Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1156 The final gift

Visible to the naked eye, the fleet is rising faster and faster.

At the same time, fleets from 15 other places on Blue Star were also taking off.

The most shocked and stunned people at such a scene were not the netizens, but the developers of anti-gravity technology, Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue.

Looking at each other, both of them saw surprise in each other's eyes.

It's no wonder that Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue didn't think of this way of utilizing anti-gravity engines.

Human energy is actually limited. Anti-gravity engine technology is sufficient for interstellar navigation at this stage. Further research and development of anti-gravity technology has been put aside by Mo Xiaoxue.

It has to be said that there is never a shortage of geniuses in this world.

Anti-gravity engines can naturally work together among different battleships.

The reason is very simple. Antigravity uses the reaction force of the magnetic field.

They also generate magnetic fields, and integrating the magnetic fields into one can only be achieved through precise calculations.

What humans currently lack most is computing power.

The quantum supercomputer developed by the Academy of Sciences has been applied to all warships in service.

"Brother, I didn't expect that the two of us would be the last to know the application of anti-gravity engine technology."

After just searching, Mo Xiaoxue discovered that the fleets launched by 15 other countries, including the beautiful country, all used this technology. What does it mean? The conclusion is obvious.

There are no eternal enemies, there are only eternal interests.

Let’s not say who came up with this idea. If all countries knew about it, there is only one possibility, and that is that transactions were conducted between countries.

After all, this technology is not new, all it requires is an idea.

Just like before the appearance of iron horseshoes in ancient times, no one thought that people could wear shoes to reduce the wear and tear on their feet. So why can't horses wear shoes to reduce the wear and tear on their hoofs?

The simpler the truth, the easier it is to be ignored.

Since it is easy to copy, it will be used in exchange for benefits to maximize the benefits!

Mo Jingchun, who smiled coquettishly, touched his nose and remained silent.

Seeing that her brother remained silent, Mo Xiaoxue stopped talking.

At the same time, the crew members on the battleship were sitting in safety seats and did not feel particularly uncomfortable.

The physique strengthened with X-gene optimization fluid and the space suit make all the crew members feel no discomfort.

On the contrary, you can clearly feel the battleship accelerating.

"Hello fellow crew members, I am the artificial intelligence Nuwa, and I will always accompany you on the next interstellar journey.

Our warship adopts all advanced human technologies and is the technological crystallization of human civilization. All crew members are asked to relax. The warship is very safe during launch. "

After a long time, the crew felt that the battleship seemed to have stopped.

In fact, it doesn’t.

It can be seen from the live broadcast that all the warships that took off have safely and successfully arrived in their original orbit and began to move around the Blue Star at a constant speed.

This was their last chance to say goodbye to their mother, Blue Star.

"Attention, crew members, in ten seconds, I will follow the captain's instructions and open all the portholes in the battleship. All crew members, please cherish this last opportunity and say a final goodbye to the mother planet from the perspective of space.

Warm reminder, the fleet will start interstellar sailing in an hour.

We have a long road ahead, and may good luck always be with us. "

As soon as the artificial intelligence Nuwa finished speaking, the portholes opened automatically, showing the most realistic side of the universe and starry sky to all the crew members.

Qin Yuzhu, who came to the outermost layer of the battleship with her family, looked out into space through the porthole window. What she saw was the mother planet on which mankind depends for survival - Blue Star.

In the orbit of Blue Star, you can see identical warships flying around Blue Star with the naked eye.

At this moment, the battleship siren sounded loudly.

All the crew members were startled, and even the captain was startled by the sudden siren.

Before the captain could ask the artificial intelligence Nuwa what happened, the alarm was automatically turned off.

The next second, the captain received a call from the Blue Star ground command center.

Qin Yuzhu, who was standing next to the porthole, broke into a cold sweat when she saw an astonishing fleet of ships coming towards her.

Coupled with the piercing sirens, Qin Yuzhu's first thought was that Mo Jingchun ordered an attack on their fleet.

The sudden lifting of the alarm did not make Qin Yuzhu feel at ease, but made her even more nervous.

She knew that no artificial intelligence could resist Zero's invasion.

Even the artificial intelligence of Merck Civilization was invaded by Zero silently.

Facing the oncoming fleet, Qin Yuzhu did not escape and had no place to escape.

Looking at the approaching fleet, Qin Yuzhu's eyes were blank, and he murmured to himself in a daze: "What does he want to do and bear a lifetime of infamy? Is it worth it?"

At this moment, the captain's voice sounded in time, calming the panicked crew members.

"I am Captain Tan Jingjun. All crew members, please don't waste your final farewell time. The alarm just now was a misunderstanding. Just now, we received a big gift, which is a fleet of a size comparable to ours.

Yes, this fleet is derived from Candy Technology. "

Blue Star, Huo County.

Mo Jingchun stood in the yard and looked up at the sky. At this moment, Mo Jingchun seemed to be able to see through the clouds and see the fleet in space.

Mo Xiaoxue walked out of the house, looked at her brother's back, and said slowly:

"Brother, you still made a choice."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun looked back at Candy, his eyes bloodshot.

"But no one has ever told me that my senior sister Li Qianqian is also on the list!

If she hadn't taken the initiative to contact me just now, I'm afraid she would have kept it secret from me for a long time.

do you know? Candy, before the teacher died, he took my hand and told me that my senior sister was quite stubborn and asked me to take care of her more in the future.

Although there is a gap between me and my senior sister..."

Mo Xiaoxue said nothing more. She knew that her brother felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

Because Sister Sissi deceived her brother again.

The fleet of 100 battleships is also my brother's last gift, a fleet that will only obey Sister Sissi's command.

No matter how many battleships there are, it is not good.

Thinking about it, no one would dare to bully her in the future interstellar journey.

It is precisely because of this that after urgent discussions, the above chose to accept it.

Taking a step back and thinking about it, with one more fleet, the safety of the crew will be greatly improved.

On the bridge of battleship No. 001, all eyes were focused on Academician Li, who had gray hair and looked to be in his thirties.

This academician has absolute say in emergencies.

At the same time, he is also the leader of the scientists carried by this interstellar fleet.

"Follow the normal plan."

Captain Tan Jingjun nodded silently and looked at the holographic projection again.

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