Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 103 Manned Moon Exploration? Manned exploration of Mars!

Looking back at Mo Jingchun, looking at the carefree candy, Mo Jingchun hopes so much that the little guy can be so carefree forever in the future.

Seeing Mo Jingchun, Tang Tang, who was sitting by the bed swinging his legs, immediately smiled, showing his teeth.

After the temperature of the milk dropped, Mo Jingchun handed the bottle to his sister Candy.

"Hold it steady, if you drop it, it will be gone."

Holding the computer, Mo Jingchun was ready and waited for someone to pick him up with his sister Candy.

At half past seven, there was a knock on the door on time.

This made Mo Jingchun couldn't help but wonder if the people outside had arrived long ago and were just waiting for the time to knock on the door on time.

Mo Jingchun opened the door with a schoolbag containing a laptop on his back, but what Mo Jingchun didn't expect was that a female soldier was standing outside the door.

Mo Jingchun silently compared the opponent's arms.

Well, after confirming the eyes, Mo Jingchun is the one who can't beat him.

Unlike the serious male soldiers, Song Jiayin smiled and said to Mo Jingchun: "Hello, I am the commissioner Song Jiayin who is here to take you to the research institute, and I am also working part-time to take care of the candy during this time."

On the bed, Tangtang, who heard someone calling Tangtang's name, tilted his head and looked at the person who was blocked by his brother at the door.

"Uh, wait a minute."

Mo Jingchun turned around, picked up his sister Tangtang and went out, and closed the door behind him.

At this time, Song Jiayin clapped her hands at the candy in Mo Jingchun's arms, and said softly, "Candy, let my sister hug it well."

Being held in Mo Jingchun's arms, Candy, with her small head on Mo Jingchun's shoulder, pouted and shook her head and refused, "No."

"I want pot hugs."

Mo Jingchun smiled at Song Jiayin and said, "It's okay, you lead the way, I'll hold you first."


Now it's not a question of who will hold the candy, but rush to the research institute as soon as possible.

Mo Jingchun followed Song Jiayin for nearly ten minutes before arriving at the destination.

If every fork had not been numbered, Mo Jingchun would not have remembered the route back from the original road.

Pushing the door open, there is a huge space inside, which is as big as two basketball courts.

In the huge space, there are almost all researchers in white clothes, and most of them are relatively young researchers.

Song Jiayin, who led the way, did not stop after entering the door, but continued walking with Mo Jingchun and Tangtang.

Until Mo Jingchun saw a familiar face.


Chen Xihe, who heard the sound, turned around and saw that Mo Jingchun was coming, and patted Mo Jingchun on the shoulder with an amiable face, not forgetting to tease the little guy.

"Here we come."

Mo Jingchun nodded.

"Teacher, let me come this time?"

It must not be easy to be so mysterious along the way.

Chen Xihe turned to look at his assistant and said, "Xiao Li, please tell Xiaochun about the specific situation first."

"Okay, teacher."

Li Qianqian, who was somewhat bald, smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Qianqian, and I am the only student under the teacher who has not yet graduated."

"Hello, my name is……"

"I know, your name is Mo Jingchun, and your sister's name is Tangtang. When the teacher is free, he often talks about you in my ear."

"The teacher is right. Candy is so cute. Just looking at it makes me want to pinch her chubby little face."

Good guy, as soon as Li Qianqian said this, Mo Jingchun, who was still curiously staring at the candy on the big screen, turned his head and looked at Li Qianqian warily.

Those little eyes almost didn't say directly, "No one else is allowed to pinch Guo'er's cheek except Guo Guo".

Li Qianqian, who already had a child, naturally understood the little guy's vigilance. Li Qianqian smiled and got to the point.

Li Qianqian picked up a blank piece of paper and a pen, and started to draw a sketch.

"This time the teacher came to you, mainly to solve the attitude balance problem of the manned spacecraft."

"But anything that involves the safety of astronauts' lives is no small matter."

Is this going to be manned to the moon? Haven't you already explored the moon? Is there any new discovery on the moon?

Mo Jingchun didn't know.

"Your mission is very important, and it is the core."

"First, you have to solve the attitude adjustment of the spacecraft during the entire process of the spacecraft's launch from the surface. This should not be a big problem for you. It is nothing more than that the launch vehicle this time is bigger than before."

"In the second step, the manned spacecraft will touch the gravity and fly to the moon after orbiting the blue star twice, and will be successfully captured by the moon's gravity."

Li Qianqian looked up at Mo Jingchun, and said with a serious face: "The next step is the first problem you need to solve, and that is to let the lunar exploration vehicle land on the surface of the moon smoothly."

"Just the rover? What about the astronauts?"

Li Qianqian snapped her fingers and said, "Good question!"

"Launching a rover on the moon is just a side mission of this manned spaceflight, or an attempt."

"The real destination of our manned spaceflight is here!"

Li Qianqian drew a long line with a black pen, and drew a circle at the end point, and wrote two big characters "Mars" beside the circle.

From the very beginning, our goal was not manned lunar exploration, but a more challenging and research-worthy manned exploration of Mars!

Crazy enough, but... Mo Jingchun still expressed his doubts.

"With one more rover, can the rocket send such a heavy spacecraft into space? And in space, with this series of adjustments, the fuel probably won't be able to carry so much."

Li Qianqian pushed the myopia glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said in a flat tone: "It's okay to have more rover."

"The extra fuel is all reserved for your disposal."

"So your task is to keep the spacecraft and the rover in a stable attitude from the beginning to the end."

After speaking, Li Qianqian looked at Mo Jingchun expectantly.

Mars is different from the moon. With the research institute's technology, it is indeed possible to land a spacecraft on the moon, but there are great risks.

After Mo Jingchun thought for a while in silence, he opened his mouth and said:

"I need a lot of parameter support. In addition, the landing of the spacecraft will involve finding the most suitable landing point, which means that during the landing process, the spacecraft needs to adjust its landing attitude at any time to land accurately."

Mo Jingchun looked at Li Qianqian seriously, and said, "I need their cooperation so that the computer can obtain the latest data in real time."

"That's not a problem."

Listening to Candy impatiently, he kicked his calves and insisted on getting out of Mo Jingchun's arms.

Song Jiayin, who was always standing aside, immediately stepped forward and hugged the little guy to the ground.


"Where's the boss? You didn't come yesterday, why didn't you come today?"

"I don't know. I heard from Sister Su that the boss and Candy seem to be on a long trip."

"All right."

In another newly rented office, 20 technical developers are meeting together to discuss how to develop an official website that satisfies the boss.

Difficult Difficult Difficult! The hair will be pulled out, and there is still no direction.

PS: Thank you for your support from Self_Relaxation, Vicissitudes and Loneliness, Happy Kukutu, and Firework Alley Moshen.

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