Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 128 Adorable Heart

(I came back in the afternoon and resumed the normal update! Also, I would like to ask the book friends, what does it mean when the mother of the blind date gave a pair of red socks when I was sleeping last night?)

In the bedroom, the little guy was sitting by the bed, and Mo Jingchun squatted halfway, bending over to help the little guy get dressed.

Today's weather is good, there is no big sun, for summer, this kind of weather is the most suitable for driving.

The little guy sitting by the bed remained motionless, letting Mo Jingchun swing.

Mo Jingchun was buttoning Tangtang's clothes, at this moment, Tangtang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Wokpot~"


As soon as Mo Jingchun looked up, he saw Tangtang smiling at him without blinking.

The next moment, Mo Jingchun's heart almost melted.

"Love you."

A simple "I love you" made Mo Jingchun unable to find Bei for a while.

The little guy is so cute, so Q!

Mo Jingchun's girlish heart has been sublimated at this moment.

Helping the little guy get dressed, Mo Jingchun carried the little guy out of bed, and smiled at the little guy, "My brother loves you too."

"Guo'er knows~"

After eating, Mo Jingchun took the little guy to Heng'an Driving School. After following the coach's car to the training ground, Mo Jingchun didn't practice the car immediately, but went to the registration hall with candy.

Looking at the team of more than a dozen people, Mo Jingchun silently stood at the back of the team.

The waiting time in line was much longer than Mo Jingchun expected, and everyone was the same, they all came to make an appointment for the subject one exam.

After waiting for more than forty minutes, it was finally Mo Jingchun's turn.

Mo Jingchun smiled and said to the commissioner: "Hello, I have made an appointment for the subject one exam."

"Give me your ID card, and scan the QR code to do the test now. If the test score exceeds 95 points, I will help you make an appointment for the subject one test."

When queuing up, Mo Jingchun knew that he had to scan the QR code to do the quiz, and just waiting in line, Mo Jingchun directly scanned the QR code to do the quiz.

"Hello, I just queued up to scan the QR code, 100 points, please take a look." Mo Jingchun handed the test record on the mobile phone to the commissioner to look at.

The other party glanced at it and found that the mock exam was indeed 100 points, so he helped Mo Jingchun make an appointment for the subject one exam.

"Put the ID card on my side first, and it will be issued uniformly during the exam next Friday."

"If you need to use your ID card during this period, you can wait until tomorrow to get your ID card back."

Mo Jingchun nodded and said, "Alright then, if I need it, I'll come and get it from you."

Mo Jingchun dealt with things that others had been dawdling for a long time in less than three minutes.

When walking out of the registration hall with Candy in his arms, Candy yawned for a long time. In less than an hour, Candy was already too boring to wait.

In the afternoon, Mo Jingchun was practicing the car, Candy was lying on the back seat and sound asleep, and the little guy was holding half of an unfinished honey tangerine in his chubby hand.

One drop... two drops...

More and more rain fell on the windshield. At first, Mo Jingchun didn't pay much attention to it, but after a few minutes, the originally sparse light rain turned into a torrential rain in an instant.

The manic raindrops hit the front of the car and the windows, making continuous noises.

On the training ground, the students who were originally sitting on the grass ran like scuds to the registration hall to hide from the rain.

And the students sitting in the coach car basically didn't get off the car, and Mo Jingchun was the same.

If you rush out now, you will be drowned, not to mention that there is a little guy in the car.

Mo Jingchun got caught in the rain, that's all, but the little guy is different, he got caught in the rain, maybe he caught a cold before he got back to the dormitory.

The rain kept falling, with no sign of stopping.

When it was almost five o'clock, Mo Jingchun sent a message to coach Lin Xiaohua on WeChat, asking the other party to drive him and Candy back.

Mo Jingchun had already made up his mind, and directly asked his coach Lin Xiaohua to send it downstairs to the company. It happened that there were still many black umbrellas in the company office.

Lin Xiaohua, who ran all the way over with an umbrella and sweatshirt, sat in the driver's seat, shook his head and sighed, "It's raining heavily."

"It's raining heavily outside the umbrella, but it's still raining lightly inside the umbrella."

Mo Jingchun, who had already sat in the back row, was holding candy and replied with a smile: "It's summer, it's rainy season, it's normal to rain."

After the car moved, the coach Lin Xiaohua chatted with Mo Jingchun: "There is too much rain this year, and many places have been flooded."

"Over the years, the weather has become more and more unnatural."

Mo Jingchun remained silent, just as coach Lin Xiaohua said, the weather has become more and more abnormal over the years.

Even weather forecasts that used to be fairly accurate, now that technology is getting more and more advanced, the accuracy of weather forecasts is getting lower and lower.

It has to be said that the destruction of nature by humans is really visible to the naked eye.

Among other things, in Mo Jingchun's memory, when he was a child, he often went to the stream to catch crabs, fish, and occasionally turtles.

In the past two years, let alone crabs, even the most common river prawns in the creeks have disappeared.

The river prawns that were caught in the river in the past are fried with green peppers, and they are delicious.

Now, I can only recall the taste.

"Coach, stop here."

"Okay, do you want an umbrella?"


Mo Jingchun wrapped Tangtang's head in his clothes and rushed into the office building.

The security guards in the hall basically knew Mo Jingchun. After seeing Mo Jingchun running in with candies, the security guards took the initiative to open the door for Mo Jingchun.

As soon as he arrived at the office, the little guy ran out as soon as his feet hit the ground.

Mo Jingchun came out and saw that Tangtang had gone to Xu Pengfei's office, so he returned to the office chair and sat down at ease. He wiped the rain on his head and clothes with a dry tissue.

After a while, Mo Jingchun's hair hadn't even been dried yet, the little guy walked back on his short legs, bouncing around and smiling.

Mo Jingchun just glanced at it, and noticed that the small messenger bag Tangtang was carrying was bulging.

Little guy, he's not big, he's out of snacks, and he knows how to run to buy some.

Candy came in with his hands behind his back, but Mo Jingchun didn't see that Tangtang was holding an apple in his hand.

It wasn't until Candy ran to Mo Jingchun's side and lifted the apple up with his little hand that Mo Jingchun saw that there was still an apple in Candy's hand.

"Wokpot ~ I'll eat it for you."

The little guy held the apple in both hands, looked up at Mo Jingchun with a smile on his head.

Mo Jingchun took a bite of the apple, hugged the candy into his arms, and said, "Guoer, why are you going to get something to eat again?"

Candy raised her brows, pouted and said, "But, Aunt Wenyan asked Guoer to get it?"

"Nonsense, it's Sister Wenyan, don't keep calling Aunt Wenyan."

Calling it that way, doesn't Su Wenyan become Mo Jingchun's elder for no reason? After all, Mo Jingchun is Candy's older brother.

Ps: Thanks to the black cat,. ?! , Grab your lollipop, Alchemy Investigation, Xingmeng Y, Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool, JDHSUF’s tipping support.

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