Technology Communication System

Chapter 700: New civilization!

"System, I remember that you seemed to have left your signal collector in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary before, how about it, can you sense the location of those things, if this is the Nine Heaven Sanctuary, based on what we are now in? Location, if possible, we can go back to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary first.” With a trace of expectation, Luo Xiu asked. It was not that he seemed so anxious, but that he had to do it. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome later. .

"The magnetic field here is very disordered, and the distance is too far. This system has no way to sense the signal receiver that was launched before, and I don’t think you are still on the plane where the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is. It is very likely that we are now Leaving the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, I even have a speculation that at this moment, we are probably already in a strange plane world. We are far away from the small thousand world where the Tianyuan Realm is located." The system seems to be. Some were eager to try, but gave the answer very quickly, and at the same time, when Luo Xiu heard his explanation, it was quite normal, and the whole person was not good.

But immediately he wanted to laugh out loud. It was true that he himself had fallen into a misunderstanding. Shouldn't he be entangled where he was? Regardless of where it is, the most important thing for Luo Xiu now is to run for his life.

He knew very well that with the cultivation bases of the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Nangong Beidou at this moment, even though they could compete with the bald man, the bald man would definitely not use his own methods, otherwise, it would be simply Not so entangled.

Regardless of other things, the racial talent of the Yellow Clan is not something that Luo Xiu can ignore. The strength of the Yellow Clan is recognized by all the strong men in human society, and their racial talent is simply outrageous.

So now Luo Xiu even has a feeling that this bald man of the yellow clan who is chasing him, if not for the purpose of saving strength and fear of losing his vitality, this bald man only needs to show his racial talents, it is terrifying The power of can absolutely crush everything instantly.

After understanding the key points, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated and continued on his way. Although he didn't know where he was fleeing, one thing Luo Xiu knew was clear. As long as he didn't want to be chased, he would leave the battlefield. The farther the better, he couldn't help but glanced back there, and found that the battle was still going on, then Luo Xiu took out the Orchid without hesitation, started flying at the speed of light, and went straight to the depths of the universe.

Luo Xiu doesn’t know now, where he should run, but he knows that he can’t continue swaying so unscrupulously, he can only choose one direction and keep flying. Of course, this is under the control of the system, Lanhua Flying at the speed of light before the number is turned on.

Time passed quickly. One day, two days, one year, and two years, the Orchid has been flying at the speed of light in the dark space. Luo Xiu in the spacecraft is studying how to deal with the problems of the Qinglian world. In the boring waiting for Xiu, life passed quickly.

During this period of time, Luo Xiu tried many methods, but what disappointed him was that he could not make any improvement in the world of Qinglian, and even the power in his body became weak due to the world of Qinglian. less.

However, at the same time, what makes Luo Xiu ecstatic is that he can clearly feel that the world of Qinglian in his body is undergoing some changes at this moment, but because the energy absorbed before, Luo Xiu still Not sure what kind of good change is.

The only thing that made Luo Xiu ecstatic is that the system has determined where they are now. This is neither the parallel plane where the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is located, nor the world where the Tianyuan Realm is located, but an extremely strange place. .

Through various signs, Luo Xiu could also find that he seemed to have come to a new and unfamiliar world, and this world is not only a planet inhabited by humans like Qianlong Continent, but like an Earth Federation. Let’s not mention anything else, because in the recent period, he has seen many spaceships along the way.

Facing such a sudden change and the special experience right now, Luo Xiu couldn't make up his mind. Fortunately, the Orchid ship he was on was also a small spacecraft, and therefore, did not attract the attention of these indigenous people. But Luo Xiu also vaguely felt that he seemed to have come to an incredible place.

Here, although the vitality of the heavens and the earth is far inferior to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary or the Qianlong Continent, there is a special kind of energy in the cosmic space here. This kind of energy is useless for Luo Xiu, but it is true for the system. It has a great effect, Luo Xiu can obviously feel the excitement and excitement of the system in his mind at this moment.

On this day, when Luo Xiu's Orchid passed through an asteroid belt, it discovered that battleships were firing guns in this asteroid belt.

He saw through the system’s monitoring screen that in this planetary belt area, at this moment, several huge warships are besieging several small spaceships. If it weren’t for these small spaceships, there are countless in these asteroid belts. The shelter of an asteroid, at this moment, they have been directly shattered by these large naval guns.

Even so, Luo Xiu found that several small spaceships had come out, very embarrassed. Luo Xiu didn't dare to approach him. He was still a shady man himself. In case of unnecessary trouble, he would lose out.

Therefore, he put the Orchid away, concealed his aura, and teleported directly, and his body flashed to the top of one of the large spaceships. Although the large spaceship was opening the energy shield at this moment, it did not delay Luo Xiu. Observation of Spiritual Power.

Luo Xiu looked at the unfamiliar characters printed on the battleship. After a glance, he found tragically that he didn't know these characters at all. This made him slightly startled, but at the same time, he knew his body faintly. The place where it is located is not the original Earth Federation or other star regions, but rather like a place that has not been developed by cultivators.

Carefully and cautiously avoiding the detection of the radar, Luo Xiu used the power of the soul to scan the transformed battleship under him. Due to the energy shield, he did not dare to use the power of the soul too much, in case the soul was triggered. The backlash of power is also somewhat difficult.

