Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1153: Feeling unbalanced?

"That's it for today's class. If you have any doubts, you can sit down and talk about it after you get back from get off work today. If you are unsure or unsure, ask me again tomorrow morning."

Taking the cute shoulder bag given to her by her brother, Mo Xiaoxue was preparing to tell everyone to get off work quickly so that she could go home.

Suddenly I remembered that I haven't negotiated salary with my friends yet.

Needless to say, these two children, Wen Jing and Wen Ru, are my brother's students, and his brother has the final say in terms of subsidies.

Occasionally, she can give out some bonuses or something.

But the same cannot be said for my younger brothers Wang Haoran and Xiong Chengcheng, as well as their childhood friend Mo Hanhan. They came all the way here. Since they are formal scientific researchers in candy technology, they still have to negotiate their salaries.

No matter how good the relationship is, if the benefits are not in place, no one will be in a good mood to work seriously and devote 100% of their energy.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxue immediately took out her mobile phone from her pink shoulder bag and called her brother in front of everyone.

"Hey, brother."

"Just wait for me a little longer and I'll negotiate the salary with them."

As soon as these words came out, Xiong Chengcheng's eyes lit up.

Unlike Wang Haoran and Mo Hanhan's families, his family's conditions have never been very good.

As long as he can remember, my father has been a medicine jar, and the medicine has never been used up.

This is one of the reasons why he is relatively thin.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the salary and benefits at Candy Technology.

If not, he wouldn't have come without hesitation just because of an email from Mo Xiaoxue.

The opportunity to change the fate of his family is right in front of him, how could he give up.

Wang Haoran's family used to have very average family conditions, but what about now? Life is enjoyable.

The reason is not because Wang Haoran's mother is a veteran employee of Candy Technology. Her annual salary plus year-end bonus and various bonuses are definitely more than 200 w after tax.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Xiaoxue sat down again.

Looking at everyone's shining eyes, Mo Xiaoxue smiled.

“You should all know the salary rules of Candy Technology.

I won’t go into basic welfare benefits, such as five insurances and one fund, etc. Just search on the Internet and you’ll find the answer.

I want to talk to you about salary. "

After saying that, Mo Xiaoxue thought for a while, "Well, Wang Haoran, you come first. How much annual salary do you think you can get? You quote a price first and I will give you an accurate answer after referring to it."

"So exciting?" Wang Haoran rubbed his hands excitedly.

Mo Xiaoxue smiled and said nothing.

They all know the rules of candy technology.

Starting from the second year, Zero will adjust the salary based on the employee's performance in the previous year.

As long as you perform well, you will keep getting raises.

If it were any other company, it would sooner or later go bankrupt.

But Candy Technology doesn’t. The most indispensable thing in candy technology is money.

If the money stored in the Candy Technology account does not flow out, big problems will occur.

It is no exaggeration to say that the global economy will be affected by candy technology.

There was no way, who made my brother set a broken rule back then, only accepting Chinese coins for transactions with Candy Technology.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Haoran, after careful consideration and stroking his chin, revealed an annual salary that surprised Xiong Chengcheng and others.

"five million."

Mo Xiaoxue nodded with a smile. She did not give Wang Haoran a definite answer immediately, but looked at Xiong Chengcheng.

"I am not good at scientific research. If I were asked to go to space, I would boldly say five million.

Now...three million. "

When he said two million, Xiong Chengcheng felt uneasy inside.

He had interviewed with many companies entering the space industry, but when he reported an annual salary of three million, the results spoke for themselves.

Mo Xiaoxue still didn't express an opinion, but turned to look at Mo Hanhan, her playmate and best friend.

The next second, Mo Hanhan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "My grandma said that she would be satisfied if I could earn over 10,000 yuan a month."

The night before I came, grandma actually said something.

"You're too greedy to treat me wrong with candy?"

But now that everyone is here, how can I say this.

Knocking on the armrest of the chair, Mo Xiaoxue said with a smile:

"You guys are still too conservative. But you don't have much experience in scientific research."

"Not counting anything else, from now to the end of this year, that is, before the Chinese New Year, I will give you a fixed payment of 3 million, after tax!"

"In the past few months, you can study with peace of mind, and then devote your energy to research and development. As for your year-end bonus and next year's annual salary, Ling and I will rate your performance in the past six months.

If you want to get more, it depends on your ability.

Don’t think I’m giving you too much. I’m not afraid to tell you that the average employee at the Anyang base who can work in space has an annual salary of less than 3 million.

However, they all risk their lives to enter space, and it is natural for them to receive high salaries. "

"You go back and think about it. If you are not satisfied, you can talk to me. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract tomorrow."

After a long time, Mo Xiaoxue had left, but Wang Haoran and others still didn't come back to their senses.

Especially Mo Hanhan.

From now to the end of the year... 3 million, this amount of money made her panic.

Why? Why can she get the same salary as two geniuses?

Mo Hanhan is very clear about her positioning.

In the eyes of ordinary people, she is a genius and can learn everything quickly.

In fact, in front of a real genius, she really means nothing.

A very simple metaphor, the same test paper, she and Candy can get 100 points at the same time. That is because the test paper only has 100 points, not Candy's upper limit of only 100 points.

Or should I say, what I said just now was just for Wang Haoran and Xiong Chengcheng. Candy forgot to mention her.

At this time, Wang Haoran patted Mo Hanhan on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Come back to your senses, isn't it good to get a high salary? I can see it. The eldest sister is very eager to complete the research on the biological computer assistant brain, otherwise she would not spend a lot of money to let us come.

Since the eldest sister has offered this salary, it shows our price, and also tells us that she needs us to invest all our energy in research and development.

Come on, let's discuss the new knowledge we learned today. "

Downstairs, after Mo Xiaoxue and Ling got into the car without keeping Mo Jingchun waiting, Mo Jingchun started the vehicle.

After leaving the park, Mo Jingchun glanced at his sister in the rearview mirror, whose mouth corners were slightly raised, and asked:

"nailed it?"

"Well, I gave them the same salary. From now to the end of the year, the fixed salary is 3 million, after tax."

"The same salary will make people feel unbalanced." Mo Jingchun said calmly.

"So I made it clear that starting from next year, it will depend on personal ability."

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