Technology Communication System

Chapter 677: Critical situation

The reason why Luo Xiu didn’t keep his hands was to force him to show his true body, because only Xiao Yixuan’s original body could exert the most powerful combat power of this Lu family disciple. Then, Luo Xiu thought about the key points. , He did not hesitate to speed up the frequency of attacks again.

This time he had no intention of hiding anything. The great Yin Yang Magnet Gun Sky God Spear Technique and the strange stick technique named by Luo Xiu as the Universe Stick Technique were also used by him. Luo Xiu's stick technique seemed ordinary , It was actually the system in Luo Xiu's mind, combining the secret methods of tens of thousands of cultivation techniques, and it was created after powerful simulation calculations. This is undoubtedly an extremely sophisticated stick technique.

As soon as Xiao Yixuan came out, it made Xiao Yixuan a little hard to fight, and soon the long sword in his hand was beaten into two knots. After that, Luo Xiu slashed with a stick and hit it directly on Xiao Yixuan’s left shoulder, facing Luo Xiu’s. Suddenly, Xiao Yixuan didn't have any power to fight back, and Luo Xiu smashed his whole body into the ground with a stick.

But soon he came out from another position again. When he appeared this time, Xiao Yixuan had already changed his appearance. He was no longer embarrassed before, and his whole body was shining golden, and he was covered in golden armor, even his height. Also changed.

The whole person is like a burly warrior. At this moment, he is looking at Luo Xiu with a hateful look. At this moment, the long sword in his hand has been completely replaced by an extremely weird one. Luo Xiu is familiar with this scene. If it weren't for the armor on this person, it was indeed made by a monk. Luo The Xiu Metropolis thought that this was something like mecha.

At the same time, the appearance of Xiao Yixuan's tall and lofty local tyrant instantly caused everyone in the field to be stagnated. Everyone looked at Xiao Yixuan with surprise and unsuspecting eyes. Everyone, including the hall of Tiexuetang At this moment, Lord Tie Ruqing looked at the golden armor with some piercing eyes, and the greed in each of those eyes could be discovered by individuals.

And the most important thing is that Luo Xiu noticed that many people in the crowd are eager to try. It seems that there is no need for him to instigate, someone will attack Xiao Yixuan. After all, the appearance of the deputy hall master is too **** attractive. Up.

Previously, when Luo Xiu and Xiao Yixuan were fighting, the crowd was extremely quiet, but at the moment it seemed a lot noisy, and even a buzzing sound came from the crowd.

After all, what I saw with my own eyes at this moment, and what they had only heard before, is that there is still a big gap between the two. Therefore, after Xiao Yixuan revealed his true body at this moment, Luo Xiu was overjoyed. It is really Xiao Yixuan's best seller at this moment. Okay, and this gorgeous turning around blinds the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the indigenous people present.

This couldn't help making Luo Xiu amused. Originally, he thought it would take some tricks. At this moment, it seemed that he took this person too seriously. Obviously, these people don't need to instigate themselves at all, and they can't wait to rush up.

After all, compared with these, the power that Luo Xiu displayed at this moment is just the ordinary Qianlong Continent's means, but this Xiao Yixuan is different, the various incredible attack methods displayed by this person, and his body. A piece of armor, that is simply a shining treasure.

"Boy, don't deceive people too much, dare to tell your sect, this time as long as the old man escapes to death, next time the old man will definitely return you in the most fierce way! If you dare to continue to act, just What happened to me? In the ancestral hall of my Lu family, my soul flame will be extinguished. Then, you will have my aura in the remaining breath. I don’t need to say more. Then my Lu family will be Come to the door and kill you. After all, everyone is from the same place. If you have something to say, don’t you have to fight so hard? This continent is so rich, it is simply a blessed land for you and me. If we join hands, this world will definitely not There will be others who dare to jump out and rebel against us, so I have united many old friends, presumably they are on their way here, as long as we stop today, the old man can ignore what happened today, how about it, little friend? This is the old man's greatest sincerity." Seeing Luo Xiu still facelessly preparing to swing his club and hit him, Xiao Yixuan was a little worried and couldn't help but whisper again.

