Glancing at the smug candy, Mo Jingchun picked up "Olympiad" and flipped through a page.

1. My elder brother is 18 years old this year, and my younger brother is 12 years old this year. When the sum of their ages is 40, how old are each brother?

2. A, B, and C each have a number of story books. A gives some of his books to B and C. For example, the books of B and C are doubled. B gives some of his books to A and C. The books of A and C are doubled, and C also gives a part of the books to A and B, so that the books of A and B are also doubled. At this time, the books of A, B, and C are all 16 Book. How many story books did A, B, and C originally have?

3. There is a bucket filled with 8 kg of water. If this bucket of water is equally divided into two buckets, the two buckets can hold 5 kg and 3 kg respectively. What is the minimum number of pours required?

That's it... that's it? ? ?

Mo Jingchun showed a surprised expression. But looking back, I felt that there was no problem.

In the eyes of senior high school students, some very simple questions are difficult for junior high school students.

Not to mention a scientist like Mo Jingchun, a high-level thief who plays with high numbers.

Thinking of this, Mo Jingchun thought of Wang Haoran again.

As for these topics, in Wang Haoran's eyes, he may not be able to arouse the slightest interest.

For Wang Haoran, who has an unparalleled talent in mathematics, it is better to learn more knowledge if he has time to do Olympiad problems.

Throwing "Olympiad" on the desk casually, Mo Jingchun curled his lips and said, "There should not be a few questions here that can stump you. If you have any problems, you will ask your class teacher."

Qiyi's teacher resources are definitely the best in the entire grade group.

Among them, special-grade teachers accounted for two people, which is evident from this.

"You don't have anything to do with these questions. Listen to my brother. It's not very useful. People like us who are engaged in scientific research are not very interested in Mathematical Olympiads. After you get to university, you can participate in the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition."

Candy, who brought back the "Olympiad", gave his brother a dissatisfied look.

"Brother, of course we are fighting for honor. Xiang'er and I are going to take the top two places in the Olympiad."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun frowned, and said, "Don't be so happy, I admit that you and Xiang'er are capable, but the more proud you are, the lower you will be. Sometimes, the topic is more of a word game.

It's like dividing and dividing by. The difference of one word is the difference of heaven and earth.

For those who happen to be learning this knowledge, it may be obvious at a glance. But for people who have more knowledge, it is often easier to ignore such small problems.

It will even make you doubt yourself, the difference between dividing and dividing by, which one is the dividend. "

The candy bombed by Mo Jingchun was a bit confused.

What frightened Candy the most was that she really confused the difference between dividing and dividing by when her brother told her so.

Looking at the bewildered Candy, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth slightly raised, and he used Wang Zha again.

"Student Mo Xiaoxue, remember to hand in half of the winning prize for the Mathematical Olympiad."


Candy, who woke up instantly, took a step back and looked at his brother warily.

Candy really couldn't figure out why. My brother knew that there would be bonuses in the Mathematical Olympiad.

Could it be that the head teacher told my brother? This is very possible. After all, to participate in the competition, you have to leave the school. It is impossible for the head teacher not to tell your brother.

The candy that figured it out was a bit itchy.

"Ahem, as your first guardian, in theory, I have to keep all the funds for you. But I only want half of it. Where can you find a better brother than me?"

"Thank you~"

"Submit half and all, you choose, or I will call and tell your class teacher that you are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Oh, by the way, a few days ago I was thinking about negotiating with someone's head teacher about whether to do homework, let's see now..."

Mo Jingchun deliberately dragged his tone, his eyes widened when he saw Candy.

"Brother! I'm convinced! It's agreed, the remaining half of the right to use it belongs to me! If you make up your mind again, I will be angry.

Then there's the homework thing, which is really just a waste of time for me. In the time for homework, it is better to read more advanced mathematics books. "

"No problem!" Mo Jingchun readily agreed.

It's not Mo Jingchun's way of doing things too much.

Of course, the most important thing is that Candy keeps saving money, but doesn't spend it indiscriminately. Mo Jingchun saw it all.

Especially the last time Candy took the initiative to enter the gold shop and bought a set of chopsticks and bowls made of sterling silver for Zhou Yaling's little baby, which surprised Mo Jingchun.

When paying, Candy didn't blink her eyes without any hesitation.

A few days later, a dozen real experts and professors came to the controllable nuclear fusion experiment base, whose security level had been repeatedly raised, after obtaining Mo Jingchun's permission.

Looking at the controllable nuclear fusion device in front of them, they felt a little unreal.

When countries around the world were still researching thermonuclear fusion and had just achieved some results, Candy Technology had already quietly developed a cold-controllable nuclear fusion reaction device.

The clock on the big screen not far away is counting non-stop.

7 days 16 hours 23 minutes 56 seconds

The straightforward numbers are telling everyone that the cold nuclear fusion reactor in front of them has been working stably for 7 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes and 56 seconds.

Compared with the stable operation time of the small sun of their scientific research institute, this number is so dazzling.

Although I really don't want to admit it, fate always has special care for geniuses.

On the premise of getting started with all the instruments and equipment, more than a dozen experts were finally invited out after watching for more than an hour.

"Professors, when Academician Mo left, he specifically explained that there might be certain dangers during the experiment. For everyone's safety, please watch it through remote video."

Facing the dozens of experts and professors in front of him, Major Chen had a headache.

According to regulations, the on-site visit was for an hour, and now it is obviously overtime.

If academician Mo gets to the bottom of it, no one will feel comfortable.

"Ahem, let's not embarrass the young man. It's almost the same, let's go out and talk about our ideas."

"Hahaha, good."

The base was closed again, and Major Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the original, ten steps and one whistle here, the security level has been raised to the highest.

The purpose is to ensure that the cold controllable nuclear fusion reaction continues.

However, God seems to have deliberately played a joke on everyone.

While discussing with more than a dozen experts and professors, a burst of booming came from far and near.

The sound like thunder made everyone subconsciously look up to the south.

While everyone was still dazed, Dabai suddenly rushed out of the base one by one, playing alarms non-stop.

"Alert, magnitude 3.6 seismic wave arrives in 5 seconds."

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