu's formation, none of this is difficult to accomplish.

With the passage of time, the force of the counter-shock continued to weaken. Luo Xiu finally saw the situation in front of him clearly. This position happened to be a section extending from the top of the hall. It seemed that it was hollowed out at the time. In the space, only a few bottles can stand here.

At the same time, Luo Xiu saw the unforgettable situation in his life. Above this stone platform, there was a huge disk, and the disk was now in a weird way like a seven-star formation. There were seven bottles, and each jade bottle was tumbling at this moment. Because the formation was broken, they seemed to be able to sense the position of their owner.

Luo Xiu looked at the situation in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched, especially when he looked into the huge jade bottle in the center, there was a shock in his heart for no reason.

At this moment, in the transparent jade bottle, the soul of a human monk was sleeping, and the man looked like a middle-aged man. Even in the jade bottle, the powerful pressure in the soul still made Luo Xiu feel a little hairy.

To be honest, Luo Xiu saw such a strange situation and was taken aback by the situation, and then he recovered his calm, and quickly counted the bottles in front of him, which happened to be nine.

Luo Xiu let out a sigh of relief and prioritized taking the other eight smaller bottles according to the guidance of the system, and then put the huge disc and the bottle in the storage ring. There was nothing at all. Touched the huge bottle.

He flew to the strange floating sarcophagus again, Luo Xiu's heart moved, there was no nonsense at all, he did not hesitate to open all the jade bottles in his hand, following his movements, one after another The dragon soul flew out of the bottle, and then, in an orderly manner, sank into the dragons.

Then, Luo Xiu noticed that as these dragons and their souls were filled up, something extremely surprised Luo Xiu had happened. These guys didn't seem to be able to regain freedom as he had previously imagined, but struggled violently. .

Seeing the situation in front of him, Luo Xiu couldn't help his heartbeat. It was obvious that the unfolding of the matter was a little bit beyond his expectations, and what was even more frustrating was that Luo Xiu didn't know how to solve this situation.

As for where the problem happened, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little bit worried. He still didn't understand what was wrong. Therefore, he looked at the violently twitching dragon clan eagerly, watching what was vomiting from their mouths. The blood foam became thicker and thicker, and Luo Xiu couldn't help being surprised, but there was no way.

"Predecessors, what's the matter with you? Why does this happen? Could it be that the souls were touched by the Wutian Great Emperor?" Luo Xiu thought, when these dragons had such a change , It was when he returned their souls to them.

Therefore, Luo Xiu first thought of this situation. After all, for him, this is not an unacceptable thing. After all, if he is replaced by the Emperor Wutian, he will only do more ruthlessly than this, but, Now it seems that Luo Xiu doesn't know how to deal with it. After all, it seems that he still thinks things too simple.

"Boy, quickly take out the bottle containing the soul of the Emperor you got, and destroy the soul in it, otherwise, we won't be able to escape! Hurry up!" One of the dragons gritted their teeth and their eyes were red. Looked at Luo Xiu. When he was speaking, Luo Xiu's body was shaking violently. He was afraid that they would not be able to withstand the terrible pain, so he died.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that the soul in the bottle is the soul of the Emperor Wutian? Have you made a mistake, how could such a weak human soul be what you said." Luo Xiu was surprised. These things were obviously beyond his expectations, and for Luo Xiu, the current situation was not only weird, but also full of uncertainty.

After that, Luo Xiu stopped hesitating, took out the bottle in his ring and the disc together, and then he divided the two into two at the same time, and quickly opened the jade bottle. When he was about to do it, his mind The system in Zhong stopped him at this moment.

"Host, don't be so capricious, your kid. This is your opportunity. Not only can you control these dragons, but you can also directly control the life and death of the Wutian Emperor to some extent. Looking at their previous dialogues, this system has A bold guess is that the Wutian Great Emperor suffered a lot of injuries in his early years, and he must be healed at the cost of a deep sleep. And the power of these dragons is to keep his flesh when he sleeps~ the body is not corrupted. .It is estimated that his injury was related to the spirit, this is indeed a good opportunity for the host, as long as the host can brand his own mark in this person's spirit, you must be walking sideways in this world. Isn't it a big deal at all?" The more Luo Xiu listened, the more he felt that the system in his mind was full of seduction.

For him, there is nothing better than this. After all, for Luo Xiu, only if he can completely master these dragons can he have the opportunity to not be threatened by them.

"Hey, there is really no problem with doing this? Is it a bit unkind? Besides, have you made a mistake? This is a soul at the level of the emperor. How can my current soul strength control such a person? Soul, are you kidding me? If there is a backlash, I will be controlled by the emperor. Have you thought about the consequences?" Luo Xiu was also shocked by the system's words at this moment and almost jumped out.

He can be sure that based on his understanding of spirits, he doesn't think that his soul attainments can surpass the great emperor in front of him. There is no chance for this kind of thing. If he is not 100% sure, Luo Xiu dare not now. Take this risk.

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