Technology Communication System

Chapter 710: see through

Rather than exposing it at the time, it is better to take the initiative to expose it, and Luo Xiu doesn't think he will fall into the hands of these people. Therefore, Luo Xiu is doing this now, it is not without some evil interest.

Opening the wall, Luo Xiu stepped into the secret room. After restoring the wall to its original shape, Luo Xiu cautiously got into the opened tunnel and quietly walked towards a corner of the manor.

There, Luo Xiu had already observed in advance, every night, especially in the middle of the month, there were almost no people there, and the place was big enough.

Luo Xiu can take out the Orchid from that place and fly directly away from the planet. As for how to act in the future, Luo Xiu can't care much about this. The most important thing right now is to get in touch with the people in the Earth Federation, first because of the requirements of the system, and secondly, he himself is very curious.

The system in his mind has always been very mysterious to him. Although Luo Xiu can instruct the system in his mind like a slave, whenever he asks the key points, the system always considers him. , This made Luo Xiu curious, but he also seemed to understand that the system should hide some secrets. Especially seeing the excitement shown by the previous system, which made Luo Xiu very curious, but also faintly gave birth to some expectations.

It didn’t take too long along the way and almost didn’t disturb anyone. Luo Xiu came to the place he had been optimistic about before. This was originally his last way out. He could not successfully complete all the plans according to the original plan. In this case, Luo Xiu's last resort is to drive the spacecraft directly and risk flying away from the planet. This is the last resort.

Now that after this systematic plea, Luo Xiu is no longer ready to implement other plans. He is directly preparing to fly away from the planet with the help of spacecraft, and then find a way to get in touch with the people in the Earth Federation. Luo Xiu also wants to see how these people are. Where did you come from?

Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling agitated when he thought of it. Although he didn't know much about the Earth Federation, he had been with the technology system of the Earth Federation for many years. He had already regarded himself as half a human being on Earth. At this time, It must be very kind to meet the fellow. These people from the Earth Federation are different from those who invaded the Nine Heavens Sanctuary before.

However, Luo Xiu was also very cautious and did not rush up to greet those people. He knew very well that with the aggressive style of these people, Luo Xiu was not sure of his safety. In case he hadn't waited for him to get close, these earths Will the Federation guys ruin him directly with a shell?

Even if he knew that with Orchid’s defensive capabilities and his own cultivation base, ordinary shelling would have minimal impact on him, but Luo Xiu still couldn’t have any intentions. After all, no one could tell such unknown things. .

The ghost knows who is in command in this battleship. Judging from the things that have been seen before, the identity of these people has yet to be verified. Because he previously knew from the memory of Director Xue that the people of the Earth Federation and the people of the Caesar Empire are old and hard to communicate with each other.

At this moment, the fleet of the Earth Federation appeared here, and the people of the Caesar Empire didn't even have any intention to attack or resist, which made Luo Xiu full of uncertainty. If there were no other reasons, it would be impossible.

And at this moment, for Luo Xiu, what he is most worried about is the secret communication between these people. If this is a secret transaction between the Earth Federation and the Caesar Empire, then his appearance may be broken. The tacit understanding between them also made Luo Xiu afraid of any carelessness, lest he appear and cause unnecessary trouble.

But Luo Xiu, who was meditating, would not have thought that the system in his mind would be more direct than him. Almost at the same time Luo Xiu had just flew away from the planet on the Orchid, the system had already issued a communication request to the behemoth. .

And while Luo Xiu was still thinking about what he was going to do next, the big screen in front of him suddenly flashed, and the face of an Oriental appeared on the big screen. Luo Xiu instantly raised his head and looked as black as himself. Luo Xiu, the black-eyed man, felt inexplicably cordial in his heart.

"Who are you, why is there a universal communication frequency band of my federation, who are you, kid?" Luo Xiu had no other reaction, and the man said solemnly. The unsmiling face was full of caution, and it seemed that any hesitation in Luo Xiu's answer would greet him with a thunderous attack.

"Federal Reserve Arsenal 352798462, Dr. Li's auxiliary brains greet you." Just when Luo Xiu didn't know what to do, he was surprised that it happened, but the system in his mind spoke at this moment, and, Luo Xiu couldn't control his body, letting the system control his body to make his voice.

Seeing this scene, even though Luo Xiu was anxious in his heart, he didn't say anything to stop him. He now knew that even though he had a thousand doubts in his heart, he still had to show cooperation at this time when the system responded.

After all, he had already agreed to the system's requirements before, and at this moment, he was not prepared to have any intervention, to see how the system responded.

However, Luo Xiu noticed that when the two were communicating, on the big screen behind the man, one message after another was constantly refreshed, which seemed to be forcibly positioning Luo Xiu and the others.

It's just that Luo Xiu didn't know what kind of methods the system in his mind used to prevent them from being able to locate the real location of the two.

In this way, Luo Xiu also felt relieved. Although Luo Xiu's heart was not very happy because the system controlled his body, Luo Xiu knew that the big things were not trivial, and the system must have his reasons for doing so.

Because of this, Luo Xiu didn't worry about his own problems at all. He stayed in his mind and waited for the further development of things. He also wanted to know the reason for the abnormal behavior of the system for so few days.

Then Luo Xiu saw an unforgettable scene in his life, because when Luo Xiu noticed, the middle-aged man was listening to one of them saying something, and then everyone in the control room of the entire battleship was shocked. Looking at the big screen, especially the words that the system said, everyone looked at Luo Xiu in surprise, shocked, as if they saw something incredible.

