Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1147 Opening the door to a new world

The small disposable cup was gone in two sips.

However, Mo Jingchun and the others ignored Dudu's pitiful gaze.

Although she was very unhappy, Mo Xiaoxue also knew that it was now the time when summer turned to autumn. The weather was often changeable and confusing. In addition, the weather was cold in the morning and evening. It was really not suitable to give Dudu too many cold drinks. It was still cold. Sexy watermelon pop milk tea.

Dudu, who was ignored by everyone, sighed softly and took a small sip of watermelon pop to taste, but did not dare to cheer as usual.

Talking too much brings tears to my eyes.

Dudu asked in annoyance why he loved to play so much and didn't finish his summer homework earlier?

A small accident from within the family came to a successful end as night fell.

Early the next morning, Dudu was woken up by Zero's gentle shout while he was still sleeping.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, turned over and went back to sleep.

Zero shook his head helplessly and continued to wake the little guy up.

"Dudu, get up and have breakfast soon. Your mother will take you to school soon."

"Don't make trouble, it's summer vacation." Dudu, who was in a daze, pushed away Ling's jade hand that disturbed her sleep, and wanted to continue sleeping for a while.

The next moment, Ling smiled slightly: "Then let me go~ I will ask your mother to go upstairs and wake you up."

Ling pretended to turn around and leave. The next second, Dudu lifted the quilt and said with helpless eyes: "I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, but don't let my mother come up and wake me up."

"Oh? Someone just said they were still on summer vacation."

"Hey, Zero, you must have heard wrong. Yes! You heard wrong."

Ling, who didn't want to expose his old pants, smiled knowingly, put the clothes on the bedside table, and said: "Get up quickly, it's the first day of school today, don't be late, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Zero blinked at Dudu.

Thinking of his mother's angry look, Dudu lifted the quilt and climbed out of the bed without saying a word, and started to change clothes with smooth movements.

Downstairs, after a day of rest and having a feast cooked by her brother last night as she wished, Mo Xiaoxue was in a particularly good mood today.

No, I drank an extra bowl of porridge.

Hearing the sound of rushing down the stairs behind him, Mo Xiaoxue knew it was Dudu who had just gotten up without looking back.

Mo Xiaoxue turned her wrist and glanced at the smart watch in her hand.

Yes, I went downstairs ten minutes early. It seems that yesterday's education class was somewhat useful, but I don't know how long it will last.

On Dudu's hand, she wore a smart watch of the same model as hers, both of which came from her brother's private laboratory.

It was precisely because of the existence of this watch that Mo Xiaoxue firmly believed that her brother had hidden private goods and many black technologies that were not suitable for disclosure at the moment.

Even if it's from her, he's hiding something.

Let’s just say how powerful the black technology of the small smart watch is. Mo Xiaoxue once tried to disassemble the smart watch in the laboratory to study what was inside.

As a result... the diamond failed to leave scratches on the watch screen.

Trying to dismantle the watch also ended in failure.

Even now, Mo Xiaoxue still remembers Ling's half-smiling expression as he stood aside.

The world's top laboratory was at a loss for a watch, and no one believed it when he told it.

Yet it is what it is.

But Mo Xiaoxue gained nothing from the violent dismantling of the smart watch.

The biggest gain is that when the impact force exceeds a certain limit, the watch will automatically activate a shield invisible to the naked eye.

Just like magnets, the force of like poles repelling each other cancels out the impact force.

Based on the fact that her brother no longer arranged bodyguards to protect them, Mo Xiaoxue speculated that this watch would form a shield at critical moments to protect the host from harm. As for how long the shield could be maintained, Mo Xiaoxue had no answer.

This is only an ability that Mo Xiaoxue can only speculate on, and knows nothing about the others.

But as long as the shield can last for ten seconds, all dangers will be eliminated.

Satellite laser weapons from Blue Star's far-Earth orbit have ten seconds, enough time to strike at the threat target with centimeter-level accuracy.

Under laser weapons, all living beings are equal!

There are no enemies on Blue Star that cannot be eliminated with one laser shot. If there are, then use a few more shots.

Mo Jingchun, who was the first to finish breakfast, wiped his mouth and said to his daughter who had just started eating: "Mom will send you to school today. You must listen carefully to the class at school. The teacher has assigned you homework. When you get home from school, remember to write as soon as possible. You can only play after you finish your homework. If you really don’t have any homework, you can also do what your aunt did, go home and give the knowledge you learned in school to Xiao Huihui and Baozi. They love being taught the most."

After Mo Jingchun's words, Dudu's eyes widened, and his expressions went from surprised to shocked to eager to try.

It was as if the door to the new world was slowly opening and waving to her.

Give lessons to Xiao Huihui and Baozi!

Looking at Dudu's gleaming eyes, Mo Xiaoxue silently mourned for three seconds for Xiao Huihui and Baozi.

Poor two guys, after so many years, they still can't escape the fate of going to class.

The wheel of fate is spinning again.

Looking pityingly at Xiao Huihui and Baozi who were still sleeping in the utility room, Mo Xiaoxue secretly thought, they are still sleeping there. When Dudu comes back from school today, we will see if you can still sleep.

Mo Xiaoxue, who returned to the normal track, once again started a crazy scientific research routine.

In the slightly cold private laboratory, Mo Xiaoxue looked at the cells cultured under the electron microscope and observed the changes in the cells.

However, Mo Xiaoxue soon gave up.

With enough nutrient solution, the cells she carefully cultivated turned out to be like cancer cells, constantly replicating themselves.

This is not the result Mo Xiaoxue wants.

Imagine if such cells were implanted into the human brain. With the support of human nutrients, the cells would grow exponentially and exponentially.

This is definitely not a biological computer accessory brain, but a proper artificial tumor, or a malignant brain tumor.

If something like this were known to outsiders, they would probably be laughed out of their minds.

Sitting on the chair, Mo Xiaoxue fell into deep thought, and her whole person seemed a little dull.

After studying for so long, I came up with such a thing, which is not even half-finished.

How about asking your brother for advice?

After thinking about it, Mo Xiaoxue gave up. Her brother had been researching the new generation of genetic optimization fluid for several years before he had any results.

The results have been achieved, but my brother has never announced it to the outside world. Why, it's not because my brother doesn't know whether the new generation of genetic optimization fluid may have any fatal flaws.

There may also be long-lasting side effects. (end of this chapter)

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