Technology Communication System

Chapter 704: Special way of running the army

"Soul fluctuations, tut, this thing is really difficult to handle. Soul fluctuations are not like power fluctuations. They can be disguised. Soul fluctuations are difficult to disguise. But you shouldn't worry so much. People in this world may be proficient Research on the soul, but does not include these people in this spacecraft. You only need to simulate your own power fluctuations similar to this Director Xue. As for other things, with this system to help you, you will definitely be foolproof." Luo Xiu's system was also questioned by Luo Xiu's remarks. Therefore, after hesitated, he immediately assured Luo Xiu.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but glance at the manager Xue on the ground, showing a wry smile, and then he did not hesitate to hit him with a series of hair tactics, and then directly reached out and grabbed this on the spot. Mr. Xue's body squeezed the whole body, and he pulled with one of his left hands to fish out the soul of the person, and then searched for the soul. The law was displayed by him for the first time and he began to read the memory of this person.

With the search for the soul and the continuous use of the law, Luo Xiu's face became more and more weird. It was not until he completely crushed the soul that Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief, and started playing with thoughtfully. On this black soul bead, Luo Xiu showed a thoughtful look.

This person was similar to what he had previously guessed, and it was because of his whistleblowing that the pirates had the opportunity to take advantage of it. However, what Luo Xiu did not expect was that the most fundamental reason why this man wanted to betray his master was that his master’s ancestor once wiped out his family, and this person has endured to this day. Only then did I seize the opportunity to catch all these heirs of my own master.

And his purpose of coming to this utility room is also very clear, that is to figure out why these pirates lost their tracks so suddenly. You must know that Luo Xiu had cleaned up before, and there was no trace of residue at all. The wreckage of those battleships were all piled up in a corner of Qinglian World.

The corpses of those pirates were all thrown into the world of Qinglian by Luo Xiu and turned into nutrients for certain plants. Even though the world of Qinglian at this moment has entered a period of decline, but with the decomposition of these corpses with weird energy, the world of Qinglian has a trace of recovery, especially when he throws the precious metals into this world. , The impact on the world of Qinglian is profound.

"Sure enough, this world is not as simple as we thought. Fortunately, you didn't show up rashly just now. Otherwise, you don't know how your kid died. Unexpectedly, this Caesar Empire would have such a powerful existence, better than that. Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Zhang Tianshi are many times stronger. I really want to see how they will react when they see the situation here. It should be very interesting!" For a long time, Luo Xiu shook his head slightly, and said in a funny way to his mind.

From this person's memory, Luo Xiu knew many things. For example, this world was originally called the Northern Plains Continent. Due to the previous chaos, the entire Northern Plains Continent fell apart, forming planets of different sizes today.

In ancient times, this Northern Yuanjie was just a continent floating independently in the void of the universe. It was a vast area. If there hadn't been that war, it would certainly not have caused the situation today.

In the ancient times, the cultivation civilization here was also extremely developed, and it can even be said that the cultivators here had their tyrannical strength, and some terrifying guys could almost wave their hands, pick the stars and take the moon.

What is even more frightening is that people in this world can cultivate a small world in their own body when they have cultivated to a certain level, and as their cultivation base grows, they can continue to increase the small world in their bodies.

There is also a legend that in the ancient times, the entire universe had only one continent because the world they were in was the world left by the world in his body after the death of a powerful existence.

Luo Xiu was just a little bit disdainful of this, but he immediately thought of the world of Qinglian in his body, showing a thoughtful look. After all, the world of Qinglian and the powerful existence he had searched in this person's memory The world left behind is very similar, especially the most important point is that even if Luo Xiu denies no matter how much he denies, the world of Qinglian in his body also grows as his cultivation base grows.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also learned from the memory of Director Xue that something happened over the past tens of thousands of years, especially the appearance of the fellows of the Earth Federation, which completely broke the peace of this world and plunged this universe into an unprecedented level. In chaos.

More importantly, when the fellows of the Earth Federation possessed the cultivation technique, the horrific fighting power that erupted from them made the other two races discolored by surprise, and even dared not have any conflicts with those of the Earth Federation. .

At this moment, it can be said that the Earth Federation family has directly carried the other two. Luo Xiu is indeed curious about this. You must know that he also owns all the products of scientific and technological civilization of the entire Earth Federation. Although the combat power possessed is strong, it is strong, but it is a bit unrealistic to say that it can sweep the wild and six. Therefore, Luo Xiu is now a little curious about why these people in the Earth Federation can do this. In this regard, he has some doubts and Some interest.

And from this person’s memory, Luo Xiu also knew that no other people passed by here. The reason why these sons came here was because he was misled. Those pirates appeared because of this person’s whistleblowing. There is one thing that Manager Xu did not consider, and that is that there is actually a treasure in this planetary belt.

Therefore, it was originally planned to rob and kill these people on the way back, but he directly changed it to the moment when these people just jumped out of the wormhole, the pirates did it.

However, due to the large gap between the performance of these pirate warships and the spaceships used by these brothers, these brothers first noticed the traces of the pirates, and then took the opportunity to sneak into the asteroid belt.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also knew from this person’s memory the situation here, and he now wants to enter the universe controlled by the Earth Federation. It cannot be said to be very difficult, but there is almost no possibility. Knowing that the three empires are now in a confrontation phase, it can even be said that they are like enemies and staying in contact with each other. The Earth Federation can gain a foothold here, but it has actually killed many humans in this world.

