Technology Communication System

Chapter 685: Ask the temple

These are some of the contents that Luo Xiu learned through the system, but what makes Luo Xiu more comfortable is that he did not spend too much money at all, and quietly obtained the spider silk of the void, although it was a loss. There were several puppets, but the plan was to complete the goal without any risk.

"Host, if you really want to stay here, you have to find a way to get rid of these void spiders, or get them into the world of Qinglian. These things are all treasures. If you put them in They stay here, and if they are discovered by the guys from God's Domain, these spiders will definitely be killed. By that time, with the special abilities of these void spider beads, these guys in God's Domain will have a chance to arrange a kind of A large formation that can be teleported in the air, by that time, the sealing formation you have set up will not have a good effect to stop them from leaving." Seeing Luo Xiu was about to turn around and leave, the system in his mind was born to him at this moment. Said.

Then Luo Xiu couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, looking at the system in his mind with a look of constipation. At this moment, Luo Xiu understood that the authenticity of the system's previous words needs to be improved. This guy was completely fooling himself. At this moment, Luo Xiu also felt that the system in his mind was really unreliable.

Despite all the reluctance in his heart, Luo Xiu silently came to the nests of the void spiders according to the system's statement, and first cleaned the dense spider webs thoroughly.

After that, Luo Xiu took the risk of being discovered and took all the eggs of these Void Spiders away, and then he turned and left.

Although he completely awakened all the void spiders in this area for this reason, Luo Xiu did not worry about his safety at all. When he moved in his heart, the world of Qinglian produced a huge suction force, directly acting In this area, all these void spiders were moved into Luo Xiu's own world of Qinglian.

In the next six months, Luo Xiu began to repeat the work, constantly running back and forth throughout the Qianlong Continent, looking for all the materials that could be used for formation.

After all, the fact that more than one-third of the materials need to be collected locally will make Luo Xiu miserable. If it were not for his rich family background and the output in the Qinglian world, Luo Xiu would have collapsed at this moment. .

After all, Qianlong Continent is just a dispensable existence for him. If it weren't for the faint signs of overlap with this plane in the Qinglian world, Luo Xiu would have no intention of taking Qianlong Continent as his own. idea.

But now it seems that his plan is not so smooth, but fortunately, in the current situation, it did not make him busy. After spending more than half a year, Luo Xiu finally made up. The material of the array.

Then Luo Xiu quietly returned to the area where he had descended before. According to the system, it was in this jungle of ten thousand monsters that the void had been completely penetrated by him. This time he thought To return to the void of the universe, here is a better exit.

The resistance to the shuttle space here will be the least, and to a certain extent, it can completely hide his traces. Therefore, Luo Xiu couldn't help smiling when looking at the jungle of Ten Thousand Monsters in front of him. It was so familiar to him.

If he was not so alert before, at this moment Luo Xiu did indeed feel the rejection from this world fundamentally. Only in this jungle of ten thousand monsters did Luo Xiu deeply realize his insignificance.

At this moment, he felt the demon-like environment in the jungle of Ten Thousand Monsters, not only forbidden him to sigh secretly, but in this world, the human environment is still extremely bad. At this moment, Qianlong Continent is about to be sealed by himself, and he is also somewhat uncomfortable Bear with me.

After all, I didn't even think about taking this world where Qianlong Continent was his own. If I completely isolate Qianlong Continent for these guys, would it be too selfish?

He didn't know if it was good for the natives of Qianlong Continent to do this, but Luo Xiu knew that if he didn't act first, he would seal this place. After those people in God's Domain discovered the situation here, a **** massacre was bound to begin.

At the very least, Luo Xiu didn’t want to see these people become slaves to others. However, he also understood that his thoughts were a bit naive, and that he himself did not have much contact with people in these worlds. Luo Xiu knew that he had some It's more nosy, but he knows that he doesn't have the greatness he imagined.

And the most important thing is that if he didn’t do this, his conscience would be a little uneasy. Taking out the medium-sized battleship from the storage ring, Luo Xiu didn’t wait for the monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Jungle to discover the abnormality, so he didn’t care. Soaring directly into the air without hesitation, heading towards outer space.

After this time, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that for a long period of time, he would not be able to return to this world again. After all, after sealing the entire Qianlong Continent to India, he still needs to go to the Gods and Demons Battlefield to take a look. Look at the battlefield of Gods and Demons, how long it can last.

If it doesn't work, Luo Xiu has already planned to take the initiative to swallow him the battlefield of the gods and demons, but if this is the case, the Qinglian world must be stripped away from this plane and just abandon everything here.

But thinking about it now, looking at his own harvest this time, Luo Xiu made up his mind. Instead of leaving Qianlong Continent here to provoke bigger enemies, he would directly divide Qinglian World and Qianlong Continent for development. .

It can also protect this gestational plane to a certain extent. Standing in outer space, looking at the planet that looks a lot dim, Luo Xiu knows that Qianlong Continent is unusual, and most importantly, Qianlong Continent is still the only survivable planet in this galaxy.

Feeling the special aura of this world that does not belong to God's Domain, and even the source of energy, Luo Xiu knew that his previous plans seemed perfect, but in fact there was a huge loophole, that is, even if he can successfully arrange it now The seal formation cannot be arranged at this time.

Otherwise, once Qianlong Continent is sealed, the energy decomposed in the battlefield of gods and demons will have nowhere to go. Then the accumulated energy will explode directly due to the collapse of the battlefield of gods and demons, which is more than the explosion of the universe. To be extremely terrifying, it would be a huge disaster for Qianlong Continent.

