The behavior of human civilization shocked and angered all Merck people.

Even unprecedented panic.

Obviously, they think they are hiding well, but in fact, their every move is under the nose of human civilization.

What's even more frightening is that the scientists on the Merck civilization scientific research fleet did not find the monitors monitoring them at all.

What the scientists of the Merck civilization couldn't understand was that the first civilization they encountered was not friendly at all.

If Mo Jingchun was also on the Merck expedition fleet at this time, he would definitely be surprised to hear their discussion.

Human civilization turned out to be the first civilization encountered by Merck civilization.

Of course, neither Mo Jingchun nor these Merck people know that human civilization is not the first civilization that Merck civilization has encountered.

Watching the alien spaceship start to move in the command hall, there was no panic. On the contrary, human beings became more and more excited and excited.

The aliens are scared!

"Nanobot signal tracking is normal."

In the inconspicuous corners of the spacecraft of the alien civilization, nano-robots invisible to the naked eye are attached to the surface of the spacecraft.

Because of nano-robots and quantum communication, human beings are not afraid of losing their targets, let alone being discovered by aliens.

Because before the alien civilization began to accelerate, the smart satellite of Candy Technology received electromagnetic wave signals.

This undoubtedly exposed the communication level of this alien civilization, which is still at the level of human beings a few years ago.

At this moment, Zero said in Mo Jingchun's ear with a little surprise:

"Boss, after I deciphered the other party's encrypted electromagnetic wave information just now, I made a major discovery."

Only Mo Jingchun could hear Zero's voice, and Mo Jingchun asked curiously, "What did you find?"

"When deciphering the text message, I found that the other party was using the dictionary of the Merck civilization."

"Merck's Dictionary of Civilization?"

Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what Zero meant.

No wonder Zero was so surprised.

Such a coincidence, the other party is an old acquaintance of human civilization --- Merck civilization.

"Are you sure?"

"After a comprehensive analysis, the probability of being the Merck civilization exceeds 99%."

He rubbed his temples with a headache, this is not good news.

Mo Jingchun, who has no research on wormholes, doesn't know how far the teleportation distance of wormholes is, even the corresponding experts can't tell.

Because no one has ever experienced it.

There is no actual data support.

First received the electromagnetic wave signal many years ago, and now it is face-to-face. It is difficult for Mo Jingchun to suspect that the Merck civilization is the neighbor of human civilization.

But it is certain that it is not the neighboring star systems of the solar system, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

What worries Mo Jingchun is not the Merck Civilization, but the deadly behavior of the Merck Civilization on Liberty Mai will attract advanced civilizations.

Would a giant care about the life and death of an ant on the ground while slapping the buzzing mosquito to death?

Obviously not.

Mo Jingchun could only silently pray that the Merck galaxy is far enough away from the solar system.

One wave of ups and downs, another wave of ups and downs, is really a headache.

Sighing, Mo Jingchun informed the Global Joint Operations Center of Zero's discovery.

This is undoubtedly mixed news.

There is a saying that knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. Human civilization now at least knows who the civilization that invaded the solar system is.

Instead of blindfolded.

As the officials of various countries intentionally guide and release information about aliens, the people have gradually settled down.

The Anyang base was lively for two days, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

There is no way, the boss has personally spoken, those who should go to work can go to work, and those who don't can apply for resignation.

Everyone now knows that the Kuiper Belt is 25 AU from Blue Star.

After searching and popularizing science on major platforms, ordinary people finally realize how far 25 AU is.

A full 25 suns to the distance from Blue Star!

According to the official information, the fleet of human civilization will catch up with the fleet of Merck civilization after 5 years.

2035 is destined to be the most extraordinary year.

Ordinary people know for the first time that aliens really exist.

On the 5th day after the discovery of the Merck civilization that invaded the solar system, the Mars space elevator project was put on hold after the unanimous consent of the global conferences.

With the support of many top science and technology in the world, Zero designed a space battleship born for war in the shortest time.

In just one month, the surroundings of the Mars mine have changed drastically.

Space battleships and unmanned space fighters are being produced at an accelerated speed.

The brand-new anti-gravity engine technology can make the extremely heavy space battleship lift off smoothly, minus the limitation that it can only be produced in the space dock.

100 space battleships and 10,000 space drones were produced simultaneously, making Mars very lively.

However, there are not many people on Mars.

All production is unmanned.

At this moment, the advantages brought by artificial intelligence have given humans a taste of the sweetness.

Nine months later, under the watchful eyes of humans all over the world, 100 space battleships carrying 10,000 space drones set sail.

What makes mankind full of confidence is that the production of space battleships has not stopped because of this, but has begun to expand production.

Under the profound influence of Xia Guo, all countries also felt the fear of insufficient firepower.

Anyway, it is fully automated production, and the mine on Mars is also a windfall.

According to experts' repeated discussions, the Merck civilization will not be more than 200 light-years away from the solar system.

However, no one knows whether natural wormholes will appear again.

And the next time it will come out of the wormhole is no longer 10 spaceships of the Merck civilization, but a large fleet.

Due to various factors, human beings chose to explode.

The countries tacitly did not mention the future ownership of these warships.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye, and it seemed like yesterday that aliens had invaded the solar system.

In the past five years, mankind has sent a total of four fleets, and the size of the fleets has become larger each time.

All space battleships produced in the last year were arranged around Blue Star.

Prevent the fleet of Merk civilization from stealing the house.

Although this possibility is slim, it has to be guarded against.

In the past five years, human science and technology have exploded, and various talents have emerged in an endless stream.

To say that the most dazzling one is Mo Xiaoxue.

No one knows the name of Mo Xiaoxue.

After five years from the new university to the honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences, people finally realized that the blue is better than the blue.

Mo Xiaoxue, who was already slim, dignified and steady, did not wear a white coat today, but put on a new skirt.

Dudu, who is already 7 years old, followed behind her aunt.

The cute two ponytails are flickering, so cute.

Following her aunt into the laboratory, Dudu found that her father had been waiting here for a long time.

Mo Jingchun looked at the two and said with a smile:

"If you two don't come again, I won't wait for you. You can't miss this space war feast."

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