Although Luo Xiu didn't know why these people behaved like this, he could clearly feel the shocking eyes in everyone's hearts. At this moment, the middle-aged man who was talking to the system was now shaking, as if he had seen something incredible.

Luo Xiu noticed that this middle-aged man was in extreme excitement. His current expression of joy, Luo Xiu could really feel through the screen.

"How is it possible! This is really you? Impossible. Haven't you disappeared for many years? Why do you appear here, and how you are now dressed as a human? Is it possible that you have evolved to that point? My own consciousness has been directly introduced into the body, how is this possible? Although Dr. Li back then was planning this, but before he had time to gain something, he was killed by the Zerg.” The middle-aged man calmed down a lot at this time, some Looking up at Luo Xiu's face in shock, his face was full of extremely complicated expressions. Luo Xiu couldn't understand this kind of contradictory mood, but the system in his mind was self-organized and smiled.

This gave Luo Xiu a strange feeling inexplicably. He felt that there was something in the system's words. Fortunately, he and the system trust each other, otherwise, at this moment, his body is controlled by the system in his mind, and he will definitely explode.

"Don't talk about me. If you tell you these things, you won't understand. Who is in charge over there now? How did you appear here? Why did you become like this? Are you living here? So far, how has it survived in this universe for so many years." The system didn't seem to expect it to go so smoothly. He was taken aback, thought it, and then had some doubts.

"System, you should be careful not to be deceived by them. Although these people pretend to be extremely realistic, I still found some abnormalities. Don’t you think these people’s reactions are a little strange, although I don’t know you Why are you so excited, but when you look at the people in the battleship, their happiness seems to be the excitement of seeing a treasure, and they don’t want to meet us at all, or even other reactions, don’t you feel that this person asks In your current state, is this a bit tricky?" Luo Xiu had to remind him.

Because Luo Xiu noticed one detail, that is, when these people heard the series of numbers reported by the system, everyone’s excited expressions were okay, but the greed and excitement in their eyes was indeed true. Let Luo Xiu have a feeling of deja vu.

After all, combined with the part of the memory he got, coupled with his human intuition, Luo Xiu can be 100% sure that these people have concealed the situation, and Luo Xiu is sure that they should have other unruly attempts to report the system.

"Are you sure? I said how it could go so smoothly. I really check it carefully to see if I can intrude into their spacecraft's intelligent core and see if there are any other concealments?" As someone who has been with Luo Xiu for so long , The system also recognized that there was something wrong here, and it seemed that everything happened too smoothly, and smoothly made him feel a little strange. Therefore, he spoke to Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu took control of his body again.

It didn’t take long before the system’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind. He just heard the system say: “These people are really weird, I’ll just say, it’s not that simple. I didn’t expect them to have fallen to where they are now. He even confided in the people of the Caesar Empire and subverted the empire established by the Earth Federation. I didn't expect this kind of scum to appear here."

Luo Xiu didn't know what the system had discovered, and while whispering in his sea of ​​consciousness with a look of grief, the Orchid directly cut off the contact with the first fleets of the battle, and then the Orchid flew directly into the void, no more Ignoring the incoming call request message, this also made Luo Xiu realize some of Luo Xiu's previous views from the side.

"System, why don't you kill them all? Since we have the ability to eradicate these scum for these people in the Earth Federation, why are you acting so calmly, or do you find any abnormal situation?" Luo Xiu really couldn't let them. He felt strange. As a very upright person, he had been with the system for so long before. Luo Xiu probably had a clear understanding of the urinary nature of the system, and he understood clearly. The system in his mind at this moment is easy for ordinary people. Luo Xiu's reaction made Luo Xiu curious, but at the same time he was meditating, and the system appeared to be too calm.

"Why do you want to do it? The life and death of these people has nothing to do with us, and I don't think it is a good way to solve them. After all, the more chaotic the world, the better for us. Do you really think that even if we hide In this star field, the Heavenly Master Zhang and other people can’t find you. You look down on their crazy men too much. As long as these people have benefits, they won’t give up you easily. Your kid still looks down on you. My own value is gained, and the current situation is more complicated than you and I imagined. Before, we all thought things too simple. Judging from the current situation, the situation here is now more chaotic. The more conducive to the hiding of the two of us, and these people are not all traitors, some of them still hope to return to the Earth Federation. However, because of various concerns, they had to make a choice. It doesn’t matter if you are forced to give up your current life for some reason. In short, these have little to do with us.” The system is rarely born and Luo Xiu explained his thoughts carefully. Therefore, the system’s Luo Xiu accepted the words, and then nodded in excitement.

Regarding the previous idea, Luo Xiu no longer has any illusions at this moment. Although he knows that the situation here must be more chaotic, the better, but one thing can be less, so Luo Xiu looks at the void outside at this time. Contemplative.

"Then since we can't return to the lunar star, where should we start now? When you intruded into their control core before, you didn't have to copy a star map and come back. I have one idea now. You and I want to go as soon as possible. It takes a long time to leave here, and the changes are too great. Moreover, if the Shenyue family in Taiyue Star discovers what happened here, we will suffer from enemies! It will be even more dangerous at that time. "Since the system has been planned like this, Luo Xiu will I didn't hesitate and asked aloud.

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