After carefully digesting the memory of the Chief Xue who was searched by his soul, Luo Xiu quietly walked to the area where the bridge was. When his figure turned a corner, the whole person was already It has changed to the appearance of the previous Manager Xue, but it is a pity that he cannot fully simulate the breath of this Manager Xue. Of course, the breath here refers to the breath of the soul.

However, Luo Xiu is not worried about this. After all, the previous guarantees of the system in his mind are still in my ears, especially when everyone is panicked. Luo Xiu believes that no one will pay attention to his soul. Volatility changes.

Sure enough, when he met a few crew members and these elder brothers along the way, his abnormality did not cause other attention, and then Luo Xiu quietly hid in a corner, watching those elder brothers eating, drinking and having fun.

It's just that everyone's eating, drinking, and fun didn't last long. The army of the Caesar Empire that came from the rescue appeared in front of Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu knew in his heart that it was time to test himself.

Looking at the large and small battle formations made up of mechas and the huge space fortress in front of him, Luo Xiu was in a daze. There was an illusion that he was in the nine-day sanctuary and faced the fellows of the Earth Federation.

It’s just that he quickly came back to his senses. What happened here is obviously a bit unusual for these people. The appearance of those pirates is a bit unusual. Therefore, a large number of troops will come, which makes Luo Xiu somewhat Frightened.

He was very worried that his previous arrangement would be discovered. Fortunately, he had storage space, so he directly destroyed everything about Manager Xue in the utility room.

After being carefully questioned several times, Luo Xiu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He shook his head and returned to his home with a wry smile. Because of his identity, he was in a separate room. Here, Luo Xiu was also really relieved. If he was mixed with those crew members, Luo Xiu really couldn't believe how he would explain his changes during the next period of time.

"Host, this system has invaded the warship control systems of those military forces. Through comparison, this system found that these warships have been modified by people. It can be said that this system has very weak control capabilities for such warships. It is no exaggeration. In other words, even if you take out those heavy warships during an encounter, you cannot lock all these warships in the first place, so I say so much because I hope you can keep a low profile and don't give me anything. The big basket is here, after all, we are a little shackled now." The system said seriously.

At the same time, Luo Xiu, who heard this, couldn’t help being a little curious. At this moment, he was playing with the soul bead on his hand, scanning the surroundings thoughtfully, and after he found no abnormality, he threw the soul bead in his hand. He quacked in his mouth, swallowing it into his stomach like eating candy.

The warning sound of the system in his mind echoed in his ears. Luo Xiu only smiled faintly, but he was a bit disapproving, but he was also convinced. After all, the system was so serious that it was obvious that there was a difference. However, for other reasons, Luo Xiu did not ask.

"Don't worry, if there is nothing unexpected, we should be able to get through. People who underestimated the world before, especially the guys in the army, seem to be dominated by the country. These powerful guys are all from the army. I didn't expect this. In the army of only three thousand people, a small half of them have an independent internal world. Thinking about this host, I am a little curious. By the way, the system, do you think I can pretend to be a guy in these army? After all, I also have one in my body. What about the Qinglian World?" It seemed that something extraordinary had been discovered. When Luo Xiu unknowingly figured out that among the 3,000 soldiers rescued this time, more than half of them had the world inside. The cultivation bases of more than 1,500 people are strong and weak, and Luo Xiu has a hint of vigilance about what he discovered at this moment.

At this moment, what he wanted most in his heart was to take the opportunity to get into these troops. After all, compared with these young men's subordinates, being a soldier in the army would still be of great benefit to him.

"Don't act rashly. These people are not as simple as you think. The people in the army have special numbers. It can even be said that once other people in this army die, they will definitely be known by the rest of them, and even more. It’s terrible, so we can only watch the changes now, don’t make big mistakes because of small mistakes. In case your recklessness causes you big trouble, it will be a big problem for us, and it is even possible that it will be lost. Don’t laugh. , The real situation will only be more serious than you think. If there is an accident, the consequences will be more serious than you think. Please pay careful attention to see if there is something special about these three thousand people." At this point, the system suddenly stops. Without talking, watching Luo Xiu look at him with a look of eagerness, the system laughed without saying a word, with an expression of undue beating.

"What's special? Why didn't I notice it, the system, just say what you have, what's the point of circumstance, let me guess what's so easy to guess." The system suddenly shut up and sold it. Come, although Luo Xiu is not very happy in his heart, but now he is the demand side, so he has to swallow and ask.

"It's very simple. Look at their waist card and see if there is something on the waist card swimming back and forth. That is the soul of these human beings. The world is not as simple as we thought. , These people’s rigorous methods of ruling the army have almost eliminated any spy’s intrusion, so you guys should be dead.” When he said this, the system showed those tokens in front of him. Luo Xiu carefully observed the appearance and found that these tokens were like the mysterious anomaly mentioned by the system, and seemed to be a collection of certain formations.

And the most important thing is that the arrays of these tokens are connected to each other, just like a big network connected together. These soldiers are the fulcrums of the network. Once a certain point loses contact, all the network Everyone will know the news of the missing person, and because of this, Luo Xiu took a cold breath and looked at everything in front of him, showing a look of surprise.

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