At this moment, he quietly waited for these people to have a dispute, or go into a fight, and become confused again, so that he could have the opportunity to slip away. For him, there is no longer any meaning to stay here. It would add unnecessary trouble, so Luo Xiu just waited quietly, waiting for the time to come.

And he didn’t wait too long. For Luo Xiu, it took only a few minutes. Then Zhao Wusi and these people saw the dazzling array of treasures on the shelves, and everyone was excited in an instant. I didn’t notice that it was made up of phantom arrays.

Because when Luo Xiu set up the array, he set it up very cleverly, it can be said to be so wonderful. In addition to using the magic array, he also has the assistance of the virtual reality technology that belongs to the Earth Federation. Both Only by adding up can we achieve such a realistic effect, which is almost a real effect.

If these people touch the palms of their hands, they will not be able to detect these illusions. Therefore, when everyone sees the amazing wealth in front of them, almost no one can maintain their composure again, and almost everyone uses them in unison. With alert gazes, looking at the people around him who were originally friends, only Zhao Wusi and the three were still standing together at this moment. Although they were extremely excited, they did not have that jealousy in their eyes.

And time passed slowly in the stalemate among the people. What made Luo Xiu feel anxious was that even though it had been so long, no one was the first to break the calm. This made Luo Xiu feel curious at the same time. Faintly wondering why these people could be so peaceful in the face of such wealth, Luo Xiu couldn't even think of why they had such a strange reaction.

"Tsk, system, what's the matter? Why are they so late that they have discovered the magical array? If this is the case, it will be a big trouble, as long as they continue to stay at the gate, I want to leave , It’s just wishful thinking, do you have any other way.” After waiting for more than a day, seeing them still calmly alert to each other, Luo Xiu was a little impatient, but at the same time he felt that his previous thoughts were a little naive.

After that, Luo Xiu was a little silent. He didn't want to see the things he didn't want to see happen. After all, the benefits had already been obtained. People would find something wrong so easily, even if they could not find out themselves, but thought Luo Xiu couldn't help regretting his previous behavior.

After all, Luo Xiu dare not think about what would happen to him if he is really trapped in this place. Even the dragons standing next to him at this moment, as well as the Emperor Wu Tian, ​​Luo Xiu also Regardless of this much, as for the previous lion, Luo Xiu even left it behind.

For Luo Xiu, only if he rushed back to Luocheng as soon as possible is the best result. After all, compared with other places, he still has the identity of the Young City Lord of Luocheng. As long as he appears in Luocheng again, he must be No one can connect what happened here with him, and he is even less aware of his abnormality. At most, it is to combine what happened here with his master, which has no effect on him. Big.

After that, Luo Xiu waited quietly. After all, he also hoped that the system in his mind could give him an answer that made him feel relieved. Otherwise, the ghost would know what happened if he was so stalemate.

At this moment, what Luo Xiu worries most is that he put away the sarcophagus used as the core of the formation before. Luo Xiu knows that short time is nothing. If it really exceeds too long time, this underground palace will definitely collapse. .

At that time, even if Luo Xiu would not suffer too much harm because of being in this Qinglian world, but without the existence of the underground palace, it would be extremely difficult for Luo Xiu to return to Qianlong Continent.

Although it seems that it is extremely easy to cross the space, only he knows that every time he leaves the weird real world, he keeps a certain special breath in his body as a plane coordinate. Once the coordinate is destroyed , If he is thinking of returning, it is really a bit of trouble.

"What are you referring to? Don't worry, you kid put your heart in your stomach, you don't have to worry at all. The most fundamental reason why they didn't take action immediately is that they consumed a lot in the previous battle. Judging from the current situation, Zhao Wusi and the three of them are a little better. Those native aboriginals will definitely suffer a big loss if they work with Zhao Wusi and the three of them at this time. You look good, within three days. , They will definitely get red eyes." The system in his mind did not have as much as Luo Xiu had thought during this period of time, and he sneered with disdain, and said another issue that Luo Xiu had ignored.

And after saying this in the system, Luo Xiu suddenly realized that he was too focused before, that he ignored the most fundamental problem, that is, the crowd was terrifying after more than three days of frantic battles. In their realm, even though there is nothing wrong with them. Losing this kind of flesh ~ the exhaustion of the body, but the mental exhaustion, can not be ignored.

And after being in this world for so long, it is obvious that Zhao Wusi and the three people have clearly recognized the reality. At the very least, they don’t think that the flesh and the powerful beings of this world are being consumed by their souls. Under huge circumstances, they can easily break through their defenses with the help of their magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu smiled. If this is the case, Luo Xiu doesn't have to be so entangled at all. The big deal is that when they fully recover, there will definitely be a fierce battle at that time. As long as he takes the opportunity to slip out, he can completely clear the suspicion With this huge gain, he can cultivate to a strong enough realm, almost once and for all.

It’s just that Luo Xiu overlooked a problem. Even if both parties are adjusting their breaths and meditating, they shouldn’t spend so much time, and he didn’t show the slightest trace before, no matter how clean he cleaned up, the previous doorway layout Those formations are the biggest flaws.