While speaking, his expression is no longer the same as before, and his aura looks a bit weak. It seems that even if Luo Xiu's stick was completely resolved by him, he paid a painful price for it. The tone of his speech is also It's not like the previous one, there are some pleading meanings in it.

"Hey! What is there to talk to you scumbags, I really think I am a rookie, because of your injuries, you don't dare to contact other people at all, to say something bad, if you are really like what you said. So, you won’t be so low-key like you are today. It is estimated that you have already killed the hall master of the Iron Blood Hall and become the hall master yourself.” Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked disdainful. Said.

He didn't feel at ease when he said this, he wanted to take the opportunity to provoke Jiexuetang's anger, and let Jiexuetang join the battle to besiege Xiao Yixuan.

But with the participation of people like the Jiexuetang, he will feel a lot of comfort and save a lot of time. After all, the longer it is, the more disadvantaged it is. The ghost will know whether this person has other companions. If it really attracts others again As far as people are concerned, Luo Xiu is really overwhelmed.

"You! Damn! Who the **** is your kid? Why would you help these natives and kill all these inferior pigs and dogs, is the best, when you and I dominate the entire planet of life, occupy the geniuses and treasures here? A breakthrough in cultivation is just around the corner, why bother about the lives and deaths of these people.” Luo Xiu's words now made this person dumbfounded and speechless. He muttered to himself for a long time. He jumped his feet and cursed a little angrily, and then he did not hesitate Avoid Luo Xiu.

The conversation between the two of them was not Divine Soul Voice Transmission. Everyone present could hear clearly in their ears, especially Luo Xiu's words, which made the entire Jie Xue Tang eager to move.

At this moment, they had different thoughts, but looking at the shiny golden armor, the shiny golden armor in his hand made everyone present heart-stricken. Everyone seemed to be waiting for an excuse and an opportunity.

And what Luo Xiu said undoubtedly took root from the depths of these people's bodies, making their greed flames more vigorous, even the hall master of the Iron Blood Hall Tie Ruqing, the look in his eyes changed at this moment.

Luo Xiu's words undoubtedly pierced the weakness of the Hallmaster of the Jiexuetang. After all, the Jiexuetang was in front of so many people this time, but he really lost a big person. Especially when his deputy hall master was replaced by others, he didn't know anything about it, and it was revealed by an outsider.

This kind of aggrieved thought made Jiexuetang's heart not free to get angry, especially at this moment the words of the fake Jiexuetang deputy director made Tie ruthlessly angry. He was just stunned for half a second. Zhong flew forward without hesitation and launched an attack on Xiao Yixuan.

Almost everyone in the Jiexuetang saw that their sect master had personally entered the battle. As long as everyone had cultivated to the realm of Wuhuang, one of them was counted as one, and they all joined the array of besieging the people in the gods surnamed Lu.

Suddenly, the entire square was full of fist and foot clashes, the blasting sound generated by the force clash, and the terrifying and fierce aggressive attacks, haunting the hall of the Iron Blood Hall, so that these people could not see. Very clear.

Many people in the crowd also found that Luo Xianxian stood outside the crowd with a relaxed look at this moment, watching the big melee quietly. All his previous preparations were successful at this moment.

At this moment, for him, there is no more suitable way to solve these problems. After all, compared with his own consumption, the benefits that can be gained by killing this fake guy are simply insignificant. At this point, Luo Xiu clearly realized that if he could not make a loss-making business, he still had to reduce consumption as much as possible.

"How is it? The system, did I do a good job this time? And it didn't take much time to solve this problem, and it didn't offend this Jiexuetang. Don't you think this is a good idea? After that, we will follow this method, what do you think?” Seeing the chaos in front of the crowd, people continue to jump out and join in the besieging of this disciple Lu. Luo Xiu smiled, with a smug expression on his face. He asked the system in his mind.

