With a chance to draw a lottery, Mo Jingchun couldn't calm down and read a book.

Without further ado, Mo Jingchun picked up the candy that was watching Peppa Pig on the sofa, and ran to the dormitory.

They all walked downstairs to the company, and the little guy was still in a dazed state, unable to recover.

what happened? Where is Guoer?

Mo Jingchun, who trotted all the way back to the dormitory, put down the candy and started washing his hands with soap.

The last time he smoked something useless, Mo Jingchun always thought it was because his hands were not washed clean, otherwise how could he smoke a system to pick up rags from the trash.

Watching Guoguo wash his hands vigorously, the little guy looked at his little white hands, raised his head, looked at his brother's big ass, and said in a childish voice: "Guokuo, the fruit also needs to be washed."

Mo Jingchun glanced down at Candy, and said, "Guo'er's hands are very clean, you don't need to wash them."

Hearing what Mo Jingchun said, the little guy immediately held his mouth, "Guoer is going to cry."

Uh~ I don't want to cry, I even reported it in advance.

Seeing the little guy's longing eyes, Mo Jingchun put the basin on the ground helplessly.

"It's done."

"Hmm~" The little guy nodded his head seriously, expressing his satisfaction with Mo Jingchun's service.

In the bedroom, Mo Jingchun, who was extremely excited, was just about to draw a lottery, when he suddenly thought of something, Mo Jingchun hugged the candy on the bed into his arms, and held the candy's little hand.

Under the puzzled look of the little guy, Mo Jingchun secretly said to the system: "Draw a lottery."

The dazzling variety of prizes almost made Mo Jingchun's mouth water.

Look, the family small tourist spaceship of the ninth-level civilization, you don't need to guess, you know it's not an ordinary Niu-13.

This is the highest level prize that Mo Jingchun has seen on the turntable so far.



However, it is impossible to win the draw, and the pointer finally stopped in Mo Jingchun's uneasy state.

Looking at the prize, Mo Jingchun's eyes widened, and his fist-sized heart was beating violently.

"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for winning a special targeted drug prescription and complete production process that can cure leukemia."

Mo Jingchun casually picked up an apple on the bedside table, regardless of whether it was washed or not, he took a bite.

"No, I want to be quiet."

Looking at the cute candy in his arms, Mo Jingchun even smiled and kissed it. It turned out that this is the correct way to open the lottery!

Candy really is his lucky star!

Special targeted drugs for leukemia! Although there are already leukemia-targeted drugs on the market, they only target specific types of leukemia, and although the effect is there, it is not so ideal.

Generally speaking, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently the most widely used treatment method, but it is not an easy task to match a suitable bone marrow.

Taking a step back, even if a suitable bone marrow is matched, a lot of medical expenses are spent, the cure rate is only 40%-60%, and there is a possibility of recurrence.

For ordinary families, if one person gets sick, the whole family will lose their wealth, and eventually they may end up losing both their personal wealth and wealth.

"Pot pot~"

"Pot pot~"

"Guo'er wants to drink grandma~" Looking at Guo Guo who hadn't responded for a long time, Candy pouted and shouted for a long time.

"Huh? Guo'er wants to drink grandma, so my brother will help Guo'er rush away."

Candy sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his brother's back, with his short legs dangling from side to side.

At night, after Candy fell asleep, Mo Jingchun received the prize.

A stream of information flooded into his mind, causing Mo Jingchun, who was lying on the bed, to raise his eyebrows.

A minute later, in the dark night, Mo Jingchun opened his eyes.

The manufacturing process and prescription of leukemia-specific targeted drugs are more complicated than expected.

If there is no supporting technology, mass production may not be possible.

In the dark night, no one saw, Mo Jingchun was happy, but also smiled wryly.

Things are good things, and they benefit the country and the people.

Used well, it is even more a talisman for Mo Jingchun and Candy.

But this cross-professional cross is too big, it can't be said that it has a relationship, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

If you want to take out specific targeted drugs for leukemia, you must have a certain amount of professional knowledge reserve, at least let others look like that.

what is this? I won a prize, so I have to minor in medicine.

Meowing, the system is being repaired as usual.

On the weekend of the next day, there was no one else in the office, and Li Na, who had a rare leisure time, watched TV dramas in the office.

Seeing that the male lead was misunderstood by the female lead and broke up, Li Na couldn't help but shed tears.

"Oh, I'm dying of anxiety, so why can't I just say it bluntly?"

Just then, there was a knock on the closed office door.

boom boom boom~

"Fuck me, who's coming at this time."

Li Na was so frightened that she quickly wiped away her tears, turned off the tablet, and after confirming that there were no traces left, Li Na got up to open the door.

No one opened the door for a long time, Mo Jingchun thought that the counselor was not in the office, and was about to call to ask where he was with the candy in his arms, but when he was about to leave, the door just opened.

Li Na looked from Mo Jingchun's head to her feet, and finally her gaze rested on Tangtang in Mo Jingchun's arms.

"What are you doing here again?"

"I have a hunch that nothing good will happen to you."

Mo Jingchun smiled smugly, how could it be so exaggerated.

In the office, Li Na, who had just sat down, stood up in shock after hearing Mo Jingchun's words.

"Are you teasing my sister? You want to minor in medicine?"

Li Na touched Mo Jingchun's forehead, and said blankly, "I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"

"Sister Na, I'm serious. I've thought about it for a long time."

"Oh...how long is it, I didn't mention it when you came last time."

Li Na looked at Mo Jingchun with a dark face, and said, "I can still understand you saying that you are minoring in machinery, but I don't understand that you suddenly want to minor in medicine."

"What's more, you also applied for early graduation. At this time, you have to minor in medicine. You think you have two equally smart brains."

Mo Jingchun rubbed his nose, and said cautiously: "Humans, you have to challenge yourself."

"What did you say?" Li Na scratched her ears in disbelief, thinking she didn't hear clearly.

"People, always challenge yourself."

Li Na glared at Mo Jingchun, and swears: "Challenge you big-headed ghost."

"Wei Luxue is not as drifting as you are."

Looking at Mo Jingchun, who was like a stubborn donkey, Li Na suddenly relaxed her tone and said, "Go back and think carefully for a week, and come to me when you've made up your mind."

Mo Jingchun: ...

Just when Mo Jingchun was about to go back with candies and come back next week, Li Na called Mo Jingchun again.

"I heard that your company is going to move out of the capital? Isn't it good? Why do you want to move out suddenly?"

"Sister Na, how do you know?" In the next second, Mo Jingchun thought of it, it should be Su Wenyan who said it.

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