Technology Communication System

Chapter 706: Breathing planet

The journey was safe and there were no accidents. Luo Xiu and the others took this battleship and went on a smooth journey. They also went out a few times in the middle to take care of the sons, but it seems that because of the intervention of the army, these sons no longer have fun. interest.

As a result, Luo Xiu didn’t find any other abnormalities from these young masters. As a result, Luo Xiu thought of a lot. After all, for him, the current situation is not too dangerous, but Speaking of safety, that is not at all.

On this day, after the spacecraft jumped through a wormhole in space, Luo Xiu was shocked because he discovered something that shocked him. In front of him was a planet exuding powerful fluctuations of power.

The entire planet is like a giant that can breathe. The huge orb between the inhalation and exhalation, the active energy scattered in the depths of the universe is swallowed by this planet and then turned into a cultivator. With the energy that can be absorbed, Luo Xiu was surprised when he saw this scene before him, but he also looked incredible and a little shocked.

It was not until this moment that Luo Xiu realized why the cultivators here could nurture a small world when their cultivation level was not strong. In this area of ​​life, there is such a planet under him, and these people cannot go against the sky if their cultivation level is not strong. , It's a little bit invisible, and because of this, Luo Xiu can't help but sigh, the world he is in is really amazing, and what is hidden is even more incredible.

The azure planet under him exudes vitality. Luo Xiu can feel this powerful vitality even through the screen, and its weird look of aura of heaven and earth is unprecedented for Luo Xiu.

It can even be said that, judging from the speed at which this planet is constantly consuming the energy of the universe, it is a planet that is still growing. From this point, it can also be seen that the universe civilization where the Caesar Empire is located is in full swing. , And the cultivators that can be produced from this are as powerful as you can imagine.

On the way, Luo Xiu heard a series of warning sounds from the system in his mind more than once. There was no other reason for these warnings. It was because the system in his mind detected too strong individual energy and automatically triggered an alarm.

Following these elder brothers of the Shenyue family back to the Hou Mansion, Luo Xiu was taken down. After all, he had encountered pirates before. Even if the people who were with him did not find out who the spies were, they all suffered one by one. Supervision.

So Luo Xiu didn’t care about it. After all, his predecessor was well hidden. It can even be said that if he does not take the initiative to stand up, no one else will doubt him. After all, he can hide for hundreds of years. Exposing one's intentions, this kind of tolerance is not something that ordinary people can do.

At this moment, he is in a huge city, but the modernization of the city is indeed beyond his expectations. Luo Xiu can also feel it from these buildings. The arrival of the guys from the Earth Federation has really injected the world Different development directions.

Looking at the towering buildings in front of him, Luo Xiu felt like he had come to the Earth Federation. Of course, he was not born in the Earth Federation, and it was only because he had played some virtual games. Among those virtual games, The buildings of the Earth Federation are so tall and magnificent, so when he stepped into this planet, Luo Xiu had the illusion of traveling through time and space in his heart.

Only temporarily, some of his own dangers have not been relieved. Therefore, he just stayed quietly in his yard and did not go out. Luo Xiu was going to stay at his home before fully understanding the situation here. Retreat for a while in the yard.

Although he still can't absorb and refine the energy on this planet, he is not worried. After all, the system in his mind has an energy conversion system, which can provide him with enough energy for cultivation effortlessly.

For this reason, Luo Xiu stayed in the yard with peace of mind, food and drink were delivered, and sanitation was also cleaned. Luo Xiu hadn't experienced such a comfortable day for a long time.

Day by day, Luo Xiu didn't know how long he had stayed here, but he was quite sure that he was under surveillance at all times, especially since several of the crew members had been quietly killed.

Luo Xiu was secretly wary of this kind of small tactics, and at the same time he thought of a lot. If these people dealt with himself in the same way, then Luo Xiu would really be a little bit dumbfounded.

"System, what should I do? Many of the crew members who went out with me have already been killed. If we are so indifferent, is there any difference between being so indifferent and waiting for death? There will be troubles of this kind and that kind. At that time, you just want to run. , It should be too late.” On this day, after two people who went out at the same time as him were killed, Luo Xiu finally couldn't calm down, and couldn't help asking the system aloud in his mind.

After all, it was the system that allowed me to follow the spacecraft. Now, facing this situation, my own safety problem is still in crisis. What happens next really needs to be solved by the system.

After all, in the past half month, more than 30 people have been killed. The reason why these crew members died is related to the description of the son of the Shenyue family. Obviously, these sons are not wine bags and rice bags. , The first time the pirates appeared, they had already noticed the abnormality, so they were so excited.

After all, his predecessor, Mr. Xue, was cruel, ready to pull these elder brothers to death together, and the pirates did not leave any hands at all. And if it hadn't been for these princes to go out together, he would not contact those pirates who tried to kill with a knife. Even in this situation, Luo Xiu, who digested these memories, still admired the forbearance and cruelty of this person, Director Xue.

But for the time being, he is still safe. After all, those who died were just some crew members. Those manipulators had more or less abnormal reactions during the previous pirate attack on the sea. Therefore, their deaths should be There were other reasons, but Luo Xiu didn't dare to bet. He was afraid that it would be his turn in the next moment. At that time, he really didn't know how to respond.

