Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1092 From Science Fiction to Reality!

Big gift?

Qin Yuzhu listened with a puzzled look on his face.

If you give a gift, you can give it a gift. Why do you say how many cakes you can win? It depends on the skills of the think tank.

What this said is a bit confusing.

"Super big gift? What super big gift, I can't understand it."

Mo Jingchun, who was walking around in the private laboratory, smiled slightly, and said in a humorous tone:

"Sister Qin, I have asked Zero to send you an email. I believe you can understand it at a glance. Don't forget the benefits of me as a reporter."

After speaking, Mo Jingchun hung up the phone.

Zero has made a report on the mine data discovered by the spider robot on Mars and sent it to Qin Yuzhu's mailbox.

Even if Qin Yuzhu is not a professional, Mo Jingchun believes that anyone who can read can understand.

On the other hand, Mo Jingchun never felt that Mo Jingchun was a joker.

After the call was over, Qin Yuzhu immediately returned to her work station and opened her mailbox to check.

Sure enough, there was an unread email in the inbox, and the sender was zero, a friend who often sends emails.

When I clicked on the email, it was empty except for a pdf attachment.

Click to download, Qin Yuzhu can't wait to open the PDF file with the browser.

The moment Qin Yuzhu saw the name of the report, Qin Yuzhu's breathing quickened involuntarily.

It took three minutes to read the entire report. At this moment, Qin Yuzhu didn't know what words to use to express her feelings.

What kind of mine is this? It's clearly a natural treasury!

Realizing the importance of the matter, Qin Yuzhu saved the data in a USB flash drive, and then dialed the emergency number that would only be used in rare special cases with his mobile phone.

"Please dictate the key."


"Please tell me your needs."

Qin Yuzhu took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "I apply for a helicopter to fly directly to the capital."

It is easy to apply for a helicopter, even a military armed helicopter is not a problem.

But the destination is in the capital.

This caused the operator to pause before speaking.

"Please wait."

In less than a minute, the operator's voice came from the handset of the mobile phone again.

"The application has been approved. Wuzhi-30 will arrive at the Asia Global Joint Operations Center within 30 minutes. Please get ready to board the plane."

Wu Zhi - 30, which surprised Qin Yuzhu a little.

This is an advanced armed helicopter currently in service in the military region.

Compared with the space shuttle, it is not enough to see at all, but the meaning of the two is also completely different.

Just when Qin Yuzhu was in a daze, the phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Qin Yuzhu's face froze, and subconsciously straightened her back.

Not daring to delay, Qin Yuzhu answered the phone immediately.

"Hi sir, I'm Qin Yuzhu."


Two hours later.

In an inconspicuous building in the capital, Qin Yuzhu reported the report sent by Zero in front of all the leaders.

In less than ten minutes, the report was over, and the meeting room was dead quiet.

What followed was excitement.

This great gift, what Mo Jingchun said is absolutely correct, it is a super great gift.

energy! Human beings are no longer lacking at present.

Since this year, clean nuclear power has been used all over the country, and the electricity bill has been reduced to 30 cents per kilowatt-hour!

Judging from the current trend, electricity bills will continue to decline in the future.

For industry, electricity is the foundation!

Without electricity, all equipment must go on strike!

Human beings have completely solved the electricity shortage because of the breakthrough of candy technology in controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology.

Mo Jingchun's gift came too timely for the country.

Thanks to the further improvement of the production process of nanomaterials, the cost of mass production has been greatly reduced, and a crazy plan proposed in the 21st century has become a reality.

After discussions and verifications at many meetings of the Academy of Sciences, the space elevator plan is feasible! ! !

The black technology that people yearned for in science fiction movies is now achievable!

Both energy and material issues have been addressed.

It's just that the need to build a space elevator consumes too much material, and this amazing super project has been delayed.

now! This opportunity has come!

It is the first time to build a space elevator, and there is no experience at all. No one can guarantee whether the collapse will endanger the lives of the masses due to mistakes in this process.

And Mars! Having a huge natural metal mine not only solves the problem of material shortage, but also does not have to worry about the dangers that may be discovered during the construction of the space elevator.

Once the Mars space elevator is completed, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

First, it fills the gap without experience in building space elevators;

Second, after the space elevator is successfully built, it can be used to transport metal materials to space;

Third, a Mars base can be quickly built on Mars.

Of course, all the prerequisites are that the report information provided by Academician Mo is accurate.

In the afternoon of the same day, after discussions at the meeting, it was decided to send a team of experts who were conducting scientific research on Mars to the target crater for on-the-spot investigation.

When the news reached the Mars temporary base, a red sun had just risen from the eastern horizon.

The experts who had already got up and packed their things and were about to take the space shuttle back to the Hope spacecraft for a good rest were stunned for a moment after receiving the new mission.

What followed was bursts of cheers.

What are they doing on Mars? It's not for sightseeing, but for scientific research.

One of them is to detect various mines on Mars.

However, these three days have not gained much in this regard.

Just when everyone was about to return to the Hope spacecraft, a big surprise came to everyone.

After the surprise, everyone who calmed down thought of a question.

According to the data, the target crater is a full 168km away from their temporary base.

So here comes the problem.

how to pass.

Go there on a space shuttle? Not very realistic!

In their consciousness, the speed of the space shuttle is too fast, just like a space rocket, the speed is astonishingly fast after take-off.

168km is a long distance for human beings, and for the space shuttle, it is afraid that it will land right after takeoff. They don't know how difficult it is to land again, but the difficulty is definitely not low.

Therefore, the expert team fed back the problem to Blue Star.

However, the message that Blue Star replied was very simple, just four words.

"space shuttle."

With doubts, the professor who led the team this time directly chose to ask Zero.

"Zero, we need to go to the crater 168km away."

In the next second, Zero's voice sounded from everyone's headsets.

"Please pack your personal luggage and prepare to board the plane."

"Can the space shuttle reach the crater?"

"Professor Wang, please believe in the technological level of candy technology."

At the same time, on the Hope spacecraft, 20 candidate pilots submitted their answers for three days.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

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