At that time, everything was completely wiped out by the explosion. Thinking about this shuddering situation, Luo Xiu felt his scalp numb. Fortunately, he didn't follow the system's arrangements, otherwise he didn't know how he died.

"The system, it is not yet possible to arrange formations, otherwise, these forces in the battlefield of the gods and demons will not be able to continue to support the Qinglian World and Qianlong Continent. Secondly, this continent has really accumulated too much energy. The collapse of the magic battlefield is bound to trigger a chain reaction, and the vast and terrifying energy will be detonated. At that time, if the Qianlong Continent is completely blown up from here, it will not be worth the loss.

And there is another possibility. Don’t you feel that the emergence of this world doesn’t seem to happen accidentally, but it seems that someone deliberately did it. If we seal the Qianlong Continent to attract people behind the scenes, then Where shall we go when the time comes. "The more I think about it, the more I feel that this idea of ​​his own is very likely to happen, and Luo Xiu can't help but feel a panic in his heart.

Fortunately, I had reacted in a timely manner, otherwise, it would be a trivial matter to be brought into the ditch by the system. In case, because of his own means, Qianlong Continent was completely blown up by the aftermath of the explosion of the battlefield of Gods and Demons, then he would be guilty by then. Therefore, after reacting, Luo Xiu couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

"Hey, this is really a problem. In this case, it is really difficult to solve. If it is other times, this is a good source of energy. This system does not mind turning all these forces into its own. , But it’s different now. If it’s really like what you said, then the question of the battlefield of gods and demons would be a little difficult. But we can think of it this way, if the seal formation is applied to the battlefield of gods and demons, it will not There will be other effects. No, you can’t do this. Once you do this, the battlefield of the gods and demons is bound to become an explosive bag, and there will be huge explosions at some point. At that time, even more terrifying and outrageous things will happen. , It’s hard for us to clean up the mess.” Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, even the system was caught in a dilemma for a while.

The system has also ignored this problem before. After all, the battlefield of gods and demons is still in the process of slowly disintegrating. In the process of disintegration, the energy that is decomposed still needs to have a vent, and Qianlong Continent was originally a very good one. The receiving point.

And if Luo Xiu really set up a nine-star chain formation, then, by then, these energies would not be able to converge towards Qianlong Continent again, and what uncontrollable situation would be caused at that time, Luo Xiu was not sure.

However, for the system, there is a way to solve this, but the only thing that makes him uncertain is that when the battlefield of the gods and demons explodes, how huge a tide of power will be triggered, even he can't calculate this. At that time, he felt something tricky.

Some of the previous plans are full of loopholes at this time. If they really follow their previous ideas, even if they can keep the safety of Qianlong Continent, there will be no future for Qianlong Continent. At that time, it was impossible for Qinglian World to fully grow with this energy. In other words, losses that are difficult for Luo Xiu to estimate will also appear. By that time, no one knows what will happen.

"System, how about if we not only set up a nine-star serial formation, but also add some formations to guide the energy in the battlefield of the gods and demons, such as the Qiankun shifting formation, which will completely transform the overflowing energy from the battlefield of the gods and demons into Heaven and earth vitality, directly sent to Qinglian World, or Qianlong Continent! Do you think it is possible to succeed in this way." Standing in this dark void, Luo Xiu thoughts were flying, and suddenly thought of a certain possibility. Can't help but ask tentatively.

"This is not impossible, but the uncertainty is too great, and have you ever thought about it, Qinglian World still needs to be the center of the formation, then you want to guide the power of the gods and demons battlefield to Qinglian Continent. Not only do you have to pay a greater price for this, but more importantly, you have to guard against the huge trouble caused by the sudden increase in strength. If the world of Qinglian cannot bear it, and therefore collapses, you will lose more than you gain. At this moment, hearing Luo Xiu's words, the system seemed very hesitant.

After all, there are too many uncertainties in this, and the most important thing is that due to the particularity of the world where Qianlong Continent is located, and the strange formation of this world, he dare not so brazenly to absorb the vitality of the world.

After all, after the comparison, the system has noticed that even though the heaven and earth vitality here is extremely dense, for the system, the composition of these forces is different. The composition of the heaven and earth vitality here and the composition of the heaven and earth vitality of the Nine Heavens Sanctuary are very large. The difference.

The most important thing is that this difference is due to the battlefield of the gods and demons, making the heaven and earth vitality of this world extremely violent. If someone else is here, the heaven and earth vitality of this world may not be suitable for monks who are new to the Qi refining level. Use it, unless it is a cultivator who is good at physical training, otherwise, most people don't dare to inhale this energy into their own body.

"I can’t manage that much, first get things ready. As for whether to set up the formation, look at the situation at that time, and don’t you think it’s a bit late to retreat at this time, and everyone has already said it before. Now that you are ready Regarding this as your base, then you must find a way to kill the possible crisis here in advance. Host, if you can’t even do this, then don’t think about returning to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary again. Because of the special circumstances here, even if you return to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, you will be rejected by that piece of heaven and earth. I am absolutely not alarmist about this. You should have heard those people from God’s Territory before. They have already been because of the special circumstances here. Having become this crippled appearance, the cultivators’ five decays have already been experienced when they were in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. If it were not for the special environment, how could they be condemned for the second time." The system obviously sneered at Luo Xiu's statement. The most important thing is that if you still want to live in this situation, Luo Xiu will not become the overlord no matter how the conditions are available. The existence of levels.

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