Technology Communication System

Chapter 743: Systematic mastery

Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu was a little surprised. There was no way. He was fooled by the system in his mind too many times. Now he only needs to hear the bewitching words like the system in his mind, Luo Xiu's first The response is suspicion, even the urge to turn around and run away.

It’s just that at this moment, Luo Xiu felt a little surprised inexplicably. It was really that he didn’t know how to deal with the situation at the moment. For him, if he couldn’t gain anything this time, it would be like what the system said. So, this time the sin was in vain.

"What do you mean? I can seize this opportunity, but you have also seen that these people are obviously coming from the origin of the world that you have put away. If you can't let them succeed, then we will have to pay some pain. You see that I have become a food ingredient now, and you still have free time to tell me this kind of nonsense here." Even if Luo Xiu believed the system’s words, he was still a little speechless. Under the circumstances, shouldn't the system care about his own situation?

"Yes, as long as you can seize this opportunity, although you can't make it to the sky in one step, it is definitely the most critical moment in your life. What you lack now is a matter of time, and the humble furnace in this person's hands, his The main ability is to accelerate the flow of time. Only when the two are added together can you fundamentally solve the problem you care about. Now I don't need to say more about it. Hey, your kid is really lucky this time. "The system's words are full of excitement, and it seems that this benefit will be achieved immediately.

Luo Xiu is not commenting on the optimistic attitude of the system. Under this situation, he himself knows that at this time, it is not the time for him to get overwhelmed, and the most important thing is that he does not know what the outside world is like.

Even if he felt it carefully with his heart, he couldn't have any control over his body at all right now, and his body and soul at this moment were completely separated. The power that Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor brought to him was definitely not the kind of power that cuts off the body and soul.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor must have done other methods to him that he couldn't understand at all. Therefore, even if the system in his mind at this moment was talking about it, he still felt a little hairy in his heart.

"System, you are a bit too optimistic. What is facing us now is not my current cultivation level, but I can't control my physical body at all. Can you understand my current situation." Repeated attempts to no avail After that, Luo Xiu completely gave up this futile practice.

Now he can feel his own powerlessness, even if his divine and soul power does not have any loss, but between the physical body and the divine soul, Luo Xiu can't sense the connection between each other, and the two are given by an invisible and intangible power. Isolated, such a strange thing appeared to him, let Luo Xiu understand in his heart that the current situation is not what he is going to do, but what he must do to save his future.

"Wait, this system checks it, and I feel it's okay, why can't you sense your body?" The system saw the seriousness in Luo Xiu's words and the sad expression on his expression, and he was slightly taken aback. .

Because he didn't feel any special power acting on Luo Xiu's body, and Luo Xiu's remarks were obviously not joking with him. Under such circumstances, it was the first time he encountered him. Therefore, Make the system in your mind feel something is wrong.

At the same time, in the outside world, the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu silently watched the actions of Zhang Tianshi's four. At this moment, the three blood-clothed men are desperately outputting, even in order to stimulate faster The ability of the furnace ding directly sprayed the blood in the body.

At this moment, the corners of their mouths twitched even more. The old man was playing with fire and self-immolation according to Zhang Tianshi's method. Immortal weapons are used as fuel to speed up the refining process of the formation.

Seeing such crazy behavior of the four people, both Xiao Yu and Zhang Tianshi felt the cruelty and craziness of the group of people in front of them, especially in the face of such a person as Luo Xiu who had no power to restrain the chicken. These people could do this. Such things show that they are fully prepared.

"Brother, you are sure that they have done this with effect. You paid a great price before to directly seal the spirit of this kid. Now that they do this, will they directly hurt the spirit of this kid? After all, this Boy, for us, it's still very useful, we can't kill him." Seeing the fire is getting stronger and stronger, especially when the smile on Zhang Tianshi's face has leaked, Xiao Yu had to speak out. Interrupting the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor's thoughts, he asked cautiously.

"No problem, we can't do anything at all at the moment, and although this person meets our requirements, it is not without alternatives. As long as you can get the origin of the world, you and I will refine them separately, and your cultivation can go further. At that time, the world in the body will grow completely. At that time, you and I don’t need to pay attention to the feelings of other people. For the next thing, the old man has an overall plan, and you can rest assured that they will destroy this at best The boy’s body? As for his soul, you can rest assured that the power that the old man’s body transforms is basically a terrible energy between the world and the illusion. This energy will not be affected by anything except me. Outside of the shot, other people couldn't feel the existence of his spirit at all." In response to Xiao Yu's worry, the Devil Emperor was extremely calm and spoke very confidently.

Judging from where the two of them are standing right now, the practice of the four of Zhang Tianshi is obviously to stimulate Luo Xiu's special abilities with a powerful force. Therefore, looking at the three of them, the devil Emperor feels something more Speechless.

At the same time, just as the two wanted to continue to communicate, suddenly the cauldron seemed to have absorbed enough power, and with a bang, it directly sucked in all the flames around it.

In the next moment, the entire tripod trembled slightly at this moment. Luo Xiu, who was in the tripod, was now completely transformed into a source of terrifying energy, as if a monstrous power came directly to the sky, making the Tun standing next to him. Heavenly Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu both changed their colors in astonishment. They all understood that the previous practice of Zhang Tianshi was just an ordinary trial, and there would be such a terrible situation. The scene before them was beyond their expectations. .

