big time.

Brother should refer to the interstellar era.

But isn't everyone aware of this? Candy technology, by its own power, has promoted the pace of the entire human race to enter the interstellar era.

Without Candy Technology, to be precise, without her brother.

Humans do not know how many years they will have to wait to enter the interstellar era.

After all, her brother solved one of the most important problems in raising the level of civilization - energy!

Without thinking too much, Mo Xiaoxue was more interested in what her brother said about the hypothetical increase in human lifespan.

"Brother, have you researched a life-extending potion?"

This time, Mo Xiaoxue didn't choose to hide her doubts anymore, and directly asked the doubts in the hearts of many people around the world.

It's too obvious that his face is not old and hasn't changed in ten years, but because of Mo Jingchun's current status, no one can say it publicly.

All countries have already secretly communicated with Xia Guo officials in private.

Every time the answer is Tai Chi.

This further confirmed the speculation.

Xia Guo! To be more precise, that man was hated by Western countries, and the helpless man secretly researched something quite extraordinary.

Facing Candy's question, Mo Jingchun's expression was flat, this time he didn't find any excuses to fool her.

"Yes and no."

Mo Jingchun nodded first, then shook his head.

Increased lifespan is just an additional effect of the X-gene optimization liquid.

Looking at her brother, Mo Xiaoxue was very puzzled.

She knew that her brother would definitely continue to explain, so she chose to listen quietly.

Wait for the following.

"Actually, I researched the gene optimization liquid a long time ago. Although it is not as heaven-defying as in science fiction movies, it is already the ceiling of life science for the current stage of human civilization."

This is definitely not Mo Jingchun bragging, just stating a fact.

If not, why did the higher authorities keep purchasing the X-gene optimization fluid.

Only if it is worth the money, will it be repurchased non-stop.

Today, Mo Jingchun chose to tell the truth to Candy, because based on the analysis of the current shipments, it should have conducted some kind of transaction with some countries in private.

After all, the X-gene optimization solution has a storage time limit.

After the expiration date, the medicine becomes invalid.

It is difficult to achieve the original effect again. It may also cause unpredictable consequences due to deterioration.

Mo Jingchun emphasized this point from the very beginning.

Mo Jingchun believed that with the steady pace of the above, he would not take this risk.

After telling Candy about the research and development experience and efficacy of the X-gene optimization solution, Mo Jingchun was relieved.

Smiling slightly, Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "Actually, you should have noticed that your sister-in-law and those uncles who used to be bodyguards have all used the X-gene optimization fluid I developed."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun said with emotion: "With your intelligence, you should already have the answer in your heart, but you just didn't say it."

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of the blood of our old Mo family, everyone is smart.

Look at Dudu, it's even more blue than blue.

I can't predict how far the two of you will go in the future. This is good, it will be convenient for me and your sister-in-law to lie down and travel the whole universe. "

Hearing her brother start talking nonsense, Mo Xiaoxue couldn't help rolling her eyes.

lie flat? How can it be!

As brother's own sister, and the only one who can enter his private laboratory, she knows the most.

In terms of scientific research ability, her brother is definitely a mountain that she cannot overcome.

The two chatted in the study for more than an hour.

Seeing the two walking downstairs talking and laughing, Li Xuanyu, who was playing with the children, secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

As a rebellious child, Li Xuanyu was really worried.

Especially after she became a mother. Every time I see a child choose to end his life for various reasons on the Internet, Li Xuanyu feels his nose sore.

Every time she sees these news, Li Xuanyu will keep hinting that she must learn to communicate well with her children, especially those in the rebellious period.

Compared with life, other things are nothing.

There are people with good grades, and there are naturally people with bad grades.

Otherwise, how can the grades be excellent.

What's more, Dudu is so smart, Li Xuanyu is not worried about Dudu's future grades at all.

Li Xuanyu is a very smart woman, and a woman who is not smart will not become Mo Jingchun's wife.

Candy and Mo Jingchun talked about something in the study upstairs, but Li Xuanyu kept silent.

When Mo Jingchun's family sat together harmoniously watching TV.

The virtual conference room that Mo Jingchun had quit a long time ago was arguing like a vegetable market at this moment.

The cake is already on the bright side.

If you strive for more benefits now, you will have more advantages in the future.

In the virtual conference room like a vegetable market, countries keep changing people into the conference room to engage in a war of words.

On the contrary, it was the organizer of this meeting, the Xia delegation, who sat quietly on the seats and watched the non-figurative war of words from people from other countries.

The share belonging to Xia Guohe Candy Technology has been determined.


It doesn't sound like much, but it has almost turned the tables on Western countries.

There are nearly 200 countries in the world. If the average score is average, a country can only get 0.5%

And Xia Guo took 10% in one breath, and it was still because of the space elevator project.

Even so, the delegation was exhausted.

No one finds it strange to see people from various countries arguing regardless of their image.

In previous United Nations conferences, everyone fought for the interests of the country, which has always been the case.

Compared with the interests of the country, a person's image is nothing.

In the eyes of the masses, when countries sit together for a meeting, it should be quite formal.

It is not.

When he woke up the next morning, Mo Jingchun was about to wash up when he came back from his morning run, and Zero followed closely.

"Boss, just sent an email from above about the final result of last night's meeting."

"Oh?" Mo Jingchun was still a little curious about the results of the cake distribution.

"Tell me."

Aunt Mei cooks breakfast in the kitchen downstairs. As long as you speak in a low voice, you won't be able to hear her in the kitchen.

"Our country took 10.%, including the 0.2% won by the above on the grounds that the candy technology was first discovered.

The other four superpowers all took the 2% with a tough attitude,…”

This result did not surprise Mo Jingchun.

The stronger a country is, the more benefits it will naturally take away.

This is an eternal truth.

Truth is only within the range of the cannon.

Mo Jingchun didn't ask about the Human Federation that he casually mentioned at the meeting, and he didn't say anything with zero tacit understanding.

Ideally, it is unrealistic to form a human federation, not to mention that countries have been fighting openly and secretly.

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