Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1164 Pretending to be dead

Sitting in the back seat, fastening his seat belt, Dudu couldn't wait to take a bite of the candied haws.

After tasting it carefully and swallowing it, Dudu suddenly remembered and asked:

"Mom, when will dad build a school?"

"What's wrong? Is this school bad?"

"No, it's just cooler if you don't go to your own school."

Whenever school is out, the two surrounding streets are jammed with cars.

Fortunately, this car has an automatic driving function, so Li Xuanyu is not worried at all.

After handing the car over to Ling, Li Xuanyu looked back at her daughter who was eating candied haws on a stick, and said with a smile: "Cool? If you cause trouble at school, your teacher will call you parents, and you will tell me how embarrassing it will be for Dad."

"You're such a considerate little cotton-padded jacket, I'm afraid it's not leaking."

The little guy waved his hand indifferently and said:

"Mom, you and dad always like to remind me of my aunt's glorious deeds. From kindergarten to now, the teachers always praise me for being good and never ask my parents.

I just think it's very cool. "

While the mother and daughter were chatting, the car was slowly moving forward under the control of Zero, following the large group and under the command of the traffic police.

Even today, when artificial intelligence has become popular, the problem of traffic jams still cannot be solved when school is out.

It is true that the road in front of Chengnan Primary School is too narrow, and it is a one-way street in both directions.

In addition, there is a river on the roadside and there is not enough space to widen the road. As a result, the traffic jam problem has never been really solved since Chengnan Primary School was built.

After leaving the traffic jam area, the car finally started running.

At her mother's reminder, Dudu also put the candied haws away to avoid being accidentally stabbed by the bamboo skewer on the candied haws.

Dudu, who has known how to cherish life since he was a child, thinks more than his mother.

If you hit the brakes while eating candied haws, wouldn't it directly pierce your throat?

It’s scary to think about it.

Man, you are very lucky to be alive.

After returning home, Dudu changed into a pair of slippers and ran into the storage room. There were no cats or dogs on the kennel in the storage room.

The puzzled Dudu turned around and shouted:

"Mom, where are Xiao Huihui and Baozi? Did aunt take them to the company?"

"No. Look for it yourself."


After searching the first floor, Baozi and Xiao Huihui were not found, so Dudu went upstairs to look for them.

Ten minutes later, Dudu ran downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

"Mom, it's terrible that Xiao Huihui and Baozi are missing. They must have run away from home."

Li Xuanyu couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm probably afraid that you will hide. You go to the study to do your homework first."

"Okay~" The little guy was a little disappointed.

I was wondering if I was too strict with Xiao Huihui and Baozi.

Dudu, who only missed the study on the second floor and did not search it, never thought that Xiao Huihui and Baozi were already waiting in the study.

Dudu, who was in a depressed mood, walked into the study with his head lowered. Little Huihui had already run to his feet and rolled around.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xiao Huihui, his face was full of surprise.

"Master Hui, you are at home. What's strange is that I didn't find you just now."

"Hey, Baozi, you're here too."

Ge You's buns lying on the blanket were full of confusion. They had always said that this little master was talking strangely today.

Half an hour later, Dudu, who had finished his homework, packed up his textbooks and shouted to Baozi and Xiao Huihui:

"Come on, let's go downstairs and play."

As soon as he said this, Baozi tilted his head at a 45° angle and looked at his little master with confusion in his eyes.

The bench is ready. You want me to go downstairs to play?

No more typing on the blackboard today? !

"Come on, Baozi."

Taking Baozi and Xiao Huihui downstairs, Dudu saw his father who had gone home and was sitting on the sofa watching TV. He smeared his lips with honey and called out "Dad".

Mo Jingchun glanced at it and hummed, but said nothing.

Dudu, who didn't take it seriously, ran to the storage room, pulled out a shovel, and ran out of the house.

"It's cold outside, be careful if you catch a cold."

"I know, Dad."

Although he said he knew it, Dudu showed no intention of stopping and ran towards the yard.

Mo Xiaoxue, who simply took a shower and went downstairs, saw that Dudu was not there in the living room, and asked doubtfully: "Is Dudu still teaching Baozi and Xiao Huihui?"

"No, I just ran out."

At this time, Mo Xiaoxue inadvertently glanced at the fish tank in the living room.

It was okay not to look at it, but after looking at it, Mo Xiaoxue was no longer calm.

"Brother, come and see what happened to the carp I raised."

"Isn't the fish good..."

Mo Jingchun looked back and saw that the fat red carp was belly up. It looked like it was dying no matter how you looked at it.

"Brother, did you feed me something?"


Mo Jingchun, who was confused, asked Ling directly what was going on.

Zero took a closer look and said, "I'm pretending to be dead."

With that said, Zero put his finger into the fish tank and there was a burst of electricity. The fat and thin red carp immediately jumped around and jumped around.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'll be electrocuted in a while."

Hearing this, Ling rolled his eyes and said, "No way, this little voltage can electrocute an ant to death."

Knowing that the red carp that she had raised for more than 20 years was fine, Mo Xiaoxue, who was suddenly less nervous, said angrily to the fish tank:

"You've been starving for a whole day, and you're pretending to be dead. I'm so angry."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Jingchun on the side joked:

"How about an extra meal tonight? So that it won't piss you off later."

"What a beautiful thought!"

Mo Jingchun shrugged, returned to the sofa and sat down.

How dare he really eat the red carp that his sister has raised for more than 20 years? If he eats it, he will probably cry, and he will not be able to coax it.

When the time comes, some of the treasures in his study may also be brutally murdered.

Outside the house, Dudu was enjoying himself shoveling the hard soil with a shovel.

The little guy didn't notice that Li Xuanyu stood behind her at some point.

It wasn't until Li Xuanyu came closer that the little guy felt someone behind him.

Looking back, the little guy was trembling with fear.

"Mom, when did you come?"

Li Xuanyu frowned, "The sun has gone down and it's cold outside. Go home quickly. It's so uncomfortable if you catch a cold."


The next day, the sky was clear and the people who got up early to go to work felt much happier, feeling the sun above their heads.

Since early in the morning, there has been a group of outsiders queuing up at the South Gate of Candy Technology to register and enter the park.

Without exception, these people are domestic car companies as well as car companies from Western countries who came overnight on anti-gravity planes.

In order to win one of the five places, each family is eager to spend all their money.

There is no need to analyze, everyone knows that as long as you win one of the five places, you will be able to earn back your capital with profits in the future.

But no one knows the selection criteria of Candy Technology.

As time went by, the report hall in the Candy Technology Park was filled with people.

At 9:30 in the morning, don’t be surprised that spring is late.

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