A good one is not demanding.

The people who had just stepped into the Hope spaceship could not help but twitch their mouths.

You must know that this is not a map in the chicken eating game, but a real multi-layered complex structure.

The use of each space is different, and it is definitely a huge challenge to memory to memorize the entire structure diagram.

Ten years ago, aerospace technology was relatively backward.

It only takes about 180 days for a human manned spacecraft to travel from Blue Star to Mars.

During the 180 days, the most thrilling manned spacecraft entered space from the ground under the propulsion of a space rocket, and then used the acceleration of the blue star, and finally headed towards Mars.

Of course, in order to save energy, when humans used to launch Mars exploration satellites or manned spacecraft, they would choose the time when Mars was just the closest to the blue star.

This not only saves energy, but also greatly shortens the flight time of flying chess.

Although it is not the closest time between the orbits of Mars and the orbits of the blue star, Hope also omitted the process of entering space from the blue star and using the blue star to slowly accelerate.

From the lunar transfer station, after the Nozomi leaves the transfer station, within a safe distance, it is completely possible to fully fire the engine and complete the acceleration in the shortest time.

If it were someone else, they might not know the performance of the Nozomi, but they are candidate pilots, and it is the most basic to understand the performance data of the Nozomi.

Even if the process of accelerating and decelerating the Nozomi in the whole process is strengthened, it will take no more than a month to reach Jupiter from the moon.

It takes a month to write down the structural diagram of the entire spaceship, which is very demanding.

Listening to Ling's words, none of Chen Yifeng's 20 candidate drivers said "no".

Challenging, but doable.

Because the structural design of the entire spaceship is not randomly designed, there are rules to follow.

When the Nozomi was built, some people guessed that every single space in the Nozomi spacecraft is a small whole.

In the face of irresistible danger, it can be broken down into pieces.

Each space is an independent emergency escape system.

Although it is everyone's guess, it is not groundless.

"Everyone goes to your dormitory according to the guidance of the lights. Twenty minutes later, they are ready to welcome the experts accompanying the national team on behalf of Candy Technology."

Hearing this, everyone unconsciously raised their heads high, their faces full of pride.

There are smiles on their faces.

Looking at the light arrows, everyone has already moved their feet, ready to put down the bags in their hands, and prepare in advance to welcome the experts accompanying the national team.

At this moment, Zero said in surprise:

"What are you doing? On foot?"

"Stand where you are, and I'll teach you a lesson."

"Raise your right hands and say to your smart watch, I'm going to the dormitory."

The voice fell, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the curved corridor.

You look at me, I look at you, all a little confused.

With bright eyes, Chen Yifeng was the first to try it under the watchful eyes of others.

"Zero, I'm going to the dormitory."

The next moment, Chen Yifeng was almost yelled out in fright.

I saw the plate directly below where he was stepping on suddenly rise.

Before Chen Yifeng could react, the others had already moved forward with the movement of the plates.

And where the square plate was raised, a plate of exactly the same size was automatically raised to fill it.

Isn't this thing a space version of a balance car?

The only difference is that the direction and speed of this thing cannot be controlled by humans, and the control system is completely handed over to artificial intelligence.

In Mo Jingchun's private laboratory, Mo Jingchun and Ling were both sitting on chairs, watching every move of the pilots on the Hope spacecraft through holographic projection.

Twenty minutes later.

The space shuttle from the country slowed down and docked with Nozomi precisely.

After disinfection, the cabin door slowly opened.

Wearing space suits, a group of people entered the Hope spacecraft through the passageway under the reminder of artificial intelligence.


A round of warm applause made people feel very cordial.

However, to the astonishment of the experts, only 20 people greeted them.

After taking off the space suits and communicating, everyone learned that Candy Technology only sent 20 people to accompany them this time, and they were all the "drivers" of the Hope spacecraft.


Candy Technology has so boldly handed over all the work to artificial intelligence.

In the following time, there was a sound of surprise from time to time in the team.

A chatter followed.

Zero seemed to have guessed that such a scene would happen, and did not provide a balance car to the experts accompanying the group.

Following behind the experts, Chen Yifeng's gaze was like a torch. Looking at these experts, Chen Yifeng pondered for a long time.

Although it was well concealed, he could still tell from the clues that these experts had also used the X-gene optimization fluid.

This means that there are far more people who have used the X-gene optimization liquid than he imagined.

The frightening thing is that so many people use the X-gene optimization fluid, why is there no news about it.


If it was half a year ago, Mo Jingchun was also very puzzled, wondering how the people above did it.

But as more and more people used it, Mo Jingchun knew the inside story.

The key point is that the X-gene optimization solution can increase lifespan!

In the official name of the X-gene optimization liquid, three words were added.

The first generation of X-gene optimization liquid!

Only the three ordinary words "first generation" were added.

But in the eyes of people who don't know the truth, it means a lot.

If there is a first generation, is there a second generation, or even a third generation!

Life, who doesn't want to have more life.

Whoever leaks the news will lose the opportunity to use it, and what is lost is life.

When Mo Jingchun knew the news at that time, he was silent in the laboratory for a long time.

Beijing time, ten o'clock in the morning.

For the first time, the Nozomi left the transfer station and moved away from the transfer station under the push of the propeller.

Because this test flight was not an official event, and Mo Jingchun deliberately chose not to make it public, although news was circulating on the Internet, there was no internal video of the Hope spacecraft.

Some are just blurred pictures of some astronomers observing live broadcasts through astronomical telescopes.

At this moment, everyone on the Nozomi put on the designated space suits and fixed them in their seats.

In the early stage of Nozomi's acceleration, the acceleration was very high, and the human body would not be able to bear it without wearing a space suit.

As the speed increases, the acceleration will decrease. When the balance point between the two is exceeded, you can take off your spacesuit and move freely in the spacecraft.

On the outside of the ship they can't see.

The plasma engines began to emit light blue light.

As the output power continued to increase, the strong push back made everyone in the spaceship feel a sense of discomfort.

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