Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1133 Fight! fighting!

Mo Jingchun just opened the car window and said a simple word, and the surrounding crowd fell silent instantly.

However, Mo Jingchun did not give everyone too much time to react, and shouted again: "All senior executives of the company, be sure to take your family members to the Anyang base on the first batch of tourist buses. Let's go, I can't guarantee that there will be traffic jams on the highway."

At this time, several Dabai squeezed out from the crowd, and Mo Jingchun quickly got the zero microcomputer.

Mo Jingchun's words made all employees realize that an unprecedented disaster must have occurred this time.

No one thought Mo Jingchun was joking anymore.

Think about it carefully, is it necessary for the boss to lie? Totally unnecessary! Although Candy Technology has a lot of money, it will not do such absurd things.

So the answer is obvious.

In the global joint operations center, the heads of state are urgently online. Facing the alien invasion of the solar system, no country can survive alone.

At the critical moment, the various forces of Blue Star let go of their prejudices for the first time, cooperated with each other, and discussed to jointly deal with aliens.

Under the oppression of external forces, countries have come up with bottom-pressing box technology and secret weapons at emergency meetings.

Under the threat of life, in just half an hour, various plans have begun to be implemented.

Thanks to the discovery of the Merck Civilization broadcast, Blue Star has always had an emergency plan in the past few years, which made the Global Joint Operations Center flustered, but not in a mess.

The only thing that divides the countries is the right to use the spacecraft.

Some people proposed to leave the solar system with the seeds of human civilization immediately before the aliens arrived, while others proposed to take a gamble and send all the spacecraft to the Kuiper belt to fight the aliens.

At worst, try to see if you can destroy the wormhole.

When countries were arguing endlessly, someone suddenly asked: "Does Candy Technology have a secret weapon? As we all know, Candy Technology's artificial intelligence technology is the most advanced in the world. If the artificial intelligence technology of alien civilizations is not as good as ours, are we right?" Can try to hack into the network. Take control of the spaceship of the alien civilization."

The opinion put forward by the Elephant Kingdom made the conference room quiet.

Yes, cyber weapons!

In recent years, in order to suppress the artificial intelligence of Candy Technology, countries have always used zero as an imaginary enemy and developed various logic locks.

Maybe give it a try.

"Wait a moment, everyone."

A minute later, Head of State Xia gave the answer.

"Everyone, I have already asked. Academician Mo of our country said that there is a super laser cannon on the lunar transfer station. In theory, it can destroy the Hope with one shot.

The disadvantages are also obvious. The super laser cannon needs to be stored and can only be fired once in half an hour. "

The conference room fell silent again.

Laser weapons are familiar to everyone here.

But it's really impossible to kill a spaceship as big as Hope in one shot.

After all, the farther the attack distance is, the less powerful the laser weapon will be.

"What is the effective attack distance?"

"Three astronomical units!"

Three astronomical units, all countries gasped, secretly glad that they didn't provoke Mo Jingchun from Candy Technology in the past two years.

With the mentality of that person who has revenge, revenge will not be overnight, if he shoots at the ground of Blue Star, he will not be able to directly ascend to heaven.

Still underestimated the horror of candy technology.

If there hadn't been an alien invasion, Candy Tech would have been hiding the existence of laser weapons.

etc! Candy Technology's lunar transfer station seems to be powered!

Isn't this Nima just a mobile fort? A proper super battleship!

One astronomical unit is the distance from the sun to the blue star. It is hard to imagine how Candy Technology can achieve the effective range of three astronomical units for laser weapons.

Although Kuiper brings about 25 astronomical units to the blue star, which is far more than the number 3.

But this is already the only light-speed weapon available to humans.

Anyang base, when Mo Jingchun arrived at the base, the sky was already bright.

I didn't feel anything before, but now the bright sky is so beautiful.

I don't know if there will be a chance to see the blue sky on the blue star again in the future.

At the airport, all the space shuttles belonging to Candy Technology are already in place, ready to enter the runway and take off at any time.

Just when Mo Jingchun was full of emotions, Ling ran over with an ugly face and whispered something in Mo Jingchun's ear.

In the next second, Mo Jingchun's face changed drastically.

Immediately turned around and said to Xu Pengfei and Su Wenyan: "Immediately organize personnel to board the space shuttle in an orderly manner, and wait for the next instruction."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun followed Zero and trotted all the way to the special space shuttle.

Before he had time to say hello to his family and relatives who had boarded the space shuttle, Mo Jingchun went straight to the cockpit.

Sitting in the driver's seat of the cab, Mo Jingchun watched the real-time video sent back from the Kuiper smart satellite, and Mo Jingchun clenched his fists.

Just now, the wormhole changed again, suddenly expanding from the original diameter of 20 meters to 200 meters in diameter.

On top of that, ten alien spaceships flew out of the wormhole.

wrong! Mo Jingchun frowned.

It would be more appropriate to be thrown out by a wormhole.

The images captured by the satellite were synchronized to the Global Joint Operations Center in real time. The moment the alien spacecraft appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the Global Joint Operations Center.

Ten spaceships, the type of spaceship is unknown. The level of civilization is unknown...

Apart from knowing the number of spaceships, humans have not collected any more information.

At this moment, what humans don't know is that the Merk civilization scientific research fleet that has just been thrown out by the natural wormhole is also extremely nervous.

It even collided with a meteorite, which had a certain impact on the spacecraft.

Immediately, the fleet command put all the spacecraft into a state of radio silence.

Just now, the spacecraft received a weak electromagnetic wave signal.

There is no advanced civilization as imagined, but the electromagnetic wave signal tells them that civilization exists in this galaxy.

It is likely to be a civilization that has not yet left the galaxy.

This is undoubtedly good news.

As long as they are given a little time, they can completely replicate the unmanned combat aircraft on a large scale, and easily take down this galaxy without a single soldier.

It's a pity that none of the Merck people discovered that a satellite was hidden in a meteorite.

Every move of the ten spaceships can be clearly seen in front of human beings.


In the cab, Mo Jing burst into tears with laughter.

Those were tears of excitement!

He was ready to run away. As a result, what did he discover! These ten so-called "advanced civilization" spacecraft were powered by plasma engines.

That familiar light blue light is absolutely unmistakable.

fighting! Must fight!

But in order to be safe, Mo Jingchun still won't let Hope to confront the aliens head-on.

It's time for the mobile lunar transfer station to unleash its power.

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