Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1095 just one bite, one small bite

Among the pile of gift boxes, Mo Xiaoxue was still picking one by one.

Mo Jingchun, who had changed to another TV station, looked up and said, "So, you don't have time to go out during the 8-day holiday?"

"Who said that!" Mo Xiaoxue looked at her brother angrily as if her tail had been stepped on suddenly.

"Hmph, I can do it in two days. The remaining six days are my vacation."

Looking at her tsundere sister, Mo Jingchun felt happy.

"That means your teacher still assigns too little homework."

Rolling her eyes at her brother, Mo Xiaoxue simply didn't bother to refute.

Anyway, my brother can always find an excuse.

After finding a flavor she likes, Mo Xiaoxue unwraps it and eats it, and at the same time, she doesn't forget to give Brother Smelly one.

"Here, here you are."

A high-altitude parabola, a small box flew towards Mo Jingchun precisely.

Mo Jingchun just raised his head to take a look, then stretched out his hand, and firmly held the box in the palm of his hand.

Seeing that the moon cake was caught by Brother Smelly, Mo Xiaoxue curled her lips.

"I want to watch a movie."

Mo Xiaoxue, who was casually lying down next to Mo Jingchun and eating mooncakes, said in a low tone.

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun frowned, "Isn't there a TV in your room? It's the latest model with a holographic projection."

"The TV set in the living room is old and only supports 2D. What's so interesting about it?"

"The atmosphere is different. Watching a movie in the bedroom is not as exciting as watching it in the living room."

After staring at his sister for three seconds, Mo Jingchun reluctantly handed the old remote control that was missing a corner to his sister.

After getting the remote control, Mo Xiaoxue was stunned for a second.

"The remote control was eaten by a dog?"

The corner of Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched and said helplessly: "Your good niece accidentally broke it."

Mo Xiaoxue nodded, and muttered in a low voice: "Let me just say, Xiao Huihui doesn't have the guts, Xiao Huihui is a bit stupid, but she knows what she can do and what she can't do. "

When Xiao Huihui was mentioned, Mo Xiaoxue suddenly asked suspiciously: "Brother, why do I feel that Xiao Huihui and Baozi are living younger and younger? It's not that they have become fine, it doesn't mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they are not allowed to Has the animal become sperm?"

Mo Xiaoxue, who didn't know about the existence of X-gene optimization fluid, naturally didn't know that Mo Jingchun spent a lot of time researching gene optimization fluid suitable for cats and dogs for these two old buddies.

I didn't say it before, and I won't say it now.

Mo Jingchun, who was looking at the phone, shrugged and said simply: "I don't know, maybe it's your illusion, anyway, I don't feel anything, Xiao Huihui and Baozi are not the same as before, they just know how to sleep."

Hearing Brother Smelly's words, Mo Xiaoxue suddenly felt that this was the case. Xiao Huihui, who used to be active in the past, rarely ran behind her ass since she got old.

Every time she came home from vacation, she would go up to greet her.

As for Baozi, let alone, at most, he opened his eyes to see who came back.

Just then, there was the sound of stepping on the stairs.

Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue looked up subconsciously to the right.

It's Dudu, this little guy is wearing loose clothes, walking up the stairs carefully in the clothes he just changed.

Worrying about the little guy falling, Mo Xiaoxue immediately got up and went to meet Dudu.

On the contrary, Mo Jing, who was at the side, was calm and not worried at all.

The first time Mo Jingchun saw the little guy going down the stairs alone, Mo Jingchun was also very nervous. Slowly, Mo Jingchun and Li Xuanyu realized that this little guy cherished his life very much, and he would be very careful every step of the way. .

Gradually, Mo Jingchun, Li Xuanyu and even Aunt Mei got used to it.

Didn't you see Lingdu's face was calm and calm, and he didn't move at all.

"Auntie, what delicious food are you eating? It smells delicious."

The little guy was sitting in Mo Xiaoxue's arms, his big bright eyes were fixed on the mooncake that Mo Xiaoxue took a bite of.

"Moon cake, you are too young to eat it."

Hearing this, the little guy suddenly became angry.

The delicious food is right in front of you, there is no reason to give up casually.

The little guy rolled his eyes, and after a while he pulled Mo Xiaoxue's hand with a smile, and said in a sweet tone:

"Auntie, just take a sip of Dudu, a small sip."


Mo Xiaoxue gave Dudu a professional smirk.

She didn't dare to feed mooncakes to Dudu. After all, there are still two months left, and the little guy is only 2 years old after all the money.

Seeing that her aunt refused, Dudu angrily showed two rows of neat big white teeth.

And that unique little tiger tooth adds a bit of cuteness to the little guy.

Seeing Dudu gnashing his teeth, Mo Xiaoxue couldn't be happier.

"Dudu, your little tiger teeth are pretty pretty."

"Hmph~" The little guy turned his head away arrogantly, hiding the two rows of white teeth.

I won’t show it to my aunt, hum~~~

While Mo Xiaoxue was teasing the little guy, Zero quietly watched the first driver candidate sit in front of the driver's console in the cab of Hope.

Behind her, the other 19 people subconsciously held their breath and watched quietly.

To be honest, the further behind the candidate pilot of the Hope, the more honorable it is in theory.

Because there are previous experiences to learn from.

But the order is decided by lottery, there is no unconvinced.

In order to be absolutely fair, Zero directly adopted the most primitive paper lottery to determine the order before and after, so as not to say that she arranged it intentionally.

I don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

As Mo Jingchun's former full-time driver and bodyguard, Chen Yifeng, who had the codename Peter Pan, unexpectedly won the first prize.

Sitting in the long-awaited pilot's seat of Hope, Chen Yifeng looked at the control lever in front of him, took a deep breath to adjust the rhythm of his heart rate.

Standing right behind Chen Yifeng, Zero, who was ready to take over the spaceship at any time to avoid any dangerous situation, did not urge him, but watched quietly like everyone else.

After a while, Chen Yifeng stretched out both hands, holding a joystick in one hand.

The ball in the left hand controls the direction, and the putter in the right controls the power.

"Candidate pilot Chen Yifeng, applies for manual piloting of the Hope spacecraft, please approve."

The next moment, Ling Ling, who was standing behind Chen Yifeng, said in a flat tone: "Approved, the Hope spacecraft has exited autopilot."

Hearing this, Chen Yifeng's eyes were sharp, he looked at the display on the screen, and shouted the command in a serious tone.

"Hope, move forward!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yifeng controlled the putter with his right hand to advance one frame.

Hmm... The people in the spaceship didn't feel anything.

Because before switching to the manual pilot mode, the Hope spacecraft itself was moving at high speed.

The thrust of forward one will not bring obvious acceleration to the spacecraft at all.

"Hope, advance two!"

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