Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 185 Earning money for a lifetime, but looking down on one illness

"Happy cooperation!"

From the beginning to the end, neither Qin Yuzhu nor Ren Wenbin mentioned the discount until they left in the car.

In the view of Qin Yuzhu and others, Candy Technology may be profitable, but the absolute profit will not be too high.

Asking Mo Jingchun for a discount again, it would be somewhat bad.

It is true that Candy Technology has earned a lot of money in the past year, but Qin Yuzhu and others know that Candy Technology has also spent money like water in the past year.

In fact, Mo Jingchun also had his own considerations.

Although the medicines sold in China are cheaper, there is still a very large market abroad.

According to the practice of foreigners, the special medicine for leukemia that can save a person's life, not to mention more than one million injections, is there nothing wrong with more than one hundred and two hundred thousand?

For developed countries, since there is more money anyway, it seems reasonable to be more expensive, right?

Mo Jingchun, who was standing at the door holding candy and watching the car go away, said silently in his heart:

"After all, we have invested a lot of research costs in researching medicines, haven't we?"

"Brother, it's so hot, how long are we going to stand~"

Candy, who was drinking milk, pulled his brother's sweaty big palm.

Hearing Candy asked all the questions she wanted to ask, Su Wenyan silently gave Candy a thumbs up.

you do not say!

You, a company boss, are still standing at the door, and everyone is an employee, how dare you run to blow on the air conditioner.

"Let's go." Mo Jingchun pulled Candy away, and headed towards the apartment building.

Seeing this, everyone who returned to the office building finally began to communicate boldly with confidence.

In the dormitory of the apartment building, Mo Jingchun helped Candy wash her face with a towel.

"Candies are college graduates, so don't cry easily in the future~"

"In the future, if you wake up from sleep and can't find your brother, you can go to play with your uncle, or you can go directly to the front desk and ask your sisters where your brother is."

Suck ~

Candy, who took the last sip of milk while biting the straw, nodded, "Okay, brother."

"Well, go and throw the empty box in the trash."

On the other side, the minibus was driving steadily on the national road from Huo County to Luzhou.

In the car, no one spoke, obviously everyone was thinking about something.

Suddenly, Ren Wenbin, who was sitting in the same row, asked Qin Yuzhu:

"Xiao Qin, how much do you know about Mo Jingchun?"

Qin Yuzhu, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, looked back at Ren Wenbin, shook her head and said:

"Although from the very beginning, I was the one who established contact with Mo Jingchun."

"But to be honest, most of the time, I really can't understand Mo Jingchun."

"Sometimes, I feel that he is very familiar, and sometimes, I feel that he is very strange."

Ren Wenbin stared into Qin Yuzhu's eyes and said, "Like this time?"

Qin Yuzhu froze for a moment, nodded in response and said:

"That's right! Just like this time."

For a while, the two didn't know what to say.

When calling, everyone heard the phrase "he's a good boy".

The five simple words, but the ten people here are very clear, these five words are spoken by different people, but the meaning is completely different.

Suddenly, Ren Wenbin smiled and said:

"Do you think candy technology will enter the world's top 500?"

"Sister Wenbin, don't you have an answer in your heart? Why ask me again."

"Yeah, the answer already exists, doesn't it?"

Thinking that Candy Technology has been recruiting talents frantically in the past two months, Ren Wenbin asked very curiously: "Xiao Qin, is Candy Technology holding back its big move again, researching something incredible? Candy Technology has been working hard in the past two months. A lot of people have been recruited."

"I don't know." Qin Yuzhu shook his head.

Qin Yuzhu really didn't know what Mo Jingchun was leading a group of people to study. Although he had analyzed that it might be developing a system, he didn't know what it was actually.

It was even analyzed that Mo Jingchun might be researching artificial intelligence.

Leaving aside that Qin Yuzhu didn't know, even if he knew, Qin Yuzhu wouldn't tell others.

