Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1119 Room temperature superconductivity?

Under Mo Xiaoxue's smiling eyes, Mo Jingchun hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

After a year of research on the gene optimization liquid left over from an unknown civilization, his progress was very slow, but he was surprised to find that this optimization liquid actually had an effect on human genes.

To be more precise, it works on most creatures on the blue star.

This can't help but make Mo Jingchun doubt whether the genes in the organic organisms in the universe are the same as those on the blue star, with a double helix gene structure, and the more subtle hand is that all the organisms on the blue star have many similarities. gene.

According to the research of the international biological laboratory, the genetic similarity between human beings has reached an astonishing 99.9%.

The genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees reached 96%!

Humans and mice are 85% genetically similar.

This is why biological laboratories will conduct experiments on white mice first, and then conduct chimpanzee experiments after there are no problems in the experiments on mice, and finally conduct clinical trials.

A drug will not be marketed until all experiments confirm that the side effects are within an acceptable range.

What is unexpected is that the genetic similarity between humans and bananas has reached 50%. Why is this?

The reason why there is a high degree of gene overlap between organisms is that almost all organisms are derived from a common mother: LUCA.

Theoretically, all organisms on the blue star are derived from the same single-celled organism.

The problem is, it seems that the unknown civilization gene optimization liquid obtained from the above trade is prepared for the creatures on the blue star.

Apart from this, the only other explanation that Mo Jingchun can think of is that the organisms in the universe whose genetic material is double-helix DNA have similar gene segments.

"Okay, but there are many dangerous medicines and items in my laboratory, but if you don't want to touch them, don't touch them out of curiosity."

"Okay~" Mo Xiaoxue agreed neatly, even showing those two rows of neat and white teeth.

Looking at Candy's grinning face, Mo Jingchun wasn't worried about cheating at all.

When it comes to life safety, even if he doesn't order, Zero will not let candy touch those dangerous experimental products and raw materials.

"Don't be too happy, let's make an agreement in three chapters..."

When Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue made an appointment for three chapters, on the other side, there was no one in the captain's room of the Spaceship Hope, which was far away in the outer orbit of Mars. There are only flashing screens showing various data of the Hope spacecraft.

In order to compete for the position of the captain of the Nozomi, more than 500 people, including the design engineers of the Nozomi, participated in the application.

The repeated studies and exams gave them the feeling of returning to high school, and they lived so fulfillingly every day.

Even so, after layers of screening, there are still ten people left.

Under Mo Jingchun's request, the Hope only needs one captain, and does not need a so-called deputy captain.

The more people have decision-making power, the efficiency of doing things will decrease as the number of people increases.

At this moment, the ten people who have not yet become captains are sitting in the viewing room to learn the automatic operation of artificial intelligence and the logical thinking of artificial intelligence to control the spacecraft.

This is very important.

Because the existence of the captain is to give orders, and the artificial intelligence only performs operations according to the captain's orders.

If you don't understand the underlying logic of artificial intelligence in operating a spacecraft, it is easy to cause a space accident inadvertently.

"The space shuttle Candy has been recovered successfully. The main engines of No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. Hope will start working ten minutes later to push No. Hope out of the gravity of Mars."

"Start broadcasting announcements to all staff."

"Attention all crew members, Hope will enter a high-acceleration state in ten minutes. For your physical and mental health, all crew members are requested to go to the designated place to wear spacesuits and take their seats."

Cooperating with the notice, the entire spaceship is still flashing yellow || indicator lights.

No one thought the AI's hints were a joke.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, Chen Yifeng and the other two pilots were sitting in the pilot's seat, drinking coffee calmly.

As long as the artificial intelligence is not interfered, under normal circumstances, the cab is just a decoration, and the three of them are more like redundant people.

This is already the third mission Chen Yifeng has already regretted why he didn't apply for the captain candidate like the other two pilots.

Chen Yifeng took a sip of coffee melancholy.

For some reason, Chen Yifeng had a premonition that there would be almost no chance of manually piloting the Hope spacecraft in the future.

As pilots, they all know that the internal circuits and signal transmission lines of the Nozomi have been specially treated, so there is no need to worry about electromagnetic attacks.

Not to mention attacking artificial intelligence, for the safety of Hope, before putting it into use, Zero carried out various simulated attacks.

Unless there is an artificial intelligence more intelligent than zero to attack, how to break through the defense system designed by zero.

If there really is such an existence attacking Hope, it can only be said that the technological level of the other party has far surpassed that of candy technology.

"Five minutes countdown."

After putting down the coffee, Chen Yifeng got up and put on the space suit that fit automatically.

Five minutes later, under the real-time monitoring of the satellites of various countries, the hope that completed the transportation mission emitted a light blue light. Under the strong thrust, the hope directly got rid of the gravity of Mars and flew in the direction of the blue star space coordinates go.

This powerful plasma engine technology alone has really made all countries envious.

If it hadn't been for the development of candy technology to have a strong combat capability, countries would have already divided up candy technology.

Too fast, in a word, the development and rise of candy technology is too fast, coupled with the official protection of the Xia Kingdom, all countries can only watch the rise of candy technology.

In the white palace, the blond old man angrily turned off the video sent back from the Mars satellite.

The next second, the old man smiled.

In order to overtake on curves, they directly gave up research on plasma engines and turned to research on more advanced anti-gravity technology.

The even better news is that good news has come from the laboratory.

He can already imagine the scene when the beautiful country returns to the world's number one superpower.


The sun was shining, Mo Xiaoxue was wearing her brother's white coat, wandering around her brother's private laboratory curiously with her hands behind her back.

After not coming here for a year, the laboratory has changed drastically, and there are many things she has never seen before.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaoxue paused, turned her head and called out to Mo Jingchun.

"Brother, what is this? A room temperature superconducting material?"

Looking at the suspected iron object suspended in the air, Mo Xiaoxue's first thought was room temperature superconducting materials.

If it is true, then it really corresponds to what my brother said that the big era is coming.

"Normal temperature superconductor, you dare to think, this is anti-gravity technology." (End of this chapter)

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