Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1158 Big ones are interesting

“One stick, one sweet date, as long as you work hard, each of your dreams will slowly come true.

Even commanding tens of thousands of battleships is just around the corner.

Of course, if someone does something that harms the interests of the company, it will be useless even if he flees to the ends of the world. As you know, I am a person who does what I say and I have the ability. "

After Mo Jingchun left, Mo Xiaoxue clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, everyone, he is not that scary.

By the way, come on, come on, let's sign the contract. I'm really sorry that it's Friday. I forgot that I won't come to the company on Saturday, and I overslept and forgot to tell you. "

nervous? nonexistent.

Growing up in the Candy Technology Park, none of them knew that Mo Jingchun was the easiest boss to get along with.

After so many years, Candy Technology’s reputation is getting better and better, and there has never been an incident of suppressing employees.

What I just said are the most basic requirements. If these are not achieved, how can there be any spirit of contract?

After briefly looking at the salary contract, Wang Haoran and the three of them signed their names without hesitation.

At this moment, the gears of fate have begun to turn.

During the Spring Festival, heavy snow falls, and the world seems to be enveloped in silver.

In this white world, people involuntarily slow down their steps to avoid slipping.

However, even if the weather is cold and freezing, this does not extinguish people's desire for the beautiful emotions of the festival. In modern cities, people are scattered all over the world, and the Spring Festival has become the most difficult time to face alone. However, the flame of reunion gushes out from the bottom of my heart, gradually burns, gradually grows, and finally turns my longing into a beautiful snow scene. People are looking for their way home in the falling snow, stepping on patches of snow, crossing bridges and walking around trees in order to reach their brightly lit homes.

The red fireworks lit up the whole city at night. The colors are like flowers blooming in the night sky, showing all the longings and hopes in people's hearts. When the fireworks bloom, people are always immersed in that paradise, forgetting the hustle and bustle and fatigue.

With the new year and new atmosphere, on this day of reunion for thousands of families, the official also announced the latest status of the fleet on the voyage.

"everything is normal."

Four simple words, the simpler the content, the more it can soothe people's hearts.

Only at this time did people remember that half a year ago, a group of warriors bravely boarded an interstellar warship to explore a new world for human civilization.

Mo Jingchun, who had returned to his hometown three days ago, took a bamboo broom to sweep the snow in the yard.

Not far away, Dudu, who was not afraid of the cold, was having a snowball fight with Candy and had a great time.

I don't know if it's because he's getting old, but Mo Jingchun has become more and more fond of rural life in recent years.

Just like now, Mo Jingchun enjoyed cleaning the snow in the yard alone.

In Mo Jingchun's eyes, Candy is not only a sister, but also a child forever.

"You two, be careful. Don't fall. If your butt hurts, don't scream."

Dudu, who threw the snowball out, took the opportunity to playfully stick out his tongue at his father, and shouted with a smile: "I won't fall down."

Mo Jingchun shook his head.

"Be careful when extreme joy brings sorrow. Your aunt is going to sneak attack you."

Hearing this, Dudu looked back and saw a snowball flying towards her. She tilted her neck and easily dodged it.

"Okay, aunt, you actually carried out a sneak attack."

If my father hadn't reminded me just now, my aunt would have almost succeeded in the sneak attack.

"Look at my rain and scattered flowers!"

Regardless of accuracy, Dudu squatted on the ground, grabbed the snow and threw it towards his aunt.

At this moment, Zero walked out of the house, ignored the snowballs flying in the sky, and shouted loudly:

"time to eat."

The next second, Mo Jingchun stopped sweeping the snow. He put down the bamboo broom and I walked into the house.

He just enjoys this pastoral life, and he doesn't really want to clear the snow in the yard.

For simple things like cleaning up, Dabai is enough.

Seeing that his father had entered the house, the smart Dudu immediately shouted to his aunt: "Ceasefire, ceasefire, let's eat."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxue patted the scattered snowflakes on her hair and looked at Dudu with a smile.

"No one will support you anymore, hehehe~"

Mo Xiaoxue's laughter made Dudu shiver.

The little guy ran into the house without saying a word.

When he ran to the gate, Dudu looked back suspiciously, wondering why his aunt didn't make a sneak attack from behind this time.

This is not in line with my aunt's character.

Seeing that his aunt had thrown away the snowball in her hand, Dudu did not reduce his vigilance at all.

Growing up, Dudu always felt like something was wrong.

After thinking for a short time, Dudu did not stop. Instead, he quickened his pace and ran into the stove room behind the kitchen.

Outside the house, Mo Xiaoxue saw Dudu running away without hesitation, curled her lips, and threw the snowball in her down jacket pocket out of the yard.

Until this moment, Ling, who was still at the door, said with a smile: "You see, Dudu predicted your prediction.

After eating too many of your routines, she has learned to be smart a long time ago. "

Rubbing her hot hands, Mo Xiaoxue rolled her eyes and said, "If I want, every snowball can be thrown accurately on Dudu."

Ling smiled and said nothing, because Candy told the truth.

After dinner, Dudu, who didn't even have time to wipe the oil from the corner of his mouth, ran out of the house with fireworks in his arms. When he saw that the snow in the yard had been cleared, he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

During the Chinese New Year, Dudu is the happiest time.

Not only can you get lucky money, but you can also set off fireworks. It’s so happy.

Behind Dudu, Ling, who was wearing an apron, saw the fireworks being lit and reminded him: "Stand away."


The little guy nodded and ran to the corridor.

With a chirp, fireworks shot into the sky.

A colorful firework bloomed a hundred meters high in the sky.

For a moment, the whole world was illuminated.

The little guy just raised his neck and stared at the stars.

Until the fireworks were all gone, the little guy still looked hesitant.

At this moment, Mo Xiaoxue, who was standing behind Dudu at some point, sneered, turned around and entered the house under Dudu's blank look.

"Auntie is angry? Why?"

Soon, Dudu saw her aunt holding out a firework that was taller than her height with great strength.

Dudu knew this fireworks, so my father bought three in total.

It was said that it would be set off tomorrow morning when we were out in the sky.

Auntie, take it out now, aren't you afraid of getting scolded?

Putting down the fireworks, Mo Xiaoxue grinned at Dudu, "Your little fireworks are not very exciting, so you have to set off the fireworks like my aunt, magnified, that's how interesting it is."

"Here, give the lighter to Auntie."

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