Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 167 Chamber of Commerce? 【The last day of the month, ask for a monthly ticket】

Candy with sugar in his mouth snorted, picked up the bread on the ground, and walked towards the shivering bun hiding in the corner.

It's no wonder that Baozi was frightened, Baozi still knew his family status very well.

Candy is bigger than buns and shit shoveler.

The cat was scared to death, Candy was angry and cried just now.

"Let's eat."

Candy stuffed the bread into Baozi's mouth, pouted and said:

"It can't be like this in the future."

"Otherwise, if Guo'er gets angry, brother won't want buns."

Looking at the reconciled candies and buns, Zhou Yaling shrugged helplessly and returned to the front desk.

When he went downstairs after get off work to find candies to eat with, Mo Jingchun was surprised to find that the steamed stuffed bun that usually flamboyantly disappeared today.



"go for meal."

"Come on come on~"

From a long distance, Candy ran over bouncing on her short legs.

"Brother, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Guo'er still wants to eat the meals cooked by her brother and sister."

Under the setting sun, Mo Jingchun held Candy's little hand, one big and one small walked in the park.

Under the setting sun, the shadows of one big and one small stretched very long.

"After we move into our new home, brother will cook delicious food for Guoer, okay?"

"Well, that's fine!"

"Brother, let's pull Gougou."

Under the setting sun, Mo Jingchun smiled slightly and said softly:

"Okay, let's pull Gougou."

"Pull the hook and hang yourself, and it will not change for a hundred years."

"Whoever changes is a puppy."

The cheerful candy jumped up and down and laughed loudly:


"If a hook is hanged for a hundred years, it must not be changed. Whoever becomes a puppy."

"Brother, you must count on what you say."

Looking at the lively and lovely candy, Mo Jingchun raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Like everyone else, Mo Jingchun also eats food by himself, so there is no such thing as making a fuss.

At most, it was the dishes that Mo Jingchun took, and the portions might be more than others.

After receiving the yogurt candy, she shook her head with a smile and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome."

The yogurt was originally bought with Mo Jingchun's money. From the perspective of others, there is no need to say thank you for eating something from your own home.

"Come on, let's find a table."


For three days in a row, Mo Jingchun went to the hospital for three days of injections, and his cold was completely cured.

Mo Jingchun came alive again.

In Mo Jingchun's office, Su Wenyan is reporting to Mo Jingchun the location of the plant for the production of myopia lens materials and the production line of myopia glasses, as well as the budgeted cost.

Looking at the factory construction area recommended by the county, Mo Jingchun frowned after opening the surrounding satellite map of the area on the computer.

Putting the factory in the town can indeed solve the employment problem of many people, but the problem is that if the factory is really placed in this location surrounded by mountains on three sides, once flash floods break out and mudslides occur.

If the factory is lost, it will be lost. If it happens when there are workers working in the factory, the consequences will be disastrous.

To put it bluntly, if one is not handled properly, Candy Technology will not be able to hang out in Huo County.

Even if he left, he would not be able to develop anywhere with his notorious candy technology on his back.

Don't say that there has been no mudslide for so many years. As a native of Huo County, I clearly understand that Dabie Mountain, which is known as a natural reservoir, has the possibility of a mudslide on any mountain in a rainy day.

The more he thought about it, the more Mo Jingchun felt that the factory could not be built in this small town surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Instead of taking risks, it is better to buy a few buses and set off regularly between the factory and the town.

Mo Jingchun thinks that he is not an adventurous person.

After thinking this through, Mo Jingchun knocked on the documents on the table, and asked Su Wenyan with a serious face:

"Have you ever thought that once any of these three mountains erupts in a rainstorm, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Aside from mudslides, do you know that our feet are actually one of the five major earthquake zones in our country?"

"It is the only earthquake zone that has not yet had a major earthquake."

"This is also one of the main reasons why the construction cost of the park is 30 million more than the budget, because according to my requirements, all buildings have strengthened earthquake resistance measures."

After Mo Jingchun sat down, he pondered for a while.

"Forget it this time. After all, you haven't stayed in the mountains before and don't have much experience. You must be more careful next time."

"As for why the county recommends this place, I don't know."

"In this way, you reply to the leaders of the county in this way, and say that the place is good or good, but in the production process of new products, the requirements for moisture resistance are particularly high, so it is not suitable there."

Su Wenyan, whose face was flushed by Mo Jingchun's words, nodded.

"Don't worry about the factory area. You are looking for places, and you don't have to be limited to Huo County."

"You can ask Li Wanning for advice on this, she is better than you."

"Okay, boss."

After walking out of Mo Jingchun's office, Su Wenyan took a deep breath.

On the other side, after Su Wenyan left, Mo Jingchun in the office also fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Mo Jingchun sighed and said to himself: "As expected, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

"Wherever you go, you can't hide."

"I really don't like this feeling of calculation."

Mo Jingchun can think that it is not suitable to build a factory there, and others can naturally think of it.

And in the future, the factory will inevitably be probed by lawbreakers, surrounded by mountains on three sides, isn't this providing convenience for lawbreakers.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."


"Brother, here it is!"

Candy stuffed a small steamed bun into Mo Jingchun's mouth.

"Brother, isn't it delicious?"

Mo Jingchun, who swallowed the steamed buns before tasting the taste, nodded and replied:


"It's delicious, here it is." Candy grabbed a handful of small steamed buns with her small hands and handed them to Mo Jingchun's big hands.

Just then, someone knocked on the office door.

boom boom boom~

Mo Jingchun and Tangtang heard the sound and looked at the door at the same time.

"It's Old Xu, come in quickly."

Mo Jingchun watched as Xu Pengfei frowned and handed over a red post.

Mo Jingchun, who took the red post, asked Xu Pengfei in surprise:

"What is it for you to frown?"

"It's a business gathering post from the county chamber of commerce."

Mo Jingchun said in surprise: "The chamber of commerce?"


"I can't make up my mind about the chamber of commerce."

The Chamber of Commerce is nothing more than giving entrepreneurs a sense of belonging and sharing contacts.

Under the same roof, everyone will naturally give priority to warming each other, encouraging each other, and sharing information.

In addition, there may be charity events involved.

Looking at the festive post, Mo Jingchun had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

No one knew what Mo Jingchun was thinking during such a short period of time.

Mo Jingchun looked up at Xu Pengfei with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

PS: Thank you Raindrops, Forgotten Honor for your support.

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