A white light flashed, and the empty universe returned to darkness once again.

Only a pool of molten iron in place proves that there was once a spaceship here.

The power of the super laser cannon has exceeded the expectations of all countries.

I thought that a hole would be punched in the spaceship at most, but I never expected that the entire spaceship turned into a pile of molten iron in an instant.

One shot at a spaceship.

This made people around the world watching the live broadcast in real time completely excited.

The fear of aliens also dissipated at this moment.

Unknowingly, human civilization has become so powerful.

Although the strong have their own strong hands, human civilization has only just stepped out of the Blue Star.

But if you look at the history of mankind, you will lament that human beings since modern times seem to be on the hook.

In just a hundred years, it has developed from the Iron Age to the Steam Age, then to the Electric Age, the Atomic Age, the Information Age, and now the Interstellar Age where everyone can enter space.

The speed of scientific and technological progress of mankind in the past hundred years, in the entire history of mankind, can no longer be described as divine speed, but a rocket.

If civilization also has a protagonist, then human civilization is definitely an existence similar to the protagonist, the son of luck.

Unlike ordinary people, upper class people think more.

It's not that ordinary people can't think of deeper things, but so what?

They simply have no power to change anything.

The only thing that can be changed is to change yourself and let yourself adapt to this era.

Without any suspense, Zero directly controlled the remaining 9 spaceships of the Merck civilization.

Faced with some Merck people who chose to commit suicide, Ling Ling looked on coldly.

I don't know if it was shocked by the power of the super laser weapon, and the Global United Center didn't ask Zero to stop the scientific research objects supplied to the experts from ending their lives.

Facing this kind of Merk people, Zero is indifferent, and those who want to destroy the spaceship or end the lives of other Merk people, Zero will kill them with a thunderbolt.

The law of the dark forest let Zero know that he must not be soft on the enemy. We must act decisively.

Nip any threat in its infancy.

At blue star time, 10 hours later, 5 human spaceships and the lunar transfer station, the super killer, surrounded the 9 spaceships of the scientific research fleet of the Merck civilization.

Ten minutes later, under the command of the Blue Star Global Joint Operations Center, the space shuttle transported robots one by one to the spacecraft of the Merk civilization.

After controlling all the Merck people, the human side began to take stock of the harvest.

Next, it was time for representatives of various countries to quarrel.

Mo Jingchun seemed to have seen a virtual meeting room like a vegetable market.

Facing the issue of benefit distribution, Mo Jingchun didn't care.

Mo Jingchun is very confident that no matter how the representatives of various countries fight the war of words, the interests belonging to Candy Technology will never escape.

Compared with these interests, Mo Jingchun is more curious about the research on Merck people.

At this moment, Mo Jingchun was eager to verify one thing.

That's how the Merkian genetic material differs from humans.

Will it be the same as human beings, with double-helix DNA and RNA?

Under Mo Jingchun's signal, Mo Xiaoxue left the laboratory with Dudu.

What happened next was not suitable for Dudu, who was only seven years old, to know.

This is not conducive to the healthy growth of Dudu.

Mo Xiaoxue knew what her brother wanted to do, with a look, Mo Xiaoxue got up and sent Dudu to the outside of the laboratory building.

Xiao Huihui, who was lying lazily basking in the sun at the entrance of the laboratory building, ran away the moment she saw Dudu.

Xiao Huihui, who was lying lazily basking in the sun at the entrance of the laboratory building, ran away the moment she saw Dudu.

It's hard to believe that this is an old dog that has lived for twenty years.

"Oh, what are you running, Xiao Huihui?"

Dudu broke away from her aunt's hand, and angrily ran to chase Xiao Huihui.

A few minutes later. Mo Jingchun saw Mo Xiaoxue who had gone and returned, and asked in surprise:

"Why are you back, where is Dudu?"

"Dudu chased her Uncle Hui."

"Oh~ that little Huihui is pitiful. When I was young, I was tormented by you, but now I am old and I have to be tormented by Dudu."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxue couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said angrily:

"Xiao Huihui runs so fast, she doesn't look old at all.

Brother, did you secretly use the latest generation of genetic optimization fluid for Xiao Huihui? "

Mo Jingchun stretched, pulled himself up, and smiled knowingly.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you. But don't disclose this news for the time being."

Mo Xiaoxue raised her brows suspiciously, "Why? Now we are not afraid of someone thinking about it."

"At this stage, the X gene optimization solution is completely sufficient. Even the elderly don't have to worry about life expectancy in the next 20 to 30 years.

That being the case, why should we overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow. "

Mo Jingchun didn't tell Candy the real reason.

The latest generation of genetic optimization fluid is developed based on the genetic optimization fluid left over from the unknown civilization on the moon.

It took five or six years for Mo Jingchun to understand the principle of the gene optimization solution.

But whether there will be any hidden dangers in this, even he cannot predict and judge.

Unlike the X gene optimization solution, this thing comes from the system, something that is well known, and I know it well.

When Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue were talking, far away in the void outside the solar system, there were only 15 spaceships parked relatively still in the space.

On one of the Merck civilization spaceships, Dabai took out a thick needle under the terrified eyes of the Merck people.

After collecting twenty samples of blood from different Merk people, Dabai stopped drawing blood.

Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue, who had already focused their attention on this side, looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Green blood.

The Merck's blood turned out to be green.

The last time Mo Jingchun was equally surprised was when Zero secretly controlled all the spaceships of the Merck civilization and saw the appearance of the Merk people for the first time.

Unlike humans, merks have four legs and two hands.

There is also a body of white hair.

If it weren't for the shape of the face and hands, Mo Jingchun would have thought that the Merck was a mutant sheep on Blue Star.

Such an image of aliens is completely different from what humans imagined.

Even the Merck spaceships are simple rectangles.

Compared with the spacecraft of the Merck civilization, the human flying saucer-shaped spacecraft seems to be more like an alien civilization.

"Their blood is green."

Mo Jingchun shook his head, not sure. "It could also be bodily fluids, not blood."

"After sending the sample back to the laboratory on the lunar transfer station for analysis, we will know.

I don't know if there is an answer I want. "

Mo Xiaoxue who was silent for a while asked:

"Brother, what answer are you looking for, even I have to hide it."

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