Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 170 Armed Police Stationed

Qin Yuzhu only told Mo Jingchun that the armed police would be stationed in the park in the near future, but Qin Yuzhu didn't say when or the specific time.

From Mo Jingchun's point of view, it should take some time to arrive, but in fact, it is much faster than Mo Jingchun expected.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Jingchun immediately notified Xu Pengfei to come to the office.

He was dressed in a black suit, and his hair was slapped with something, it was shiny and reflective.

As soon as Xu Pengfei sat across from Mo Jingchun's desk, a scent of perfume rushed towards Mo Jingchun.

"Ah cut~"

Mo Jingchun couldn't bear the pungent perfume smell, so he sneezed.

Mo Jingchun fanned his nose with his hand, pinched his nose with the other hand, and said:

"Who did you learn this from? After wearing so much perfume, the scent is so strong that it stings your nose."

Xu Pengfei, who was told by Mo Jingchun, not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but instead straightened his back and said flauntingly:

"Boss, isn't it very fragrant? This is a gift from Wanning."

The corner of Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched, Wanning called out, and received the perfume.

It seems that the previous worries were completely unnecessary.

What's worse, Xu Pengfei came here to spread dog food and kill dogs.

I'm so pissed off!

"Oh, by the way, boss, you asked me to come here?"

Mo Jingchun leaned his head back on the leather office chair, and said in a loveless way:

"You arrange for people to renovate the first floor of the laboratory building, and armed police will be stationed in after a while."

"Armed police?" Xu Pengfei was very surprised.

"Hmm, what else? Which of our company's products is not important?"

Xu Pengfei thought about it, and it seemed that it was true, except for the smart anti-shake spoon that made his fortune at the beginning, they were all important.

"Okay, boss." Xu Pengfei nodded in response.

On the highway from Beijing to Huo County, three black armed police cars were driving at high speed in the same lane.

The private cars that were originally running in front of the black armed police car gave way one after another and moved to the side lane.

In an armed police car among the three police cars, a big black dog was lying on the feet of an armed police officer and breathing boredly.

There were six people sitting in the carriage, but five of them kept their eyes on an "armed policeman" near the door.

"Hey, brother, I heard that the people who come out from there are very powerful, please teach us later."

Wang Bing, who had closed his eyes to recharge his energy, did not open them, but said in a flat tone: "I hope that after participating in the training, you will still have the strength to say that."

The next moment, Wang Bing suddenly opened his sharp eyes and said, "Train more in normal times, and bleed less in wartime."

After speaking, Wang Bing closed his eyes again, and his tone became calm again.

"It's unavoidable to do it with real guns and knives in the future..."

After Wang Bing was silent for a while, he said silently:


"You are not like me, you are alone."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the carriage was a bit oppressive, and even the police dog lying on the carriage felt the oppressive atmosphere and stood up from the carriage.

Huo County, Armed Police Detachment.

boom boom boom~


Yao Hongyu looked at the person who came in, and said with a smile on his face: "It's Xiao Li, what's the matter? Do you want to go back to visit relatives?"

"Let's talk about it, it's time for you to go back to visit your relatives. I remember you haven't been back for almost a year."

The person called Xiao Li shook his head, and handed the red-headed document to the director with a confused expression.

"Director, the red-headed document sent directly from the capital."

Yao Hongyu froze for a moment, and read word by word with a solemn face.

There is not much content, but Yao Hongyu, like Xiao Li, has a lot of doubts in his heart.

Especially the upcoming armed police stationed in the county, but under the direct jurisdiction of the capital.

This was the first time Yao Hongyu encountered such a thing.

After Yao Hongyu thought about it, he looked at Xiao Li who hadn't left yet and said with a smile:

"Go back first. It's still the same sentence just now, you kid should go back and have a look."

"Thank you, Director, then I'll go back to training first."


After Xiao Li left, Yao Hongyu got up and locked the office door behind him.

Looking at the red-headed documents on the table, Yao Hongyu called his superiors.

"Leader, there is an armed police stationed at Candy Technology..."

Yao Hongyu stopped talking to the leader before he finished speaking.

"Don't ask, don't check, don't know."

"do you understand?"

Yao Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Understood."

By the window, Yao Hongyu frowned.

Candy Science and Technology Park, in the lobby on the first floor of the laboratory building, more than 20 workers are working overtime to renovate the lobby.

At the construction site, the dust and noise did not affect Li Wanning, who was in command there wearing a white helmet.

"Uncle, you must pay attention to safety, and you must fasten your seat belt."

"Hahaha, girl, don't worry, I value my life very much, I'm the only pillar in the family, I don't dare to fall down."

Although the uncle said so, Li Wanning looked at the uncle standing on the scaffolding and was still a little worried.

After all, this is mobile scaffolding.

The next day, the transformation of the lobby on the first floor of the experimental building continued.

The entire hall is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For security and privacy, all walls and doors are made of soundproof materials.

Mo Jingchun woke up in the morning and was eating breakfast in the cafeteria with candies.

Seeing his uncle's call, Mo Jingchun, who was wearing a bluetooth headset, connected the call directly.

Mo Jingchun took a bite of the deep-fried dough stick, and asked vaguely, "What's wrong with it, uncle."

"Three black police cars came, and they said they were here to be stationed. Xiaochun, why don't you come over and have a look? I'm a little unsure."

Mo Jingchun, who just opened his mouth wide to take another bite of fried dough sticks, opened his mouth wide in shock.

What the hell? The armed police who applied for it have arrived?

Didn't you say on the phone yesterday that you will arrive after a while?

Did you hear me wrong?

"Hello? Hello? Hello? Did you hear that, little...boss."

Mo Jingchun, who came back to his senses, immediately said excitedly: "I heard it, uncle."

"I am coming over now."

Mo Jingchun put down the deep-fried sticks in his hand, smiled at the candy and said, "Brother, go to the door, Guo'er can eat here first, and come to see brother after eating."

Taking a sip of the rice porridge candy with a spoon, he nodded and replied, "Guoer knows."

"Brother, let's go."

When Mo Jingchun arrived at the door, the armed police had already got off the car and formed two teams, standing there neatly with their chests up.

"Hello! This is the garrison document." Wang Bing saluted Mo Jingchun.

"Hello, hello, on behalf of Candy Technology, I warmly welcome your arrival."

"Come in."

When Mo Jingchun invited the armed police to enter the park, he took another look at the mighty and domineering police dog with a scar on his forehead.

PS: Thanks to sal, hermit224

, the chicken in the field, hermit224, the tipping support of the future growth star.

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