Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1126 Talent is more important than technology!

In terms of personal force, if there is a ranking list of force, candy technology is definitely the top existence.

The Doudi powerhouse is so terrifying.

After lunch, Qin Yuzhu got what he wanted, the desk from Mo Jingchun's private laboratory.

Different from the past, this time, Mo Jingchun did not participate in the research and development of the technology, which means that the anti-gravity engine designed by Candy does not have anti-disassembly settings.

Without the protection of patents, isn't Mo Jingchun afraid that the above technology will be taken away directly?

To be honest, Mo Jingchun didn't care, he believed that the people above could see what he meant. If there is a disagreement, Mo Jingchun will never directly cooperate with the higher-ups in the future.

Long-term interests and short-term interests, Mo Jingchun believes that the people above are very clear about which is more in line with the interests of the country.

If it was leaked by rat feces and used to publish a paper, Mo Jingchun would at most just chuckle and say "what does it have to do with me".

Mo Jingchun only looked at the results, leaking secrets is leaking secrets.

Since Mo Jingchun released the video about anti-gravity engine technology last night, the eyes of all countries in the world have gathered in this bustling small county.

Qin Yuzhu knew that she couldn't hide her whereabouts when she came to Candy Technology this time, so Qin Yuzhu didn't hide it at all, and entered Huo County openly.

After obtaining the first human anti-gravity engine, Qin Yuzhu directly applied for the highest level of escort standards.

The ground military escort, the air fighter jets cruise, the scene is directly full.

How important the anti-gravity engine is, even ordinary people know it. No one thinks that using a large number of soldiers to escort the first anti-gravity engine of mankind is a big move. On the contrary, in order to prevent spies from exploiting loopholes, no matter how careful they are, they can’t be too careful.

Just so blatantly, he left under the watchful eyes of spies hiding in the crowd.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, the desk was transported intact to the laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

The experts who had been waiting for a long time immediately conducted an all-round inspection of the desk equipped with the anti-gravity engine, and stood there awkwardly one by one, at a loss, not knowing where to start.

They saw the power switch and pressed it.

The platform desk was also successfully and steadily raised one meter above the ground.

Then... there is no more, how to make the desk do various actions like in the video, dozens of experts are at a loss.

In the end, the elderly academician smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's probably wireless intelligent control. Let the artificial intelligence in the laboratory try to connect. If it doesn't work, follow the old rules and ask Academician Mo directly."

The words of the old academician made the eyes of other experts shine, yes, artificial intelligence! How to forget artificial intelligence.

Sure enough, it is still old and cannot keep up with the rhythm of the times.

With a single password, it took less than ten seconds for the artificial intelligence to successfully connect to the internal system without a firewall.

In a short while, the artificial intelligence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Laboratory received the data that came with the internal system.

"Eighteen types of flying in the air?"

Looking at the naming of the folders, the experts were full of astonishment.

As expected of a young man who knows how to play.

Half an hour later, the report on the anti-gravity engine technology was sent to a simple meeting room immediately.

Everyone in the meeting room will have a copy of the report and read it carefully after receiving it.

After a long time, the quiet conference room broke the tranquility.

"Read it all, and tell me what you think."

The wrinkled old man looked at everyone in the conference room amiably. Sitting in his position, everyone's expressions could be seen at a glance.

"Chief, according to the information, the anti-gravity engine was easily disassembled. There is no damage inside."

The old man still had that harmonious and amiable smile on his face, he just nodded and didn't comment, but instead said:

"What about the rest?"

Those who were able to sit in this meeting are already old acquaintances, so there is no embarrassment, and everyone has expressed their opinions.

After listening to everyone's opinions, the old man still nodded, but this time he put away the smile on his face, and said in a rather serious tone:

"The importance of the anti-gravity engine is self-evident, but what is more important is the scientists who can develop this technology.

It's amazing. At such a young age, he has shown extraordinary scientific research ability, and he is another Academician Mo.

The first two requirements put forward by our little friend must be strictly implemented. Next, let’s talk about the last requirement in detail, which is to popularize the X-gene optimization solution to the masses. "

Although Mo Xiaoxue said at the end, even if he vetoed the third request, he would still come up with anti-gravity engine technology.

But everyone is smart, and it can be seen at a glance that this child really wants to popularize the X-gene optimization liquid.

"This afternoon, the think tank had a five-hour heated discussion on the popularization of the X-gene optimization liquid."

After looking at everyone, the old man was silent for a while before continuing: "In the final result, the elderly over 65 years old can voluntarily accept the X-gene optimization liquid, it is not compulsory."

In the conference room, several people frowned, especially those from the military.

"I know what you are worried about, it is nothing more than the potential side effects that may exist, and the possible social instability after breaking the limit.

Because of this, the standard of 65 years old was set. "


In the early hours of the morning, the closed meeting room was opened from the inside.

A few minutes later, the documents were issued one by one.

The next morning, Mo Xiaoxue woke up early. Tomorrow, the 28th, is the start day for freshmen at Beijing University. It is too far from Huo County to the capital, so they need to arrive one day earlier.

In addition, she didn't need to live in the dormitory, Mo Xiaoxue had already discussed with her brother yesterday, and set off for Capital University today to arrange the house in advance.

Mo Xiaoxue, who ran downstairs wearing slippers, saw her brother Ge You lying on the sofa and watching the news, and had no intention of going out at all. Mo Xiaoxue couldn't help but reminded:

"Brother, don't look at it, we'll go out after we have a meal, and we won't be able to catch the plane in a while."

Mo Jingchun, with his legs crossed, tilted his head and glanced at Candy, and said calmly, "Don't worry, the plane won't take off until we arrive."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxue couldn't help but rolled her eyes, picked up a steamed bun on the dining table, took a bite, and said angrily:

"That's what I said, but I don't want to be scolded by other passengers."

"Okay." Mo Jingchun shrugged, put down the remote control and stood up.

After gracefully walking to the dining table and sitting down, Mo Jingchun also took a sweet steamed bun, just about to take a bite, Mo Jingchun stopped again.

After Mo Xiaoxue and her brother looked at each other, they blinked and said, "What's the matter, didn't my face wash off?" (End of this chapter)

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