"Big brother, what is this? What is it? Why did this happen? Didn't you say that they are fully capable of solving this kid? Where did these energy come from? This kid's cultivation level is normal. , How could he have such terrifying power in his body." Zhang Tianshi and the blood spirit guard did not have any panic because of this. Only Xiao Yu, who was standing next to the Devil Emperor, took a serious look at what he had been paying attention to. Happening.

Of Xiao Yu’s concerns, Devil Emperor Swallowing Sky is of course clear, but he himself can’t do anything. Although it seems that he can use other things to restrain the four of Tianshi Zhang, he has nothing else to do with the origin of the world in Luo Xiu’s body. Therefore, while a little helpless, but also secretly a little surprised, what kind of heaven-defying means did Luo Xiu achieve all of this.

Looking up at the beam of energy that soared up to the sky that made Zhang Tianshi and the three blood spirit guards jealous, the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor also twitched the corners of his mouth. It was at this moment, the scene in front of him was spectacular.

Everyone knew that in the area where Luo Xiu was, the terrifying energy aura exuding from his body was simply not something they could cultivate in any of the techniques they knew.

Because of this, everything seems simple, but the actual situation is that these people should have stimulated the unknown energy in Luo Xiu's body. Maybe they are getting closer to the origin of the world step by step, maybe.

It’s just that, as time went by, the Emperor Swallowing Devil and Xiao Yu soon stopped thinking about it this way, because over time, instead of any weakening of this energy beam, the energy beam became more and more Coming stronger and stronger, the terrifying energy fluctuations have caused everyone to stay away from the area where Luo Xiu is located, and even Xiao Yu and the Devil Emperor who have been staying beside him are panicking at this moment.

At this moment, on the other side, where these six people can’t see, Luo Xianzhen is communicating with the system in his mind. He is really amazed by it. Before he could not sense the physical body, he let the system in his mind see. He didn’t expect the system to make such a big movement. He himself was not a fool. What happened before him made him understand that the system in his mind was entirely for his consideration, and the most important thing was the system. This time I definitely paid a lot of energy reserves.

"System, you are sure to do this. If it goes to waste like this, there will be a lot of losses. Don't think about me. I can help you make up for this energy. And here is a world where many people live. This method is likely to attract more people's attention." Luo Xiu is still a little unbelievable. It is really this sudden change that makes him wonder how to explain his shock.

Originally unintentionally, he did not expect such a big change suddenly, Luo Xiu believed that even if he was on the scene, he would feel a little weird.

"Of course, you'll be waiting. There will be a comfortable day for your kid. The main reason why I will burst out such a powerful energy is to communicate with the heavens, and then see if there is any way to expand this range. Some, it is best to attract some undead old monsters, and no matter how bad they are, they can trigger the ascension to heaven. Although you cannot move freely for the time being because of the special means of the Devil Emperor, your current situation is definitely not what we imagined before. That's terrible." Luo Xiu was a bit speechless when he said the system, so Luo Xiu didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation when he said this.

When Luo Xiu was communicating with the system in his mind, the situation in the outside world suddenly changed. There were clouds in the void, and one after another horrible thunder exploded instantly, as if waiting for Luo Xiu's actions at all times, almost appearing in this energy beam. At the next moment, the sky has become extremely gloomy, the thick clouds, everyone will see the scalp numb.

Feeling the endless thunder on top of the head could come at any time, which changed the expressions of everyone including Zhang Tianshi, especially the three blood spirit guards. At this moment, they have become frightened.

If they knew this was the case, they would definitely hide away. In this situation, the Demon Emperor of Sky Swallowing didn't feel surprised. It was true that he knew Luo Xiu's various methods by heart.

When everyone was stunned looking at the dark clouds above their heads, suddenly, in the distant void, wave after wave of void wave after wave came continuously in the direction of the two people's place.

Everyone almost subconsciously turned around and looked around, only to see a powerful breath descending rapidly in the starry sky, and even greater power appeared in front of these people. Even Xiao Yu was staring at everything here in amazement at this time. The way, the appearance of these people has dealt them too much.

At the same time, the system in his mind also passed in the external situation to Luo Xiu. Seeing the sudden change of the situation outside, Luo Xiu was secretly surprised, but also extremely excited. How hopeful he was at this time. Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor, Xiao Yu Zhang Tianshi and others were trapped in a circle of these people, but this was just what he thought about.

The thick cloud of robbery above Luo Xiu's head at this moment is not a joke. Before we figure out the real situation here, it is impossible for anyone to come here unless he is a fool. Because of this situation, Luo Xiu is inexplicably This impulse was only due to his tragic experience at this moment, so he could only secretly watch these things happen before his eyes.

"Don’t worry, these people will not treat you at all. Even if they don’t attack others, just attack the huge dark cloud above your kid’s head. The general forces don’t want to have anything to do with you, so you Do you understand the meaning of this system?" Seeing Luo Xiu's frown now, the system in his mind couldn't help but give him two pieces of advice.

Then, Luo Xiu clearly felt that he had suddenly become a little different. It's just that he knows that all this is the kind of system that brings him his own strength, just an illusion.

Feeling the thunderbolt in the sky made everyone put away their contempt. Even the Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu, even though their faces were gloomy at this time, they knew that they had lost the best opportunity to intervene. Now, even if he controls any prompting method, he knows it himself.

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