Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1083 Scarce Rare Metals and Iron

PS: Some miss the days of blowing the air conditioner at home every day. I went to work in the village and ran outside every day. After two days, I was tanned and tanned.

At this moment, Li Na, who was sitting on the emergency exit stairs, was a little confused.

"Wait, let me stroke it."

"You mean, every reactor has a code on it?"

"Yes. You have to shine it with infrared light to see it."

Taking a deep breath, Li Na asked again in disbelief:

"First dictate the number once, and then say three times in succession to open the door with sesame seeds?"

Mo Jingchun, who wanted to laugh, suppressed the laughter.

"Yes, sister Na, your understanding is correct."

Hearing this, Li Na held her forehead with her right hand and didn't know what to say for a while.

Absolutely, this is definitely Mo Jingchun's prank.

This guy was as smart as ever and had already guessed this step.

At this moment, Li Na could imagine the expressions of a group of experts and professors when they knew that the miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor had a certain degree of intelligence and could disintegrate automatically by voice.

It's absolutely perfect.

In two conference rooms at different locations, everyone was quietly waiting for news.

Only Li Qianqian simply sat down and thought about something.

The higher-ups asked Qin Yuzhu to call for consultation, and Li Qianqian guessed.

In less than ten minutes, the method of dismantling the miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor was remotely told to all the experts and professors present.

Listening to the words from the speaker, Li Qianqian's eyes were strange.

"Bring the infrared here."

In a word, the infrared equipment was immediately sent into the meeting room.

As soon as the infrared light was turned on, from her perspective, Li Qianqian saw a series of clear numbers.


That's right, six "0".

"Look at the coding on the other reactor."

Hearing this, an expert operating an infrared light immediately irradiated infrared rays on another controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor.


"It's 000001"!

For a moment, everyone's complexion was complicated.

If this number is not random, it means that the two in front of me should be the first two miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactors produced by Mo Jingchun's private laboratory.

"Ahem, let's open it and see, who will unlock it?"

Suddenly, someone found Academician Li Qianqian squeezed into the middle of the crowd at some point.

"I come."

A young expert squeezed into the conference table from the back with a face of indifference.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of bigwigs, the young man calmed down a bit.

"000000, open sesame, open sesame, open sesame."

Very standard Mandarin, in order to avoid being unrecognizable, the young man speaks very slowly and enunciates clearly.

"Password recognition is correct."

An artificial intelligence mechanical sound came from inside the "000000" miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor.

In the next second, everyone heard a crisp sound of gears turning.

Under the gaze of everyone, the "000000" miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor was split from the middle and divided into two equal parts.

The internal structure is displayed in front of everyone.

However, looking at the internal structure of the miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor, everyone was silent again.

It's a pity that this craft doesn't make a mobile phone.

There are protective covers inside the separated spheres, and no one thinks that these protective covers can be removed at will.

"The one in the middle is the one that puts nuclear fuel?"


Lying on the boss chair in the private laboratory, at this moment Mo Jingchun was in no mood to look at the detailed data sent back by the Hope spacecraft.

Mo Jingchun was thinking about the micro-controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor technology, and in what form it would cooperate with Candy Technology.

Although the miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor is safe and reliable, it will not explode theoretically, and it will not pose a terrible threat like a nuclear bomb.

But it is not realistic to put it into civilian use at this stage.

When the national space program is launched, then it is the right time for the miniature controllable cold fusion reactor to be put into civilian use.

Hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured.

Although micro-controllable cold nuclear fusion reactors are green, safe and terrifying, they cannot be transformed by educated people.

This thing is a mobile energy source, or a device that continuously outputs energy at high power.

As long as the external equipment is suitable, it can cause large-scale damage.

As far as the current time is concerned, the only way to make money is to cooperate with the country.

Mo Jingchun is not short of money, but rare metals.

For unknown reasons, rare metals are also very rare on space meteorites.

Whether it is to produce space shuttles or spacecraft, a large amount of rare metals are needed to synthesize new materials.

Candy Technology has always been very nervous about rare metal resources.

What made Mo Jingchun feel even more helpless was that those companies or crowdfunding guilds who bought small space shuttles from him sold most of the meteorites they captured to the Global Joint Operations Center.

The ones in his hands are a little pitiful.

If it weren't for Candy Technology's own space shuttle that continuously captured meteorites, the second spacecraft under construction on the lunar transfer station would probably face the crisis of shutting down production.

Mo Jingchun really wanted to mine on the moon, but unfortunately, including Xia Guo, all the countries in the world that were assigned territories on the moon rejected his request.

The natural mine is right in front of you, but you can only stare blankly at it

That feeling is not to mention how uncomfortable.

In the conference room with a monotonous and simple layout, Li Na quietly looked at the several leaders who were suffering from headaches.

As expected of the Mo Jingchun she knew, a chicken thief as always.

The good things are delivered to you proactively and generously, and you can look at them however you want.

Such a good thing, just ask if you want it.

"I knew I shouldn't have illusions."

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of the others twitched.

Having said that, there is no time when everyone doesn't want to try.

Even if it succeeds once.

As it turned out, it didn't work even once.

boom boom boom~

The leader sitting at the top knocked on the conference table and made a muffled sound.

"Let's talk about it, how to talk to Candy Technology this time.

For now, there are a total of 13 research projects that require miniature controllable cold nuclear fusion reactors to provide stable, reliable, high-power and continuous output energy for experimental products. "

As soon as the words fell, someone said helplessly:

"Candy Technology is not short of money at present, very not short of money, it is estimated that it is not realistic to want to trade directly this time.

According to the analysis, what Candy Technology currently lacks the most is rare metals and the most common metal iron. "

Sitting on the first seat frowned tightly, pondered for a moment and said:

"I don't recommend making a deal with this. Instead, we should give priority to supplying rare metals and metal iron to Candy Technology. Don't forget, the reason why Candy Technology lacks these resources is because it is building spaceships for the country."

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