This scene before him is what he wants to see most. After all, compared with other things, more and more people are joining the battle, which also means that the guy who has come from God's Domain has nowhere to hide, no retreat.

He can only choose to kill all of these people or be killed by these people. There is no other choice, especially the golden armor on his body is indeed a treasure, and it still has a stronger defense power. Few people in the crowd can directly break through the armor defense.

It's just that ants often kill elephants. Under the siege of so many people, even if the armor on his body is extraordinary, it still needs energy to drive. With his already heavily injured body, supporting the consumption of this armor is already somewhat unsustainable.

At this moment, so many people besieged at the same time, and the attacks on him were more and more at the same time, making the middle-aged Lu seem tired to cope, and even some successors were weak, so that he was panting at this moment. Let Luo Xiu look at it with great comfort, this is simply effortless, just waiting for the delivery.

"Host, don't be happy so early. This system has scanned it. At this moment, more than 30,000 kilometers away from this dream city, there are more than a dozen strong and weak auras, and they are approaching here quickly. Probably less than ten minutes, These people will arrive, so you still have to take the opportunity to kill this person, or if you run now, there is still a chance, otherwise, so many people will come and kill you at the same time, even if you have three heads and six arms, you still have a book With the assistance of the system, you can only choose to retreat for the time being. In addition, you have to keep a low profile for a period of time, preferably for a period of time to disappear completely.” Luo Xiu’s proud expression has not lasted long, the system in his mind The cold water floated down, and Luo Xiu's wonderful mood was gone.

Looking at Xiao Yixuan who was in trouble at the moment, Luo Xiu knew that he could not wait any longer. He gritted his teeth and flashed without hesitation, and his body instantly appeared behind Xiao Yixuan. The golden hoop in his hand changed instantly, turning into a machete, and without hesitation, it slashed directly towards his neck.

The speed, the sharp attacking power, and the indestructible nature of his golden cudgel, it was only when he touched him that his panicked armor retracted into his body without hesitation. At the next moment, Luo Xiu's long knife in his hand was cast off, and he cut off the man's neck and head with a single knife.

It's just that Luo Xiu knew that this didn't kill the person. He didn't hesitate to come to the person's head, and directly stretched out his hand and sucked the head into his hand.

In the next moment, the Soul Devouring Dafa was completely operated by him, and the terrifying soul power burst out in an instant, generating a weird and fierce aura from Luo Xiu's hands. The powerful soul power filled the sky, letting the rest of the Iron Blood Hall. The people who were still in the midst of stunned awakening.

Then, the first reaction came. Everyone retreated. No one dared to ignore Luo Xiu’s cruelty. Although they didn’t understand what Luo Xiu did at this moment, there were not many panic faces from Xiao Yixuan, even his head. After being cut off, the look that was still plain to him, now turned into panic and helpless, the horrible end of the hoarse roar also made everyone feel swayed and moved by it. All people, including Tie Ruqing, are at this moment. Looking at all this happening in front of me with a stunned mouth.

It only took Luo Xiu more than ten seconds to swallow this person’s soul power. Then he simply searched through this person’s memory and found that he was just a deacon of a side door of the Lu family in God’s Domain, and this The Lu Family was not as strong as he said, it was just a medium-sized force.

Luo Xiu let out a cold snort of disdain, and without hesitation, he punched the person's head directly. The next moment he came to this person and just wanted to do it. At this moment, Tie in the crowd said mercilessly. "This little brother, can you leave the armor on this person to my Jiexuetang, this time I’m ashamed of the Jiexuetang, and because of this, I also lost a deputy hall master. Now the overall situation is in turmoil, the whole world? There is a tense atmosphere everywhere. If my Jiexuetang cannot survive this time, all the lives within tens of thousands of kilometers of Dream City will be hit even harder. At that time, Dream City will be in chaos and lose the most. Or ordinary people like us. Of course, the old man knows that the old man’s request is a bit excessive, but please see if we can give the old man a thin face for the sake of killing the enemy together." Tie Ruqing still has some skill in speaking, and he said it. The words made Luo Xiu unable to refute.

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