On the stairs of the inpatient department of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University in Shanghai.

Wang Shan, who was eating buns, seemed to have lost all her strength, leaning against the wall, tears streaming down her face, eating the tasteless buns.

Those who passed by Wang Shan would at most just take a second look, that's all.

Ever since she was a child, Wang Shan thought that her family's conditions were fairly affluent, and she wanted a house. In her impression, her parents basically satisfied her with whatever she wanted.


Bad news is coming!

Still in high school, my sister who was seven years older was diagnosed with leukemia.

God! Wang Shan, who was working at the time, couldn't figure out why her sister, who was so fine, would suffer from such a disease.

I'm not a medicine god. When watching movies before, Wang Shan felt very touching.

But I can't feel how expensive the medicine is, how expensive it is.

And now Wang Shan, who feels the same way, feels very real.

It's like the targeted drug for my sister's gene, 30,000 a bottle.

One bottle lasts for a month.

Since my sister was diagnosed with leukemia, she has been seeking medical treatment outside.

I went to various cities, but more often I was rejected.

Yes, even if you are rejected, even kneeling is useless.

In just half a year, the family's savings have long been used up, and now they are supported by the money from selling the house.

But how long can it last?

Wang Shan never complained, she just felt distressed. Hearing her sister screaming for pain and touching her bald head in a daze, Wang Shan couldn't help crying.

I can only cry secretly, not daring to show it in front of my sister.

After dinner, Wang Shan wiped away her tears and adjusted her mentality before returning to the ward.

"Sister, I'm back."

Lying on the bed, Wang Xueying slept sideways on a pillow filled with the smell of disinfectant, watching the setting sun and the setting sun outside the window.

Although the sun is still so dazzling at this time, it still can't change the setting sun.

It was as if her life had entered a countdown, and when the last ray of sunshine disappeared completely, it was also the moment when her heart stopped beating.

Are you scared? have it.

Haven't had a vigorous relationship yet, haven't skipped a class, haven't...

There are too many regrets...


"Well, sister, you are back."

Sitting by the hospital bed, Wang Shan habitually touched her sister's forehead to see if she had a fever.

Suddenly, Wang Xueying smiled and looked at her sister Wang Shan expectantly.

"Sister, take me on a trip, let my sister go crazy for once, I don't want to stay in this hospital full of sodium hypochlorite smell anymore."

"I don't want to see my parents delivering food after get off work every day."

"Sister, help me with the discharge procedures."

"Finally, go and see this beautiful world."

Wang Shan didn't know what to say, let alone how to persuade her sister.

Especially the look in his eyes made Wang Shan dare not look directly at her.

"Good news! Good news! Great news!"

"The latest news, the official release of the special leukemia drug developed by Candy Technology Co., Ltd., the cure rate is as high as 80%! It is expected to be launched in a month at the latest."

"It's a cure! It's a cure!"

The patients and family members who were excited at first were lost again when they thought of the high cost of medicine.

"Medicine, it's expensive."

The voice was very weak, but it made everyone quiet in an instant.

Yes, the medicine is expensive, especially the new medicine that just came out.

"No, no, no! Candy Technology's special medicine for leukemia has been included in the medical insurance, and it says that the cost of curing it is about 10,000."

"If you don't believe me, you can check it online!"

"The short video has already rushed to the hot search list."

Feeling uneasy, Wang Xueying opened the short video software to see...

laughed... cried...

it is true!

"Sister, it's true!"

Wang Shan hugged her sister's leg and couldn't help crying.

And Wang Xueying looked at the last ray of sunshine outside the window and smiled like a carefree child.

The sun that sets in the west will rise in the east the next day.

isn't it?

In the apartment building, Mo Jingchun was also very happy. Mo Jingchun didn't expect that the higher-ups directly helped Candy Technology to place a recruitment advertisement.

PS: Thank you for grabbing your lollipop, book friend 20201018225408531, Penguin's brother for your support. (*ˊˋ)

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