Resist? As soon as Luo Xiu had this idea in his heart, he did not hesitate to suppress it. He really didn't dare to, especially in this mansion, but there were several existences that were so powerful that he was shocked. Only at this moment did Luo Xiu feel that the world was deeply malicious towards him.

Based on his previous understanding, there should not be too many powerful people in this world, but when he first landed on this planet, the powerful siren in the system in his mind reminded himself all the time, This world is terrible.

As a result, the current Luo Xiu can only pray that he will not be too unlucky, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to leave this planet. He has carefully observed that if he wants to fly away from this planet with the power of his body, it is simply wishful thinking.

Even if he can do it, it can only be done with the help of space warships, but in space, there is a defense system. Any warship that is not registered daring to take off, and what will greet them is absolutely brutal shelling, and it is fundamental. There won't be any hands left.

"Wait for a while. It really doesn’t work. Just change your status. You have never done it. You are familiar with the road. As long as you are careful, there should be no danger. Those powerful guys are strong but strong, but they don’t. It is possible to lock the entire Hou Mansion with mental power at all times, waiting for my order, as long as I let you do it, you will quickly move it, don’t have any hesitation, there is only one chance, as long as we temporarily avoid the edge It will be a smooth journey. This time, remember to find someone with standing to pretend to be. Otherwise, if you experience it again, this system will not be able to bear it." The system should also have experienced Luo Xiu's worry, and said with relief.

It's just that the system didn't seem to take it to heart, but rather comforted Luo Xiu. At the same time, he also gave a solution, but after listening to the system's words, Luo Xiu couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't know how to answer.

"I know, but you are sure that I pretend to be an identity person, there is no danger, I don't want to be undetected, but because we act arbitrarily, cause unnecessary trouble! By the way, in addition to these, there are There is no other way, for example, we disappear silently, can’t it?” Although Luo Xiu knew that the system would definitely be fine, but he still couldn’t help it. After all, compared with other things, these things are indeed risky. , Especially the system said that you can pretend to be a person with status, which puts him under a lot of pressure.

"You don’t have to worry about it at all. These people are only targeting the crew members who went out with them. You have also seen that not all of them were killed. Only a small number of people were killed. These people were more or less. All of you showed various expressions during that pirate attack. You were extraordinarily calm at the time, and you were in command. Of course, I am referring to your predecessor. He didn’t show any hints, even The plan is about to succeed, and it is still calm, without showing hatred or other expressions, now you have to pray that these people have doubts about you, but I think it should not be a big problem, even if they do. , I should not be willing to kill you. After all, your predecessor has served this Shenyue family loyally for so many years. If you are killed without any conclusive evidence, you will definitely let others When the time comes, you will think that the hearts of the people are dispelled, and it won’t be so easy for them to get together again.” Luo Xiu’s worry, although the system can understand it, but some disapproval, even It was deeper than his experience. Therefore, when he said these words, he was also full of emotion. When he said these words, he also analyzed the pros and cons for Luo Xiu, and said with some helpless comfort.

Next, Luo Xiu quietly waited for the further development of things. He was completely relieved at this moment. After all, as the system said, these people should have concerns about moving themselves and moving others, and they are in different situations. Considering the direction, Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, even for himself, the existence of these people is just dispensable, but he, an old man who has lived in this Shenyue family for hundreds of years, if something happens, he will be killed on an unwarranted crime. , It will definitely cause a violent rebound. By that time, these people in the Houfu will also have other thoughts.

However, Luo Xiu did not take any lightly, instead, he became more cautious. His every action outside merged with the memories in his mind, as if at this moment, he had forgotten his identity as Luo Xiu, playing Under the identity of Manager Xue, he lived in this mansion.

Time passed slowly. After communicating with the system, Luo Xiu waited with complete peace of mind. The whole person seemed silent and no longer panicked.

After all, the decision-making power is not in his own body, he can only wait quietly, and for this, Luo Xiu has a deep understanding of this. Recently in this Houfu, with his cultivation base, he did not dare to show any horse feet. There are too many masters in this Hou Mansion.

In case it attracts the attention of a terrifying guy, by that time, no matter how bad the system in his mind is, it will not help him solve any troubles that come up next.

Fortunately, no one had disappeared from those who followed them to the asteroid belt five days ago. After knowing the result, Luo Xiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he was completely settled and moved quietly in this mansion. Because of the memory of Director Xue, Luo Xiu is familiar with everything in this mansion, and his daily tasks are also different. Not much, just supervise the kitchen, or order the subordinates to do some work. You don't need to do everything yourself.

In this way, Luo Xiu was observing and acquainting with the world silently, and at the same time trying to cultivate the practice of this world. Although this was the third time he had changed his practice, he compared it and found that Luo Xiu , In the world he was in at this moment, the secret techniques these people used were extremely crude, but the power that they could cultivate was indeed much stronger than the energy in his current body. Even if the energy in his body was transformed by the special heavenly power in the Qinglian world, it wouldn't work.

However, even if Luo Xiu knew the cultivation technique, he did not rashly change the cultivation technique. After all, the role he played at this moment had a certain combat effectiveness. If he changed the cultivation technique rashly, he would have to use the secret technique. First abolish one's original technique.

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