Neither Luo Xiu nor the system in his mind made any deliberate concealment of this point. Therefore, both sides are on the surface alerting each other at this moment, but in fact, only they know that the two sides have communicated privately at this moment. For them , The resources here are richer, but for them, it is not very useful. Those guys from the local area obviously came for the collection of the great emperor, and for the three people of Zhao Wusi, they only need to get here The hidden exercises will do.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu was still there waiting for them to start fighting with each other, he completely ignored the shrewdness of human nature. Therefore, Luo Xiu's waiting was destined to be futile, and Luo Xiu did not notice that Zhao Wu Si At this moment, looking at the things on the shelf, the corners of his mouth are curled up.

After waiting for more than two days, Luo Xiuming was impatient with waiting, and he also felt the breath of these people. Now they have completely recovered. Therefore, when Luo Xiu was nervous about going crazy. Suddenly, the situation in the field has changed dramatically.

I saw one person in the local area rushed to one of the shelves first, and then everyone frantically rushed towards the shelves beside or behind. At the same time, the hand moves quickly across the shelves one after another, trying to get the most resources in the shortest time.

In the field, only Zhao Wusi and the three brothers watched the crazy behavior of the crowd quietly, without any other reaction, and seemed to be shocked by these people. At this moment, as the things on the shelves decrease, the weight of the shelves changes, triggering the changes in the formations in the hall, and then the dense rain of arrows shoots frantically at everything around, many of those shelves are directly Turning into powder, the arrow rain shot straight at the crazy natives without any loss. And up to this moment, those who were still continuing to search frantically, under this series of attacks, were shocked in a cold sweat and completely recovered.

However, despite this, it was too late for them to wake up, and then they saw scenes that they would never forget. They saw that with the death of those people, the moment the arrow hit these people, everyone in an instant There was a change, it turned into a pool of pus and blood, and then quickly merged into the ground and disappeared.

After that, the same scene happened in different areas. Luo Xiu, who saw all this through the monitoring, was dumbfounded. The Zhao Wusi and three brothers were also a little shocked. No matter how terrifying the cultivation level, they faced such a dense concentration. The attack can't be supported, and the horrible scene of the bodies of those who were shot turned into pus and blood is simply disgusting.

"This is too scary. Fortunately, I was hiding fast just now. Otherwise, like these guys, I will become a pile of blood. It is really frightening to think about it. This person is such a cruel method, how can I I can’t believe that there are such amazing organs here, such abnormal toxins, and I feel a little frightened when I think about it.” Looking at the horrible scenes in the scene, Luo Xiu secretly touched his forehead. After a burst of fright, I was terrified.

If it weren't for his previous subconscious action, and directly avoided the long arrow that was shot, then Luo Xiu believed that he would become a pool of blood just like the people in front of him.

Looking at the tragic scene that was still changing, Zhao Wusi and his two junior brothers also stepped back subconsciously, and then they all quietly waited for the stop of this mechanism, but with the excitation of the mechanism, that The flawless formation originally set by Luo Xiu also began to appear damaged at the same time, and many rocks directly revealed their true colors. Looking at the stones of different sizes on the shelves, the faces of the survivors present at this moment were gloomy and terrifying, and even Zhao Wusi's heart was full of evil spirits.

Obviously, all of them have been tricked, either by the owner of the imperial tomb deliberately, or by sweeping things up before anyone came in before them, and staying behind this trick of tricking everyone After giving it to the pit, looking at the piles of blood and water of various sizes, there are almost all the living people with red eyes, and they all looked at Zhao Wusi and three people with cannibalistic eyes.

"Why? You don’t think we made the situation here! Don’t forget! We have been fighting with those puppets just now, and there is no chance to get out of your sight. You don’t want to think about it. Since this is one The tomb of the emperor, how could we let us get those treasures so easily? If you think about it, you can know it. You are too greedy. No wonder others. If you know you, just stay with me honestly. Otherwise, don't Blame our brothers for being cruel." Zhao Wusi was able to understand their thoughts, and even what they meant now, snorted disdainfully, and then looked at everyone with an unpredictable expression. At this moment, he too She was scolding her mother in her heart, but on the surface she could only maintain her composure.

"Impossible, there is no such exquisite formation in this world. It is obvious that someone has left here. They should master the special method. Otherwise, how could it be possible to set up such a psychedelic formation so ingeniously? I have seen that if it hadn't triggered the mechanism and let the mechanism play a role, there would be no such tragedy here. This great emperor has already died for tens of thousands of yuan. How can there be a formation that can last such a long time." An old man stood up, bowed to the three of Zhao Wusi and said in a daze.

The most fundamental reason why he cooperates in this way is that they know very well that if the previous puppets were not joined by the three of Zhao Wusi and the three of them, the people from other local forces present who wanted to solve the puppets simply had to take advantage of them. Life to fill.

"Then I have nothing to do. Obviously the person who did all this has already left this place. By the way, we only came here to have a look after hearing what people said before. The person who brought us in after we entered this underground palace It disappeared. I don’t know what the identity of that person is. I only know that he accidentally lived here just like me. If anyone could do anything, it’s only my fellow, but you want to catch it~ It’s really difficult to live with him. I won’t say much about it. Since there is no longer any sense of continuing to explore here, then we will leave first.” Zhao Wusi didn’t feel very angry, and faced the old man. He gave his hand and explained the reasons why he and others came here very seriously and carefully, and then took his two juniors without hesitation, and turned to leave.

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