What made him feel speechless was that the battleship under his feet should have been modified from a cargo ship carrying cargo. This is very crude and crude, and it can be seen by a trace of assembly. , This battleship is probably a pirate battleship, which made Luo Xiu speechless, but also faintly guessed.

As early as ten days ago, when all the cultivation bases in his body broke out, Luo Xiu had already understood that the plane he was in should not be able to sense the heavens. Or his current power is not enough to cause the catastrophe.

In short, Luo Xiu is not worried about what impact his current cultivation level will have on the world. Therefore, without considering the chase of the bald man, Luo Xiu really thinks that this place is extremely suitable. Where he lives.

"System, is there any record of this kind of text in your database? We seem to have found something amazing. Don't you feel that these people are like pirates? Look at the small spaceships they chased and killed. Is it luxurious and the configuration is very high? I always feel that these large spaceships are like a group of old hats." After seeing the interior of the spacecraft, Luo Xiu couldn't help shook his head, it was too crude.

The battleship at his feet was really quite different from what he had imagined. Even at this moment, looking at the muzzle of the battleship with gunfire, Luo Xiu felt that this thing was just the same thing, and it was in his storage space. Compared to those space battleships in the world, this space battleship under my feet is simply a toy.

As for Luo Xiu, now that he knows the level of civilization development here, he breathed a sigh of relief. Whether it is better than his own cultivation level or better than the technological energy weapons he possesses, Luo Xiu is confident that he is not weaker than this. Anyone in the world, therefore, he breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling like he was dreaming. He suddenly went from a cultivation civilization to a world dominated by technological development. This powerful contrast made Luo Xiu not know what to do. How to describe my mood at the moment.

However, instead of when he was eager, the top priority now is to find a way to integrate into this world, because he knew very well that the purpose of the bald man was the world of Qinglian in his body, although Luo Xiu's current defeat of the world of Qinglian was also Helpless, there is simply no good way to solve the declining world of Qinglian, but Luo Xiu knows that this world of Qinglian still has great potential significance.

"No, this is completely an unfamiliar civilization, you kid, this is really lucky this time. The people here are not much different from you. Judging from the energy density in their bodies, they are not as good as your host. The energy density in the body, but they seem to be more terrifying than I thought. Have you noticed that there is a person in that small spaceship, who, like you, has a small world inside. Don’t you feel curious about it? Well, anyway, this system is quite curious about how these people did it?" I didn’t expect the system to say such a thing, which made Luo Xiu stunned for a moment, but he couldn’t help being surprised. Luo Xiu couldn't imagine how ignorant and idiot he was before such things that everyone can do.

"It's as mysterious as you said, so what should I do? Is it possible to kill these large battleships?" Luo Xiu raised an eyebrow, and he obviously guessed why the system said such a thing, so he was a little uncertain. Asked in a tentative tone.

He knew very well why the system in his mind said this, but Luo Xiu also knew that he had no choice. To integrate into this world, he must first master the words here.

At this moment, although the cultivation base attribute in his body has become unique to Qianlong Continent, Luo Xiu believes that the bald man will definitely find him, but he doesn't know where he has leaked his breath. Grasping the painful foot, but Luo Xiu has already planned to use the power of technology to recreate a body for himself.

Then I switched to practicing the cultivation techniques in the world under my feet, firstly to hide myself better, and secondly, I wanted to see if I could take the opportunity to solve the problems of the Qinglian world, so that I could be foolproof.

However, Luo Xiu knew that he didn’t have much time to think about it. After all, if he didn’t do anything, those small spaceships would be destroyed. In this way, those small spaceships were all dressed in bright clothes with a trace People with noble taste will die.

Judging from the equipment of these people, it is obvious that this group of people should be like the son of brothers. Only one of the battleships has a middle-aged man with extremely powerful energy aura, that is, the system has a small world in the body. The presence.

"It's very simple. Get out a heavy battleship, control it with this system, and just get rid of all these things directly. What's so difficult to do? This system has been tested. These battleships are still controlled by manpower. At this point, although their cultivation methods have merits, their technological civilization is backward, and there is a big gap compared with the technological development of the Earth Federation where this system is located." The system was hesitant and dismissive of Luo Xiu. Gu, couldn't help but sneered unceremoniously.

"Really? Are you sure? Then why these people can achieve such great achievements in cultivation and technological development at the same time, don't you think that they are also like the Earth Federation, they are also plundering resources from other worlds to develop their own world? , Besides, I always feel that something is wrong, it seems that everything is going too smoothly!" Even though he knew that the system was stimulating him, Luo Xiu didn't take it, and he hesitated instead.

After all, compared with his previous encounters at this time, the world he currently lives in is simply a piece of paradise. Although there are things like pirates, it can be seen from the calm universe and stable space here. There are stable space barriers in this universe.

"Host, you should hurry up. It is not the system that urges you, but you have to make a choice. The bald man is now separated from the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor and others, but I don’t know how long it will take him to find the host. , Anyway, now the host, you have to hurry up to improve your cultivation level, otherwise, if you are really caught up by the bald man, you will be in trouble." Luo Xiu's appearance seems to make the system look down and can't help it. Remind him aloud.

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